SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

You didn't support your claim that Trump was racist so I picked the issue I hear him take the most flak on as being racist.

Blanketly calling Mexicans rapists and murderers is pretty damn racist.

He did not do that.

He called a portion of the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico rapists. Which is obviously true.

That you repeated a media lie about the man in order to support your claim he was "Racist" fits in nicely with the OP's claim that the lib presented belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" is a MYTH.

If we allow the lib media to define reality, we cannot win anything.

We will quickly become marginalized and this nation will become a Defacto One Party State.
ima, as long as you point out in the "mailer" that our GOP continues to refuse to reach out to the black and Hispanic and female communities where they are at.

Florida as a whole should go for Rubio and Kasich. It will not go for Cruz.

You far righties are just silly. America as a whole does not one buy your far right re-definitions and facts.

You are the one that refuses to address the reality of the "pasty white" and supposedly "racist" voters in Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.
Trump had to redefine his "rapist" comment. Fact.

Whine all you want, Correll, but the fact remains that those groups voted against us in large majorities. And fact is that your preaching is not converting them.

They are not wrong, you are.
He did not do that.

He called a portion of the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico rapists. Which is obviously true.

That you repeated a media lie about the man in order to support your claim he was "Racist" fits in nicely with the OP's claim that the lib presented belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" is a MYTH.

If we allow the lib media to define reality, we cannot win anything.

We will quickly become marginalized and this nation will become a Defacto One Party State.

Trump's comments very clearly stated that Mexicans are, in general, rapists and murderers. He mentioned, as if an exception to the general rule, that some [he assumes] are good people.

Don't even bother trying to spin it. I will never be dumb enough to fall for it.
Trump had to redefine his "rapist" comment. Fact.

Whine all you want, Correll, but the fact remains that those groups voted against us in large majorities. And fact is that your preaching is not converting them.

They are not wrong, you are.
The fact that offering The American Dream to all, does not suit you, means your whole political theory is to become a blatant "a** kisser." If that is the best you can come up with, we are revoking your man card , lol.
You point out what is immaterial because you can't admit our GOP is not reaching out to minorities where they are at. They have demonstrated your silly preching has no effect, Correll.

If what I say is true, it is not immaterial.

And you have done nothing to show that it is not true (other than unsupported denials.)

What you need to do, to debunk the OP and my claim, is to explain how or why the conservative core of a conservative state's gop giving the majority of it's votes to minority candidates does not prove that the GOP is not racist.

And before you even start, do NOT try to claim that the Racism of the GOP is concentrated among the moderates. NOt without serious support anyways.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addresses recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy.
You're a liar or a huge retard
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.

Hillary Clinton is viewed more favorably by Hispanics than either Cruz or Rubio.

Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post.
Your points have been addressed, dismissed where not pertinent, and refuted where necessary.

One, blacks and Hispanics and women vote in large majorities against the GOP.

Why is that, Correll?

My posts have certainly been addressed and dismissed but none of you have even tried to refute any of my claims.

Because you can't.

As to why minorities (not women) tend to vote in large majorities against the GOP?

At least part of it is the Myth that the GOP is the "Party of the old white racist".

As long as that is allowed to go unchallenged, we will never make much headway with minorities because they will not listen to what we have to say.
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addresses recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy.
You're a liar or a huge retard

An denial "supported" only with a personal attack.

And you have the lack of self awareness to call me a "liar or a retard"? LOL!!

Liberals all the self awareness of a turnip and the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addressing recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies and personal attacks.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy
Trump had to redefine his "rapist" comment. Fact.

Whine all you want, Correll, but the fact remains that those groups voted against us in large majorities. And fact is that your preaching is not converting them.

They are not wrong, you are.

Nope. It was clear in his initial statement that he was not talking about ALL MEXICANS, or even ALL ILLEGALS.

If we allow the media to blatantly lie about the GOP in order to paint us as racists we will NEVER get a significant portion of minority votes because they will not be listening to anything we say.

It is certainly true that I am not in a position to "convert" them.

First thing we need to do to have a hope of that, is to attack the Power and Control of the Mainstream Liberal Media.

