Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

Some women grow twats that can shoot out babies at 600 rounds per minute.

If I home build a gun with that capacity, I go to federal prison for 10 years.



Look, you want to have sex with a sea bass then who am I to criticize your personal kink? Just make sure you're getting their permission first, mkay?
Only women, right? Men have no responsibility whatsoever. Amirite?
I think it is a sin also for a man to allow an abortion or to encourage one or to pay for one.

There is a lot of permanent emotional and psychological damage that happens to both women and men because of abortions which tells you that it violates one's conscience if one has a conscience and is not a cold blooded murderer.

Abortion is murder, and Fornication is Sin.

Stop sinning.

Seek God.
women can decide for themselves. It's none of the man's business.
Actually, she can violate his reproductive freedom with impunity. She can deny him fatherhood or force it on him and there's nothing he can do about it.
which one?
The one you will face on Judgment Day.

As much as you God haters like to pretend there is no God, or many gods, you are still accountable to The Architect of The Universe.

You are still accountable for your sins, and not just your sins, but the sins you encourage others to commit, and you are accountable for not standing up to sin.

So when Judgment Day does come, you know in your heart that you are guilty. God has written His laws on every man and woman's hearts, even those who do not believe in Him.

And this will be shown to you on Judgment Day and there will be no doubt in your mind that you are worthy of Hell and eternal separation from God.

Repent and call upon the mercies of Yeshua, Jesus The Messiah who is to come again to Judge The World and to restore it to a Garden of Eden state.

What kind of fool would want to miss out on that?
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Stoping breathing has nothing to do with your god. It is a fact that without air we die. Your god has nothing to do with it.
It's the same as abortion, so why don't you save the planet and quit exhaling CO2?
You are poisoning the Earth with your breath.
If you want to meet God, simply refuse to breathe.
I assure you He is real, and that is the quickest way to meet Him and save the planet at the same time.

God made the air, so without Him, you die.
That would be illegal (suicide.)

Thats why there are trees.

Now is the time I ask you to back up that particular assertion.
How about you prove God does not exist, and go through The Bible and prove God to be a liar. Come back and see me when you have accomplished that.

And breathing? I thought you believed in choice. Breathing is a choice.

God made the trees, and he made you.

If Evolution were true, there is no need for animal life on this planet, and also if Evolution were true, there would be competing sentient beings capable of speech, thought, and building and creation.

Why are we the only sentient beings who speak, think, and build and create?

These are traits we did not evolve but were inherited from our father.

God created a perfect system even in it's fallen state that removes CO2 and exchanges it with oxygen for you from God for you to breath despite your hatred of him.

Do you believe in The Big Bang Theory?

Then you believe in miracles.
I thought you believed in choice. Breathing is a choice.
Breathing is necessary.
God made the trees, and he made you.
Mother and Father made me.
God created a perfect system even in it's fallen state that removes CO2 and exchanges it with oxygen for you from God for you to breath despite your hatred of him.
I don’t hate your god. I have my own beliefs which, it seems are different than yours. It’s more of a culture thing than anything.
Breathing is necessary.

Mother and Father made me.

I don’t hate your god. I have my own beliefs which, it seems are different than yours. It’s more of a culture thing than anything.
Life and Birth are necessary to the survival of The Human Race yet you advocate by choice that we destroy life.

You were born by The Miracle of God's Science, and The Truth of The XX and XY Chormosomes which formed you. God knew you even before you were knit together in your Mother's womb. So while you may be a biological product of the union of your mother and father, your Spirit comes from God.

The scriptures say if you do not accept The Son, The Father will not accept you.

So God views your "own beliefs" as hatred of His Son Jesus who willingly left all of His Godly power in Heaven, humbled Himself to be born a man, live, toil and suffer as a man, and then be Crucified by His own Choice to pay for All Men's Sins so that they could find their way back to Their Father through The Redeeming Work of The Son.

And to prove there was NO SIN IN HIM and that He was IMMANUEL (God with Us) He was resurrected after releasing the captives in Abraham's bosom, confiscating the keys to Hell, defeated Death, was seen on Earth by over 500 Witnesses and The Apostles, walked The Earth for 50 days and Ascended back to Heaven on Pentecost and is coming again.

You reject that, and you reject God, Heaven and Eternity, entirely.
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You reject that, and you reject God, Heaven and Eternity, entirely.
I reject YOUR god, just as you reject mine.
If you want me to believe that your god is real you need to provide proof that such a being exists.
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