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Sharyl Attkisson, EX-CBS reporter talks about the "liberal media."

Liberal media bias? Oh, c'mon.

There's a perfectly good reason, for example, why so many different outlets insisted on showing virtually no recent photos of the dead thug Trayvon Martin and instead opted for the famous 5-year-old pic of the child in a red t-shirt.
I'm a journalist. All I can say that in my experience, I have never been told what to write or how to write it. I've had editors ask questions, and once or twice I've been asked to change the angle of a story, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense.

You're a journalist? Terrific. Then you are likely very familiar with lies through omission. A story not run isn't news and so no lie of commission is necessary. A viewpoint not included doesn't require any lie of commission either. The selection of an idiot, instead of a convincing advocate, for a counter-point also doesn't require a lie of commission.

Did your organization run the Mohammed Cartoons? News consumers wanted to see what all the controversy was about but news providers didn't SHOW them, so they didn't lie, they just advanced the narrative that showing the cartoons was an act of Islamophobia and so furthered a Leftist vision of the world.

Most editors I know are balanced, objective people who just want a good story. I know one guy who belongs to a VERY strict religious group, and in ten years work I never once saw it influence his decision making. He was simply a professional who could separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say.

How many reporters in an all-male newsroom propose to do a story on problems women encounter while going through menopause? Likely none, which means that the editor never has to display any anti-female bias. Similarly, with the newsroom filled to the brim with liberals, the editor never has to spike a story from a conservative view of the world. The stories approved by the editors constitute NEWS while the stories spiked by the editor are NOT NEWSWORTHY. You witnessing your editor being able to "separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say" is you witnessing events already far along in the news generation process. The story is in place and so is the judgment of what the story"needs." When the newsroom is overflowing with liberals, then that informs a worldview of what constitutes news and what conservatives see as news is never given a hearing and when the editor never hears of events or perspectives then he doesn't have to contend with approving or rejecting the story ideas or news events.
Even so - I just don't see media spin as anywhere near as big an issue in the US as people think. It seems to me that in 9 cases out 10 when people complain about 'liberal bias', what they mean is that the news did not tell them what they had wanted to hear.

YEAH!!! That's right. I'm a pretty smart guy, I'm very informed about the world and when I see news stories which omit perspectives or experts or facts that differ from the message being delivered by the reporter, "I get upset that the news did not tell me what I wanted to hear." No one likes being lied to and catching the liar in the act. A lie of omission is just as bad as a lie of commission.

Father: - "Son, did you burn down Mr. Burns' garage?"
Son: - "No Dad, I didn't!" (sotto voice, "It was the bush next to his garage which I had lit on fire which actually burned down his garage.")
Hmm, Liberals defend the mainstream media while Conservatives criticize it. I wonder why?
Who's defending it?

If I correct someone by saying that the Yankees are a baseball team, not a football team, am I defending the Yankees?

Try to use your brain sometime.

In the end I'm Glad we agree that it's a proven fact that the media does far more negative stories on conservatives than liberals and more positive stories on liberals than conservatives.
I'm glad that you agree with me that the media does negative stories on things that are bad, and positive stories on things that are good.
News is not left or right. If you want 'right wing news' then that is not news - it's opinion. If you want liberal news, then that is now news - it's opinion.

I'm a journalist. All I can say that in my experience, I have never been told what to write or how to write it. I've had editors ask questions, and once or twice I've been asked to change the angle of a story, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense.

Most editors I know are balanced, objective people who just want a good story. I know one guy who belongs to a VERY strict religious group, and in ten years work I never once saw it influence his decision making. He was simply a professional who could separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say.

My advice to anyone is simply to use a range of media, including something from outside your own country, but otherwise simply forget this obsession with left or right.

yeah, we believe you're unbiased
Ex-CBS reporter 8217 s book reveals how liberal media protects Obama New York Post

"Often they dream up stories beforehand and turn the reporters into “casting agents,” told “we need to find someone who will say . . .” that a given policy is good or bad. “We’re asked to create a reality that fits their New York image of what they believe,” she writes."

Who knows how much truth there is to this but no one can deny the incredible left leaning media we have.

So, tell me ... why doesn't this surprise anybody?
News is not left or right. If you want 'right wing news' then that is not news - it's opinion. If you want liberal news, then that is now news - it's opinion.

