SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.


A numerical majority is now a minority? That's impossible.
Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).
..and, of course, the media is prejudiced, too. Hell, just because Trump refused to appear on their debate, Fox did not give free live coverage to the event that he staged instead!

YOur trolling in not half as clever or amusing as you think it is.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addresses recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy.
That does not address the fact that the supposedly racist "old white" republicans of Iowa had no problem voting for various minorities.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.

The Far Right is never going to go away. The more and the longer you marginalize US, the more pissed we will get.
No one cares if you get pissed and keep lying. This election season will put you outside where you belong. You won't be let back in. Your only hope is Cruz, and he won't make it. Trump will betray you, and Rubio will ignore you.

Without us conservatives you moderates will be out in the cold too.

And as time goes on, and the Dems get more and more goofy, your fellow moderates will be getting pissy too.
. . . but cannot get minorities to vote Republican in significant numbers. Why is that?

Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.

The Far Right is never going to go away. The more and the longer you marginalize US, the more pissed we will get.
No one cares if you get pissed and keep lying. This election season will put you outside where you belong. You won't be let back in. Your only hope is Cruz, and he won't make it. Trump will betray you, and Rubio will ignore you.
Without us conservatives you moderates will be out in the cold too. And as time goes on, and the Dems get more and more goofy, your fellow moderates will be getting pissy too.
We are not going to need you. Watch and see.
Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).

We are talking about the Iowa caucus, not congress. You lose give up.
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.


A numerical majority is now a minority? That's impossible.
Jake math

6. Jake is a mainline conservative Republican.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

Yeah, I heard the Nazis today are nothing like they were in 1930.
For those claiming that being in the majority is the same as being a minority. Wow that is some kinda math.
Iowa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iowa population:
The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of Iowa was 3,123,899 on July 1, 2015, a 2.55% increase since the2010 United States Census.[2]

Of the residents of Iowa, 72.2% were born in Iowa, 23.2% were born in a different US state, 0.5% were born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parent(s), and 4.1% were foreign born.[65]
As of 2015, Iowa had an estimated population of 3,123,899, which is an increase of 16,773 people or 0.56%, from the prior year and an increase of 77,544 or 2.55%, since the year 2010. This is the first time the state has topped the three million mark in population. Iowa is the 30th most populated state in the country.[66] In 2007, the latest demographic information available shows that the state had a natural increase of 53,706 people in population from the last census (that is 197,163 births minus 143,457 deaths) and a decrease of 11,754 due to net migration of people out of the state.
Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 29,386 people, while migration within the country produced a net loss of 41,140 people. 6.5% of Iowa's population were reported as under the age of five, 22.6% under 18, and 14.7% were 65 or older. Males made up approximately 49.6% of the population.[67] The population density of the state is 52.7 people per square mile.[68] The center of population of Iowa is located in Marshall County, in the city of Marshalltown.[67]
What I find incredible is that even Baby Bush knew that he could not win the presidency without Latinos, and he worked hard to get their vote, and did. Now, Baby Bush was never the brightest bulb on the tree. But, today's Right can't even follow THAT logic! Amazing!
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
How many black and Hispanic Republican Congressmen are there? How many black and Hispanic Democratic Congressmen are there?

Get back to us with that, mm-kay?
I know a black president. Republicans call him tar baby, boy and uppity.

Some republicans may have called Obama those things just as some members here might have called you
Asshole on some occasions.....
Does that mean all of us called you.....
I already wrote about that:

USMB Republicans insist "We don't all agree with our party's rotten and destructive policies".

Read it and weep.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
How many black and Hispanic Republican Congressmen are there? How many black and Hispanic Democratic Congressmen are there?

Get back to us with that, mm-kay?
I know a black president. Republicans call him tar baby, boy and uppity.

And STILL claim he's a Muslim non citizen.
However, only Louisiana has the distinction of running David Duke, KKK Grand Wizard, Republican, for governor!

I love how Liberals, to try to make their point, skip over stuff / lie...or maybe you're just ignorant and don't know any better.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY SENATOR David Duke began in the party that created the KKK - the Democrats. That's right, he was a Democrat before 1989.

His KKK-association and time as KKK Grand Wizard began in 1974, while a DEMOCRAT:
-- In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU. He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan's white robes with business suits.[96] Duke first received broad public attention during this time, as he endeavored to market himself in the mid-1970s as a new brand of Klansman

Duke did not 'come over to the NON-'dark side' until 1989...but nice (ignorant) attempt to paint Duke as a REPUBLICAN / KKK Grand Wizard. Sorry, that's all your and the DNC's claim to fame with Duke!
- David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tsk Tsk, ALSO, someone forgot about Robert Byrd: 'Byrd led the Democratic caucus as Senate Majority Leader from 1977 to 1981'...and he was ALSO an Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK.
- Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you are ashamed of the DNC past, but please stop trying to re-write history, and don't try to claim YOUR 'trash' belongs to the GOP. Be proud of who the Democrats were and ARE - Embrace the past, embrace the suck!

So after 1989 David Duke represented the best of the republican party, and you support his goals from that point on?
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

Yeah, I heard the Nazis today are nothing like they were in 1930.
Our far right are not the inheritors of Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Hoover, and Reagan. They are extremists beyond the pale.
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Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).

We are talking about the Iowa caucus, not congress. You lose give up.
You may be, but the sane ones are talking correctly about women as a minority in politics, Iowa notwithstanding.

I think a few hundred male republican congressmen need to come out as transgender and wear dresses.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

Yeah, I heard the Nazis today are nothing like they were in 1930.
Our far right are not the inheritors of Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Hoover, and Reagan. They are extremists beyond the pale.

There is nothing extreme about the Republican party, THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM. That said, they have kicked the crap out of the democrats the last two elections. So either they are doing something right or the democrats are doing something wrong. I believe the latter.

Reagan wouldn't recognize a good part of the GOP they have all swung left. McCain, conservative, hell no. Romney, conservative, hell no. Any of the candidates really conservative, hell no. You jake a conservative, hell no. It is a recipe for defeat.
"they have kicked the crap out of the democrats the last two elections."

Freewill, I am a mainstream Republican, and you are out on the far fringes of the far right.

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