Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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billy is one of the most ignorant people on the internet.

I say this if full knowledge of the existence of 'truthmatters'.
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

Which worked so well in France.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night

Only a hundred shot by those non-existent banned assault rifles. Fixed everything in France. No problems at all since that ban was in place. Yes sir....

Your dumbass relies on anecdotes while I provide statistical evidence:

What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? | Epidemiologic Reviews | Oxford Academic
You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.
Don't try to bullshit me. We know good and goddamn well that the left wants FULL CONFISCATION!!! You are a fucking liar if you deny it.

But, fuck that. We are never going to stop until all citizens have full-autos. We will repeal every goddamn gun law on the motherfucking books. You can cry in your appletini till the buttfucked Yemeni goats come home, but you will lose. We will get our machine guns, and your communist revolution will NEVER HAPPEN!!!
Your delusional stupidity about guns and democrats is hilarious I must admit.

Oh, and your gun solution is beyond retarded. It wasn’t worth me responding to, but I figured I might as well tell you how stupid you are.
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

Which worked so well in France.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night

Only a hundred shot by those non-existent banned assault rifles. Fixed everything in France. No problems at all since that ban was in place. Yes sir....

Your dumbass relies on anecdotes while I provide statistical evidence:

What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? | Epidemiologic Reviews | Oxford Academic

Complete horseshit and nobody gives a rat fuck. Deal with it. We will have machine guns soon, You may want to go ahead and immigrate to France or some other socialist fucktardery. We're getting our guns and the commie revolution is dead.
You know what I find really interesting? Every time there is a mass shooting, not only do the gun sales go up, but stock in gun manufacturers goes up as well.

Now think about this..................guns killed 59 people (so far), and injured over 400 in just one night, by just one shooter.

If any other industry killed 59 people and injured over 400 in just one day, by just one company (think food poisoning or air bags going off unintended), then the American people would be calling for the heads of the CEO's of that company because they killed people.

But nothing when guns are used for mass shootings. Why?
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

Which worked so well in France.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night

Only a hundred shot by those non-existent banned assault rifles. Fixed everything in France. No problems at all since that ban was in place. Yes sir....

Your dumbass relies on anecdotes while I provide statistical evidence:

What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? | Epidemiologic Reviews | Oxford Academic

Complete horseshit and nobody gives a rat fuck. Deal with it. We will have machine guns soon, You may want to go ahead and immigrate to France or some other socialist fucktardery. We're getting our guns and the commie revolution is dead.

Actually.................there WAS a time when machine guns were allowed and used by private citizens.

They were called the Mafia.

Ever wonder why they were banned?
Your delusional stupidity about guns and democrats is hilarious I must admit.
Your willful ignorance of the communist leanings of the DNC is even more hilarious. But, it doesn't matter. You better go ahead and move to Denmark. We're getting full-autos soon.
Actually.................there WAS a time when machine guns were allowed and used by private citizens.

They were called the Mafia.

Ever wonder why they were banned?
Because FDR was a motherfucking commie.

I don't give a fuck why they passed that stupid legislation. The only important point is that it will soon be repealed in its entirety.
Actually.................there WAS a time when machine guns were allowed and used by private citizens.

They were called the Mafia.

Ever wonder why they were banned?
Because FDR was a motherfucking commie.

I don't give a fuck why they passed that stupid legislation. The only important point is that it will soon be repealed in its entirety.

If you are so gung ho to play with machine guns, why don't you join the military?

Machine guns serve no purpose other than to kill a lot of people in a short time, and have no business anywhere outside of war.
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

you band any type of weapon that's legal right now you ban all weapons dumbass motherfucker...
Your delusional stupidity about guns and democrats is hilarious I must admit.
Your willful ignorance of the communist leanings of the DNC is even more hilarious. But, it doesn't matter. You better go ahead and move to Denmark. We're getting full-autos soon.
Lol right so even though you think I’m a communist, I pretend that democrats aren’t communist? Hmmm
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

Let me translate this out of 'stupidese' and into logical English.

Why do Republicans oppose murdering human babies, and not preventing law-abiding people from defending themselves against law-breaking people who won't follow the gun laws anyway?

