SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
Where exactly did your interest in women suddenly happen in this post, and how does that detract from the point that the GOP is the party offering the greatest selection of 'racially diverse' candidates in 2016? Last I check 'woman' was not a 'race'.

And I believe Boehner and McConnell would be laughing at you / whoever seemed to insinuate women were a 'race'.
Your deflection is obvious. You misdefine minority again. It is not just race.

Fact: Hispanics vote against the GOP.

Fact: Women vote against the GOP.

Fact: The GOP needs to reach out to them where they are at.

Since the issue is about RACIAL DIVERSITY and how the GOP in 2016 is offering the most racially diverse candidates, how does your response take away from that fact?

I am not the one avoiding the topic of 'racial diversity' regarding the parties' candidates being offered to the American people - the deflection is YOURS.
Anyone think Rubio and kasich are any different than Clinton??
There is no such thing as an conservative career politician!!
Why even vote for a pretender like Rubio when you can vote for the real deal, Hildabeast??
My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.

Do you mind if I print out your post and use it in a political mailer Jake? I mean, you DO want to insure we carry Florida don't you? I want to make sure that the Cuban population of Florida sees how useless some people think they are!

Remember, an upset, angry voter, is almost certainly a DEFINITE voter, and you just insulted a bunch of Cuban voters who will help carry Florida; ahem............EASILY-)

And now for the coup de grace! Do you know how the independent voters of America broke in 2012 between Obama/Romney? You really need to look it up, because then you will understand WHY the GOP lost in 12-) Now then, with all these voters re-registering there Jake, use your noggin, and try hard......real hard to extrapolate-) This whole phony DNC notion that the GOP can't overcome the coalition of miscreants that have been assembled, is just that, phony-baloney-good time, rock-n-roll!

Here is what it actually looks like, in case you aren't paying attention-------------> the 2016 total vote appears to be going up 2 to 3%, and votes cast for Democrats will drop (because of Hilly if she is actually the nominee) 2 to 4%.

Add to that, depending upon the GOP nominee, the usually solid blue collar vote for Democrats is going to cross over 7 to 26%. (depends upon the nominee) Now those are the numbers as of today, and since they are issue based and NOT personality based, I would say that is a very good brew for Democratic disaster-)
Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).

Because most women are smart enough to NOT make the sacrifices necessary to get elected to Congress, not because voters don't want to elect a woman.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're absolutely right. We need to shatter this myth that our party is built around old, white, racist men.

Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.

Possibly a good point, as long as the Democrats quit supporting an "Ole Lady" who is an anti semite.

No. NO. NO!!!

It doesn't matter what the Democrats do. You don't get to call yourself a "true" conservative when you obsess over what the Democrats do.
Don't you know . 1) minorities are stupid and easily tricked by the dems .

2)they are all on welfare . They've been bought by the dems !

The above are acctual GOP talking points ! And they wonder why they can't get minority support . The GOP is infalluable and nothing is their fault .
The far right won't change is the point.

If and when Rubio is elected, the far right stuff goes out the window, forever.

The Far Right is never going to go away. The more and the longer you marginalize US, the more pissed we will get.
No one cares if you get pissed and keep lying. This election season will put you outside where you belong. You won't be let back in. Your only hope is Cruz, and he won't make it. Trump will betray you, and Rubio will ignore you.
Without us conservatives you moderates will be out in the cold too. And as time goes on, and the Dems get more and more goofy, your fellow moderates will be getting pissy too.
We are not going to need you. Watch and see.

That Myth smears you too Jake, and without conservatives, moderate republicans will be just as marginalized as conservatives.

I voted for McCain, and he still lost. If I had not voted for him, he would have lost by even more.

If we let the libs define us, as you do, this nation is going to become a defacto One Party State very soon.

Rightwinger thinks we are already there. He could be right.

The OP is completely right. The lib Myth that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" has been disproved by the results in Iowa.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

Yeah, I heard the Nazis today are nothing like they were in 1930.
Our far right are not the inheritors of Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Hoover, and Reagan. They are extremists beyond the pale.

The results in Iowa disprove your belief that US conservatives are racist.

We are not nearly as "Radical" as you like to pretend.
Blather all you want, Correll, but the minorities have not been turning out for us, because our GOP does not reach out to them. I know you can't handle the truth.

We have often "Reached out" to them.

OUr attempts always fail because the libs have created an enduring Myth of the GOP as the Party of "old white racists".

Thus, our attempts fall of deaf ears.

And Iowa shows that that Myth is not true.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're absolutely right. We need to shatter this myth that our party is built around old, white, racist men.

Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.

If we accept that wanting to enforce our immigration laws are Racist, then we are in a situation where we CANNOT advocate for the Interests of this nation.

By accepting the lib PC definition of reality, you put the GOP in a lose/lose scenario.
If we accept that wanting to enforce our immigration laws are Racist, then we are in a situation where we CANNOT advocate for the Interests of this nation.

By accepting the lib PC definition of reality, you put the GOP in a lose/lose scenario.

Cool story, bro.

Where did I say anything about enforcing immigration laws?
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.
If we accept that wanting to enforce our immigration laws are Racist, then we are in a situation where we CANNOT advocate for the Interests of this nation.

By accepting the lib PC definition of reality, you put the GOP in a lose/lose scenario.

Cool story, bro.

Where did I say anything about enforcing immigration laws?

You didn't support your claim that Trump was racist so I picked the issue I hear him take the most flak on as being racist.

If that is NOT what you were thinking of, you are welcome to clarify now.

Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.

Hillary Clinton is viewed more favorably by Hispanics than either Cruz or Rubio.
ima, as long as you point out in the "mailer" that our GOP continues to refuse to reach out to the black and Hispanic and female communities where they are at.

Florida as a whole should go for Rubio and Kasich. It will not go for Cruz.

You far righties are just silly. America as a whole does not one buy your far right re-definitions and facts.
You point out what is immaterial because you can't admit our GOP is not reaching out to minorities where they are at. They have demonstrated your silly preching has no effect, Correll.
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.

Hillary Clinton is viewed more favorably by Hispanics than either Cruz or Rubio.

Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post.
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.

Hillary Clinton is viewed more favorably by Hispanics than either Cruz or Rubio.

Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post.
Your points have been addressed, dismissed where not pertinent, and refuted where necessary.

One, blacks and Hispanics and women vote in large majorities against the GOP.

Why is that, Correll?

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