SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

Iowa shows "people like me" have no problem with voting for minorities. This greatly undermines the Myth that the GOP is the party of "old white racists".
Good for us. But the point is that we can't draw minorities in significant to vote our Republican Party. Why is that, Correll?

At least PART of it has to be the widely spread myth that "people like me" are racist and WOULD have a problem voting for minorities.

Thus, attacking that Myth with reality like the recent good showing of minority candidates in Iowa would be step one.

Because as long as that Myth is out there, we lose before we even start.
You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...

I won't bother trying to explain how blacks can tell who has been working for them, and who has been working against them, but you keep saying they are insane. That has worked so well for you so far.

Yeah… poverty rates in democrat cities, black crime rates in democrat cities, black education failure in democrat cities, ……seems to me they might start to catch on that something is amiss with the way they have been voting…..

What's going on in republican cities ?

Oh, there's no such place .
Iowa shows "people like me" have no problem with voting for minorities. This greatly undermines the Myth that the GOP is the party of "old white racists".
Good for us. But the point is that we can't draw minorities in significant to vote our Republican Party. Why is that, Correll?

At least PART of it has to be the widely spread myth that "people like me" are racist and WOULD have a problem voting for minorities. Thus, attacking that Myth with reality like the recent good showing of minority candidates in Iowa would be step one. Because as long as that Myth is out there, we lose before we even start.
That is a stalking horse. Show me where people in any significant number have said that Republicans don't vote for minority candidates. They have not, and the don't. So your argument just died.

Tell me why minorities are distrustful of our party.
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.
You're the one saying blacks should be offended, but they aren't. Why aren't they? You're the one saying blacks aren't smart enough to realize who is working for their benefit, and who is not. That is insulting, don't you think?

That's a great question, BD! After 50+ years of remaining completely faithful to the DNC and being no better off than they were then, in some ways worse, who do they still remain faithful? Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is 'insanity'. They remain faithful. Unemployment for blacks is double that of whites. The 1st black President ABANDONED / IGNORED African Americans, creating NO - ZERO - programs designed to help them out...perhaps because he was a Liberal before an African American?!

WHY are they NOT offended? Why do they remain faithful? Maybe they are insulted. Maybe they do not express it and remain faithful because they do not want to bite the hand that keeps the 'free stuff' flowing... Guess you are going to have ask them...

I won't bother trying to explain how blacks can tell who has been working for them, and who has been working against them, but you keep saying they are insane. That has worked so well for you so far.

Yeah… poverty rates in democrat cities, black crime rates in democrat cities, black education failure in democrat cities, ……seems to me they might start to catch on that something is amiss with the way they have been voting…..

What's going on in republican cities ?

Oh, there's no such place .
...and that's where most of all the crimes in the country occurres
Iowa shows "people like me" have no problem with voting for minorities. This greatly undermines the Myth that the GOP is the party of "old white racists".
Good for us. But the point is that we can't draw minorities in significant to vote our Republican Party. Why is that, Correll?

At least PART of it has to be the widely spread myth that "people like me" are racist and WOULD have a problem voting for minorities. Thus, attacking that Myth with reality like the recent good showing of minority candidates in Iowa would be step one. Because as long as that Myth is out there, we lose before we even start.
That is a stalking horse. Show me where people in any significant number have said that Republicans don't vote for minority candidates. They have not, and the don't. So your argument just died.

Tell me why minorities are distrustful of our party.

Significant numbers of people, including you, have said the REpublican party and people like me are racist.

Racists, by definition, would NOT want to put a person they think inferior or the enemy is a position of Ultimate Power over them.

(it would have been clearer for you if I had said "and THUS WOULD have a problem")

That myth is at least part of the reason we have such a problem getting minorities to vote for us.

Thus attacking that Myth with reality like the recent good showing of minority candidates in Iowa would be step one.

Because as long as that Myth is believed, we will not even be listened to by those in question.

We lose before we even start.
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .

People get pissed. People get frustrated.

Iowa shows that the GOP base is not racist.
Ok, OK, I admit it! Us democrats are the racists, and the republicans are all about diversity. I did not want to admit it, because I would then be gloating that, in spite of this, minority races vote with us anyway! But, as long as I have admitted it, it would seem that the republican brand seems pretty weak when it can't get their own best pals to vote for them!
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.

The Far Right is never going to go away.

The more and the longer you marginalize US, the more pissed we will get.
Ok, OK, I admit it! Us democrats are the racists, and the republicans are all about diversity. I did not want to admit it, because I would then be gloating that, in spite of this, minority races vote with us anyway! But, as long as I have admitted it, it would seem that the republican brand seems pretty weak when it can't get their own best pals to vote for them!

Having the Media and HOllywood in enemy hands makes things hard for US of course.

Not to mention teachers.
Ok, OK, I admit it! Us democrats are the racists, and the republicans are all about diversity. I did not want to admit it, because I would then be gloating that, in spite of this, minority races vote with us anyway! But, as long as I have admitted it, it would seem that the republican brand seems pretty weak when it can't get their own best pals to vote for them!

Having the Media and HOllywood in enemy hands makes things hard for US of course.