I'm a journalist. All I can say that in my experience, I have never been told what to write or how to write it. I've had editors ask questions, and once or twice I've been asked to change the angle of a story, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense.

Most editors I know are balanced, objective people who just want a good story. I know one guy who belongs to a VERY strict religious group, and in ten years work I never once saw it influence his decision making. He was simply a professional who could separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say.

My advice to anyone is simply to use a range of media, including something from outside your own country, but otherwise simply forget this obsession with left or right.

Spoken from inside the palace ...
News is not left or right. If you want 'right wing news' then that is not news - it's opinion. If you want liberal news, then that is now news - it's opinion.

I'm a journalist. All I can say that in my experience, I have never been told what to write or how to write it. I've had editors ask questions, and once or twice I've been asked to change the angle of a story, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense.

Most editors I know are balanced, objective people who just want a good story. I know one guy who belongs to a VERY strict religious group, and in ten years work I never once saw it influence his decision making. He was simply a professional who could separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say.

My advice to anyone is simply to use a range of media, including something from outside your own country, but otherwise simply forget this obsession with left or right.

".... that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense."

You're an idiot. The color lens you view the world through is biased. For you to not be able to admit it shows you to be one of the biased press. You liberals don't know you don't know.

I worked at the highest levels of intelligence watching your so called objective colleagues lie through their teeth time after time after time about topics I knew details about.

There's no liberal bias in the media??????????? Whatever mushrooms you've been cooking for the past few decades have rotted your brain.
Jesus you stupid gullible fucking liberal members of the press make me sick. Polls for YEARS have been showing you corrupt asses are OVERWHELMINGLY liberal. And that's SELF-DESCRIBED.

Saigon, if you had said YOU were not liberal, I may have believed you, but to lie for the majority of the press.....you have lost all credibility.
News is not left or right. If you want 'right wing news' then that is not news - it's opinion. If you want liberal news, then that is now news - it's opinion.

I'm a journalist. All I can say that in my experience, I have never been told what to write or how to write it. I've had editors ask questions, and once or twice I've been asked to change the angle of a story, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of what you believe is true about the politicisation or bias of mainstream media is nonsense.

Most editors I know are balanced, objective people who just want a good story. I know one guy who belongs to a VERY strict religious group, and in ten years work I never once saw it influence his decision making. He was simply a professional who could separate out his own beliefs from what the story needed to say.

My advice to anyone is simply to use a range of media, including something from outside your own country, but otherwise simply forget this obsession with left or right.

There is no such thing as news. It's all processed and then reported through a certain lens. Good Lord.
“Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies’ credit ratings were junk.” -- Attkinson on Obama's Criminal Solyndra
There is no such thing as news. It's all processed and then reported through a certain lens. Good Lord.

If w are talking about you, then this statement would be accurate.

For a journalist who just wants to do a good job, report facts and uncover stories; then it is utter nonsense. I've written horrible things about politicians I know and like personally. I've written nice thingsabout politicians I think are vile. It's just about being professional. In either case, someone else edits the story, and they can take out any adjectives they feel twist the facts in any way.
Hmm, Liberals defend the mainstream media while Conservatives criticize it. I wonder why?
Who's defending it?

If I correct someone by saying that the Yankees are a baseball team, not a football team, am I defending the Yankees?

Try to use your brain sometime.

In the end I'm Glad we agree that it's a proven fact that the media does far more negative stories on conservatives than liberals and more positive stories on liberals than conservatives.
I'm glad that you agree with me that the media does negative stories on things that are bad, and positive stories on things that are good.

I never agreed with you on that.... You never even brought that up before for me to agree on. In the end I suppose there is some level of truth to what you are claiming, but my first thought is what "media" is telling the truth when they seem to disagree so often, take CNN/MSNBC/NPR Liberal leaning VS Fox/Beck neoconservative leaning?

Sadly I already know the answer you would give, because you're a partisan lemming n all.~
The point is Attkisson has exposed CBS News for its outrageous liberal bias. Like the other broadcast networks, CBS is doing Obama's bidding. Why would anyone bother watching or believing anything they report?

Its been done before by Bernie Goldberg. He exposed the network years ago.

Is it any wonder that people who get their news from sources like CBS News, are completely uninformed or brainwashed.