Which is one of the reasons I am such a big supporter of Donald Trump.

His complete lack of respect for the media, and his complete refusal to cower for them is the healthiest development in US politics in quite some time.
He did not do that.

He called a portion of the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico rapists. Which is obviously true.

That you repeated a media lie about the man in order to support your claim he was "Racist" fits in nicely with the OP's claim that the lib presented belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" is a MYTH.

If we allow the lib media to define reality, we cannot win anything.

We will quickly become marginalized and this nation will become a Defacto One Party State.

Trump's comments very clearly stated that Mexicans are, in general, rapists and murderers. He mentioned, as if an exception to the general rule, that some [he assumes] are good people.

Don't even bother trying to spin it. I will never be dumb enough to fall for it.


His comments clearly stated that ILLEGALS are, in general not good people. He had a list of complaints about them, rapists was the LAST of those complaints.

That was some harsh shit. It is certainly debatable.

And it is obvious that the liberal media believes it, because they immediately lied about what he said to the American people to avoid any such debate on what he really said.

YOu are dumb enough to believe the shit the MSM feeds you.
Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.
Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.

Spoken like the true Leftist DemoRAT that he is!
Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.

His initial statement.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

–Real estate mogul Donald Trump, presidential announcementspeech, June 16, 2015

He is clearly NOT calling all Mexicans rapists.

He is clearly NOT even calling all Illegal Immigrants rapists.

Those are lies spread by the MSM in order to make Republicans look bad.

Much like many other lies they spread.

The reality is that the "pasty white" and supposedly "racist" gop voters had no problem giving the majority of their votes to minority candidates in Iowa.

Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.

Spoken like the true Leftist DemoRAT that he is!
Yup, that statement about Mexicans is general enough and stupid as hell. See, you have nothing of worth to offer at all.

Trump will betray you guys the day after he takes office.
Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.

Spoken like the true Leftist DemoRAT that he is!
Yup, that is general enough and stupid as hell. See, you have nothing of worth to offer at all.

Trump will see you guys out the day after he takes office.

And where is your SUPPOSED choice "Kasick" in all of this...where did he finish in Iowa?

Oh, if I haven't said this before...

Calling out Correl's and Vigilante's foolishness is not ass kissing. :lol:

Trump's initial 'rapist' statement was quite clear and he had to redefine: good for him.

Nothing you are preaching will convert those parts of the electorate we need for success.

It will be better for the far right to go create their own party, because the mainstream Republicans won't let them dictate policy.

Should Trump become President, the first group he will betray will be the far right.

Spoken like the true Leftist DemoRAT that he is!
Yup, that is general enough and stupid as hell. See, you have nothing of worth to offer at all.

Trump will see you guys out the day after he takes office.

And where is your SUPPOSED choice "Kasick" in all of this...where did he finish in Iowa?

Oh, if I haven't said this before...


Fallacy of deflection. :lol:

Trump will betray the far right. And Cruz? Cruz won't get beyond March.
Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).

Because most women are smart enough to NOT make the sacrifices necessary to get elected to Congress, not because voters don't want to elect a woman.


I got up this morning and started catching up on some threads, and came across the above. I had only had a couple of sips of my Dr. Pepper at the time, so I was not prepared. After reading this, I knew that the train had left the station without the baggage and that all hope was lost. I had to remind myself that there is a place in the world for all levels of logic and intellect. For example, this poster's fate will probably be to become a doorman on 42n St. in Manhattan. Anyway, between this, and the post about how the republican party has veered dramatically to the left, from the days of Gerald Ford ( remember Ford. That was back before the GOP became communist) i am going to have to bail. Frankly, whatever these guys have contracted might be contagious!
Racism is an individual sport
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addresses recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy.
You're a liar or a huge retard

An denial "supported" only with a personal attack.

And you have the lack of self awareness to call me a "liar or a retard"? LOL!!

Liberals all the self awareness of a turnip and the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addressing recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies and personal attacks.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy
Have you not ever even considered why you're parroting the GOP tactic of accusing the other side of being just what you are?

It's the liberals who are slave owners, KKK members, and whet ever else your fantasies come up with

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