Um..... Because we are not as brainless as other people..... Next question?
Gun control laws have been proven to work whether you like it or not.
Only fucking pieces of shit think new frivolous gun laws will do any good, go back your fucking safe space you fucking piece of shit snowflake… LOL
Actually.................there WAS a time when machine guns were allowed and used by private citizens.

They were called the Mafia.

Ever wonder why they were banned?
Because FDR was a motherfucking commie.

I don't give a fuck why they passed that stupid legislation. The only important point is that it will soon be repealed in its entirety.

If you are so gung ho to play with machine guns, why don't you join the military?

Machine guns serve no purpose other than to kill a lot of people in a short time, and have no business anywhere outside of war.
Cry me a river you stupid ass motherfucker... lol
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

Which worked so well in France.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night

Only a hundred shot by those non-existent banned assault rifles. Fixed everything in France. No problems at all since that ban was in place. Yes sir....

Your dumbass relies on anecdotes while I provide statistical evidence:

What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? | Epidemiologic Reviews | Oxford Academic

Progressives have no credibility on the issue… So shut the fuck up
Machine guns serve no purpose other than to kill a lot of people in a short time, and have no business anywhere outside of war.
War is generally what we will have when you commies try to start the Revolution. We're going to need to be able to kill people. What is your point?
Probably for the same reason Democrats think regulating the killing of a soon-to-be baby is an evil breach of liberty, but wholly stripping citizens of any means of personal defense is okay.

Both are INCREDIBLY inconsistent and seem to have no true guiding principles. They just pick the side they like best and accept it all.
See what you dumbasses can’t seem to grasp is that no democrat in office has ever suggested to overturn the 2nd amendment. You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.

Exactly. I mean, how many people actually go hunting with semi auto or full auto weapons? They aren't as accurate as bolt action rifles.

And why do you need to be able to fire 30 rounds with a handgun before reloading? If you say home defense, well.............the settlers and pioneers seemed to manage with six shooters and rifles.
You have no idea why we have a second amendment, do you?
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence.
I'm not a republican, but I am concerned with the loss of life. The loss of innocent people's life. I'm fine with people protecting themselves, even if it means some negro thug ends up dead because of it.

Thugs and illegals generally don't follow the law anyway, but normal people do. Any law banning guns will mostly just disarm law-abiding citizens, which doesn't do anything to protect innocent people.
Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries.
If you want to talk about stopping mass shootings, you should start with the much more common shootings in the negrohoods that get glossed over by the news, not the extremely rare "infamous" mass shootings like this.

Tracking Chicago shooting victims

How often do infamous shootings like this one occur? He shot how many? There was the pulse night club which had fewer killed and 10 years ago there was Virginia Tech with even fewer killed. Meanwhile almost 3,000 were shot in one city in 2016 and liberals don't give a shit since the city already has gun restrictions.

Besides, I've seen little evidence that gun laws reduce violent crime even in those other countries you mention. The most I've seen is the change from one weapon to another, but the violence remains. There's a stronger correlation to the presence of blacks than the gun laws.
It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.
You can go to jail for having a gun in many cases. Doesn't sound too watered down to me.
My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.
You fucking liar!!!

You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

Which worked so well in France.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night

Only a hundred shot by those non-existent banned assault rifles. Fixed everything in France. No problems at all since that ban was in place. Yes sir....

Your dumbass relies on anecdotes while I provide statistical evidence:

What Do We Know About the Association Between Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Injuries? | Epidemiologic Reviews | Oxford Academic

So what claim do you think your study proves? Can you quote for me the section?
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
Why do leftists think preventing someone from murdering a child, when putting them up for adoption is a viable option, is not okay?

In fact, calling it "Regulating a vagina" is so incredibly outright false and misleading. The child is a separate life, and a separate entity entirely, and I really shouldn't have to explain that killing said child is not okay.

Probably the same reason they think laws would prevent criminals, who are already intending to break the law, from further breaking the law. Laws haven't eliminated murder, and gun laws won't prevent 'gun violence'. You know what gun regulation will do? Disarm victims, who follow the law in the first place.

Do leftists "not see this stupidity"? "The overall point is simple". Leftists "are such douche bags for being nazis", not seeing the irony in advocating disarming the public, like Nazis did, while calling the opposing side Nazis.
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