Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
It has nothing to do with vaginas. Our constitution protects everyone’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So protecting the unborn child who has no voice, becomes the responsibility of those with a voice.

Its none of your business. None of your business.[/

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.
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That constitution is aged, the 2nd amendment and the electoral college.
Get the fuck out of my country, you communist whore.

Get the hell out of my country you zealot. I've been here longer than you. Perhaps we should chemically castrate you or cut your dick off.
You might want to reassess the composition of the power structure in this country, before asserting a sense of ownership...
Probably for the same reason Democrats think regulating the killing of a soon-to-be baby is an evil breach of liberty, but wholly stripping citizens of any means of personal defense is okay.

Both are INCREDIBLY inconsistent and seem to have no true guiding principles. They just pick the side they like best and accept it all.
See what you dumbasses can’t seem to grasp is that no democrat in office has ever suggested to overturn the 2nd amendment. You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.

It is a fucking Democrat position retard see Chicago when guns were banned
See what you dumbasses can’t seem to grasp is that no democrat in office has ever suggested to overturn the 2nd amendment. You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.

It is a fucking Democrat position retard see Chicago when guns were banned

Guns aren't banned, they're well regulated. Dumb-ass
Machine guns serve no purpose other than to kill a lot of people in a short time, and have no business anywhere outside of war.


You mean like the war our founders waged against King George to secure our freedoms and liberties?

The kind of war that led to creation of the 2nd Amendment in the first place?

I agree.

EDIT: Except that they are also kind of fun to have in recreational events like. . .

You need to read some history. Our fight was against the British , French and Indians, and other states.

It is ludicrous when a leftist criticizes others for not knowing history.

Being a leftist, means you know nothing of history. You can't be a leftist and know history.
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

Since I can point to a specific location in the Constitution where there is a 2nd Amendment that protects gun rights and but nothing specifically when it comes to what a woman does with her body, I'd say yes.

As long as you pretend to do something even though you admit it won't work, that's all that matters?

I have no problem limiting gun violence. I know the types of things idiots on the left propose will work. Criminals don't follow laws. That's why they're criminals. To pass a law thinking those to whom it needs to apply will follow it is stupid. How can those proposing such things not see this?

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while sitting on private property. I was following the law. The person that stole the gun broke three of them in the process. What law is going to do a background check on him/her? Is such a law going to stop them from stealing because it's passed?
See what you dumbasses can’t seem to grasp is that no democrat in office has ever suggested to overturn the 2nd amendment. You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.

It is a fucking Democrat position retard see Chicago when guns were banned

Guns aren't banned, they're well regulated. Dumb-ass

With all the gun murders is Chicago, I'd say that concept failed, too. Dumbass.
It is ludicrous when a leftist criticizes others for not knowing history.

Being a leftist, means you know nothing of history. You can't be a leftist and know history.

Actually you can't be a conservative and know history, because you keep repeating it. Like trickle down tax cuts that never worked.
I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while sitting on private property. I was following the law. The person that stole the gun broke three of them in the process. What law is going to do a background check on him/her? Is such a law going to stop them from stealing because it's passed?

That's the point, what good is a gun in a locked vehicle.
See what you dumbasses can’t seem to grasp is that no democrat in office has ever suggested to overturn the 2nd amendment. You just pretend that banning all guns is a democratic position simply because you aren’t smart enough to see any nuance in a political position.

It is a fucking Democrat position retard see Chicago when guns were banned

Guns aren't banned, they're well regulated. Dumb-ass

This just flew over your head didnt it.

The democrats did ban guns in Chicago and Washington until the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional..

It is ludicrous when a leftist criticizes others for not knowing history.

Being a leftist, means you know nothing of history. You can't be a leftist and know history.

Actually you can't be a conservative and know history, because you keep repeating it. Like trickle down tax cuts that never worked.

Prove it didn't work and what was the alternative blow up Europe and Asia?
You idiot. She wanted to ban assault rifles - not all guns. Oh and this is from fucking 1995. Christ. It bewilders me how you people are so willfully retarded about guns.