Not to mention teachers.

...and the press, and the intellectuals, and the voters........
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
Those are partly true, on the res I have seen it with most of the population there. Tom daschles campaign was very good at tricking voters on pine ridge Indian reservation.
Ok, OK, I admit it! Us democrats are the racists, and the republicans are all about diversity. I did not want to admit it, because I would then be gloating that, in spite of this, minority races vote with us anyway! But, as long as I have admitted it, it would seem that the republican brand seems pretty weak when it can't get their own best pals to vote for them!

Having the Media and HOllywood in enemy hands makes things hard for US of course.

Not to mention teachers.

...and the press, and the intellectuals, and the voters........

I already mentioned the media and teachers.

Voters? NOt so much.
Ok, OK, I admit it! Us democrats are the racists, and the republicans are all about diversity. I did not want to admit it, because I would then be gloating that, in spite of this, minority races vote with us anyway! But, as long as I have admitted it, it would seem that the republican brand seems pretty weak when it can't get their own best pals to vote for them!

Having the Media and HOllywood in enemy hands makes things hard for US of course.

Not to mention teachers.

...and the press, and the intellectuals, and the voters........

I already mentioned the media and teachers.

Voters? NOt so much.

No, it's those damned voters. Trump tweeted this morning that they are not giving him enough credit for financing his own campaign. Ungrateful bastards!
..and, of course, the media is prejudiced, too. Hell, just because Trump refused to appear on their debate, Fox did not give free live coverage to the event that he staged instead!
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.

The Far Right is never going to go away. The more and the longer you marginalize US, the more pissed we will get.
No one cares if you get pissed and keep lying. This election season will put you outside where you belong. You won't be let back in. Your only hope is Cruz, and he won't make it. Trump will betray you, and Rubio will ignore you.
The further you pull back, the worse the picture gets for the GOP, diversity-wise.

This is the truth which the parroting rubes fear to admit to themselves.

Why? Only a bigot would be afraid of the truth.

A realist accepts the facts. And then the discussion can move forward.

"GOP: Pasty white and non-inclusive. Good or bad thing?"

The GOP may be pasty white. The question is why.

Iowa shows it is NOT because the pasty whites reject brown or black people.
:lol: You are still in delusion why our GOP has a problem. Yes, it is about people like you.

Trump is an outsider.
A casino magnate billionaire. Proof of diversity. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

One can actually SMELL the flop sweat.

Actually yes.

Diversity of ideas and backgrounds.

That you consider him primarily by his skin color reflects your world view, not ours.

The GOP establishment certainly does NOT look at him and see one of them.

But the dumb saps look at him and see one of them. Even though he's always been a Democrat who is pro-choice, pro-big government, pro taxing the rich, a good friend of the Clintons.

So when the same rubes say Trump is evidence of diversity, is anyone really surprised at their unabated stupidity and gullibility?

Nope. Not at all.

I long ago learned about this phenomenon of willing self-delusion with the bleevers in psychics, mediums, and other hucksters.

You people WANT to be lied to.

Your dislike of Trump is off topic.

Trump is not one of the GOP party establishment. He is a populist and a nationalist.

He is certainly shaking things up with a very different perspective and polices and methods.

You look at him and judge him by his skin color as just another "pasty white guy".

Iowa shows "people like me" have no problem with voting for minorities.

This greatly undermines the Myth that the GOP is the party of "old white racists".

Succinct and to the point, very well said...yet something Liberals do not want to hear and will do their best to distract from.

Lets get a few things correct,

1. Women are not a minority, they are the majority. It is just another lefty falsehood to make another victim.

2. The reason there are more minorities in congress on the Democratic side is.......the Democrats control all the cities where most minorities live, so of course, they would and should have more minorities in office. Hell, in most big cities, the GOP doesn't even run for office!

3. The OP is correct in this thread, period. The Democrats didn't want Obama in 08, they wanted Hillary. The voters put Mr. Obama in. They didn't want a repeat, so if the DNC had its way, Hillary would be running against Hillary for the Democratic nomination, and the funny thing is, if that were to happen, she might still lose, lol.

4. Hispanic is NOT a real minority group. Puerto Ricans dislike Cubans, and both of them dislike Mexicans. It is the height of arrogance to lump them all together as a group!

6. Jake wants to tell you that the Democrat nominee will carry 75% of their new phony group the Hispanics. He may be correct! But here is a piece of that group they will NOT carry even 30% of, and that is the Cuban community; not this time. They are PISSED with the Democrats for making nice with the Castro brothers, and because of that, Florida will go GOP this time by 5 to 7 points. I am in Florida as I type this, and it cemented what I already knew. Depending upon who the GOP nominate, Florida may even lose its battleground status this election.

Let me say, that the way Democrats do business is------> create a group, then pander to it. They are attempting to do this today with their latest group, the Hispanics. They are willing to throw Americans under the bus to do this. They have thrown African Americans under the bus to do it also. Why? Because the Hispanic community is the fastest growing of any, and they need those votes. They break the country's laws to do it, because they know if they can give them the ability to vote, we will become basically socialist. If they could legally vote now, Bernie would be our next President.
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

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