Much of our media is exactly like that of the old Soviet Union...and amazingly many Americans are incapable of recognizing the leftist statist propaganda.
attikisson was someone who was honored by AIM, a Right Wing think tank that peddles conspiracy theories.

CBS To Receive Award From Fringe Group At CPAC Research Media Matters for America

Attkisson Botched Green Energy "Investigation." In a recent "investigation" for CBS's This Morning, Attkisson purported to reveal 11 "New Solyndras" -- companies she said "are having trouble" or "have filed for bankruptcy" after receiving federal assistance. But Attkisson was counting companies that didn't even receive federal funds, companies that haven't actually gone bankrupt, and companies that have sold the government-backed projects to other firms, meaning taxpayer funds are not in their hands. Bill O'Reilly and CBSNews.com used Attkisson's misleading report to spread additional false information. In announcing its award recipients, AIM specifically lauded Attkisson for her green energy report.

Science Writer: Attkisson Is "One Of The Least Responsible Mainstream Journalists" Covering Vaccines and Autism. Science writer Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus: The True Story Behind The Vaccine-Autism Controversy, wrote on his website: "For years, CBS News's Sharyl Attkisson has been one of the least responsible mainstream journalists covering vaccines and autism. Again and again, she's parroted anti-vaccine rhetoric long past the point that it's been decisively disproved." Indeed, in three articles on CBSNews.com this year, Attkission has suggested that there is a major "debate" in the scientific community over whether vaccines are connected to autism, despite the lack of evidence for the supposed link. Mnookin told Media Matters that he found it "shocking that her vaccine reporting is featured on a major news" site.
“Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies’ credit ratings were junk.” -- Attkinson on Obama's Criminal Solyndra
attikisson was someone who was honored by AIM, a Right Wing think tank that peddles conspiracy theories.

CBS To Receive Award From Fringe Group At CPAC Research Media Matters for America

Attkisson Botched Green Energy "Investigation." In a recent "investigation" for CBS's This Morning, Attkisson purported to reveal 11 "New Solyndras" -- companies she said "are having trouble" or "have filed for bankruptcy" after receiving federal assistance. But Attkisson was counting companies that didn't even receive federal funds, companies that haven't actually gone bankrupt, and companies that have sold the government-backed projects to other firms, meaning taxpayer funds are not in their hands. Bill O'Reilly and CBSNews.com used Attkisson's misleading report to spread additional false information. In announcing its award recipients, AIM specifically lauded Attkisson for her green energy report.

Science Writer: Attkisson Is "One Of The Least Responsible Mainstream Journalists" Covering Vaccines and Autism. Science writer Seth Mnookin, author of The Panic Virus: The True Story Behind The Vaccine-Autism Controversy, wrote on his website: "For years, CBS News's Sharyl Attkisson has been one of the least responsible mainstream journalists covering vaccines and autism. Again and again, she's parroted anti-vaccine rhetoric long past the point that it's been decisively disproved." Indeed, in three articles on CBSNews.com this year, Attkission has suggested that there is a major "debate" in the scientific community over whether vaccines are connected to autism, despite the lack of evidence for the supposed link. Mnookin told Media Matters that he found it "shocking that her vaccine reporting is featured on a major news" site.

“Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies’ credit ratings were junk.” -- Attkinson on Obama's Criminal Solyndra
“Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies’ credit ratings were junk.” -- Attkinson on Obama's Criminal Solyndra

Like the man said earlier- Enron.

Not to mention, AIG, Morgan Stanley and all the other companies Bush and Company thought were "Too big to fail".
There is no such thing as news. It's all processed and then reported through a certain lens. Good Lord.

If w are talking about you, then this statement would be accurate.

For a journalist who just wants to do a good job, report facts and uncover stories; then it is utter nonsense. I've written horrible things about politicians I know and like personally. I've written nice thingsabout politicians I think are vile. It's just about being professional. In either case, someone else edits the story, and they can take out any adjectives they feel twist the facts in any way.


Yeah, yeah. We're totally convinced
“Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies’ credit ratings were junk.” -- Attkinson on Obama's Criminal Solyndra

Like the man said earlier- Enron.

Not to mention, AIG, Morgan Stanley and all the other companies Bush and Company thought were "Too big to fail".

Solyndra was Obama's Teapot Dome

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