She wasn't supporting legislation to ban Assault Rifles ... She supported legislation to ban the sale of firearms including more than one of these items:

Folding Stock
Pistol Grip
Flash Suppressor
Grenade Launcher

The legislation she was supporting also did nothing about after-market modifications.
So it was still legal to have more than one of the items listed ... You just couldn't purchase them that way.

The legislation was designed to look tough (make them look like they were actually doing something) on the surface and fail miserably in execution.
Luckily ... It just died on vine and was allowed to expire with no fanfare ... I legally bought my first assault rifle during President Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban..

I had a gun stolen from a locked vehicle while sitting on private property. I was following the law. The person that stole the gun broke three of them in the process. What law is going to do a background check on him/her? Is such a law going to stop them from stealing because it's passed?

That's the point, what good is a gun in a locked vehicle.

That's all you took from that?

Not to worry, the one that was stolen wasn't the only one, by far, just the one that stays in the vehicle. Since there are plenty of others in the house and one on the person, there's no need to take it in and out at night while it is in a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where people are supposed to be uninvited or in taking things that don't belong to them.

Maybe I missed it but I don't see a response about what type of background check the one stealing the gun will go through or how such laws will prevent them from stealing. You addressed me, the person abiding by all the laws, and ignored the person breaking them.
It is ludicrous when a leftist criticizes others for not knowing history.

Being a leftist, means you know nothing of history. You can't be a leftist and know history.

Actually you can't be a conservative and know history, because you keep repeating it. Like trickle down tax cuts that never worked.

You mean like handing people more in social welfare than they can earn based on the skill set they offer believing it is anything more than a handout or will be an inventive to do better?

$22 trillion wasted in 50 years of social welfare only to have more and more demanding taxpayers pay more in taxes so their sorry asses can get something for nothing.
The democrats did ban guns in Chicago and Washington until the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional..


The old law.

District Of Columbia Gun Laws - Gun |

The sell or purchase of handguns is prohibited by D.C. gun laws. The sell or purchase of rifles or shotguns can only be conducted by licensed dealers in D.C. The actual delivery of the weapon is contingent to the approval of the firearm's appropriate registration, which is decided by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Didn't ban fire arms, just handguns,. Learn the difference before "shooting" off your mouth.
Not to worry, the one that was stolen wasn't the only one, by far, just the one that stays in the vehicle. Since there are plenty of others in the house and one on the person, there's no need to take it in and out at night while it is in a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where people are supposed to be uninvited or in taking things that don't belong to them.

That's the point. Leaving guns laying around subject to theft is where many criminals get their guns.
You know, even if EVERYONE in the audience had a CCL and was carrying a handgun, as well as knew exactly where he was located, it wouldn't have mattered. I challenge anyone on this board to find me a handgun that can fire 320 feet up, and several hundred yards over, and still be accurate.

Nope, this is a case where a good guy with a gun would have not stood a chance against the bad guy with the gun.

Still think that high volume magazines and drums are a good idea?

Still think that semi automatic weapons that can be modified to full auto is a good idea?

If you want a rifle, get one with bolt action, they're more accurate anyway.

If you want a handgun, fine. But to you REALLY need to be able to shoot 30 rounds before reloading?

Semi to full auto is illegal. You need a federal tax stamp that must be submitted to the feds, NFA permit. Agree on bolt action and handguns. Disagree on number of rounds. We don't need the federal govt instructing its subjective opinion on the amount of rounds that go into a firearm. This hasn't nothing to do with ammo or guns.
Disagree on number of rounds. We don't need the federal govt instructing its subjective opinion on the amount of rounds that go into a firearm. This hasn't nothing to do with ammo or guns.

Sure it does. The Gabby Giffords shooter was taken down when he had to reload. If you limit the number of shots before that, you limit the damage that can be done.

Unless faced with a zombie attack, why does anyone need a high capacity magazine, except the military and law enforcaement.
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