SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

Your deflection has been repeatedly noted. Whether a myth or not, the answer is that the GOP needs to reach out honestly and constructively to where minorities and women are at.

You think that we can keep doing the same ol same ol and get different results for the GOP.

We can't.

1. The Media will lie about what we say and do.

2. They won't be listening to us, because they have been taught their entire lives that the GOP is their racist enemy.

Attacking the Myth is step one.
He did not do that.

He called a portion of the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico rapists. Which is obviously true.

That you repeated a media lie about the man in order to support your claim he was "Racist" fits in nicely with the OP's claim that the lib presented belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" is a MYTH.

If we allow the lib media to define reality, we cannot win anything.

We will quickly become marginalized and this nation will become a Defacto One Party State.

Trump's comments very clearly stated that Mexicans are, in general, rapists and murderers. He mentioned, as if an exception to the general rule, that some [he assumes] are good people.

Don't even bother trying to spin it. I will never be dumb enough to fall for it.


His comments clearly stated that ILLEGALS are, in general not good people. He had a list of complaints about them, rapists was the LAST of those complaints.

That was some harsh shit. It is certainly debatable.

And it is obvious that the liberal media believes it, because they immediately lied about what he said to the American people to avoid any such debate on what he really said.

YOu are dumb enough to believe the shit the MSM feeds you.
And you're dumb enough to believe the stupid resentment based ideas wallowing around in the brackish goo of your diseased psyche

And you're stupid enough to think that a personal attack is a serious answer.

Or you are just dishonest and don't want to discuss the topic truthfully.
Your deflection has been repeatedly noted. Whether a myth or not, the answer is that the GOP needs to reach out honestly and constructively to where minorities and women are at.

You think that we can keep doing the same ol same ol and get different results for the GOP.

We can't.

1. The Media will lie about what we say and do.

2. They won't be listening to us, because they have been taught their entire lives that the GOP is their racist enemy.

Attacking the Myth is step one.
No, your way will fail, and the Media will continue to point it out.

Only by reaching out to minorities and women where they are can resolve the issue.

Your way is the path to failure and continued denunciation.
My comment states - not implies - the DNC offers NO - zero, zilch, nada - racial diversity in the 20 16 Presidential election.

No, that was not clear. You insert that post hoc, as a rationalization.

You ignore the fact that even if your apologetics were true, Trump is, at the very least attempting to win support by appealing to the base emotions of racism, as opposed to trying to win support by appealing to the logic of border security.

The fact that the illegals coming across the border bring various problems including crime IS a rational appeal to the logic of border security.

YOUR accepted and believed the lies of the Mainstream liberal media, and are refusing to give them up even when presented with the reality.
The voting in IA was by overly white Republicans voting for Republican conservative candidates.
Not until our GOP reaches out honest, objectively, and clearly to blacks, browns, women, etc., can we escape the charge of 21st century white racism.

My point is clear.

Three of the top 4 of those republican candidates were blacks and browns.

Your statement implies that be their being conservative Republicans means that they do not count as blacks and browns. Which is irrational.

The GOP has reached out to blacks and browns repeatedly. The outreaches have all failed.

The Republican record and positions on Civil Right or any issues are lied about by the media in order to create and maintain the Myth of the Gop as Racist.

RIchard Nixon forced more desegregation on the South than anyone, and yet is widely believed to have "pandered" to the Southern racists.

Trump is widely believed to have said "all mexicans are rapists".

We cannot and will not be able to reach out to blacks and browns as long as the liberals manage to maintain this Myth.

Step One challenge the Myth and the Power of the lib Media.

That you're calling people "blacks and browns" is part of the GOP's problem with minorities. :rolleyes:
Your deflection has been repeatedly noted. Whether a myth or not, the answer is that the GOP needs to reach out honestly and constructively to where minorities and women are at.

You think that we can keep doing the same ol same ol and get different results for the GOP.

We can't.

1. The Media will lie about what we say and do.

2. They won't be listening to us, because they have been taught their entire lives that the GOP is their racist enemy.

Attacking the Myth is step one.
No, your way will fail, and the Media will continue to point it out.

Only by reaching out to minorities and women where they are can resolve the issue.

Your way is the path to failure and continued denunciation.

BOth methods have been tried in the past.

Both methods have failed.

Both methods are likely to keep failing.

It would help if fellow Republicans did not support the liberals in their efforts to lie about the GOP.
The voting in IA was by overly white Republicans voting for Republican conservative candidates.
Not until our GOP reaches out honest, objectively, and clearly to blacks, browns, women, etc., can we escape the charge of 21st century white racism.

My point is clear.

Three of the top 4 of those republican candidates were blacks and browns.

Your statement implies that be their being conservative Republicans means that they do not count as blacks and browns. Which is irrational.

The GOP has reached out to blacks and browns repeatedly. The outreaches have all failed.

The Republican record and positions on Civil Right or any issues are lied about by the media in order to create and maintain the Myth of the Gop as Racist.

RIchard Nixon forced more desegregation on the South than anyone, and yet is widely believed to have "pandered" to the Southern racists.

Trump is widely believed to have said "all mexicans are rapists".

We cannot and will not be able to reach out to blacks and browns as long as the liberals manage to maintain this Myth.

Step One challenge the Myth and the Power of the lib Media.

That you're calling people "blacks and browns" is part of the GOP's problem with minorities. :rolleyes:

The tactic of constantly CHANGING what is acceptable terminology is part of the process of creating and maintaining the Myth of White or GOP racism.

You know what I meant, it is no more demeaning that referring to whites as whites.

SO you managed to roll a deflection and an accusation of racism/personal attack into a single sentence.

Good job!

Now, do you care to actually address any of the points I raised?

Three of the top 4 of those republican candidates were blacks and browns.

Your statement implies that be their being conservative Republicans means that they do not count as blacks and browns. Which is irrational.

The GOP has reached out to blacks and browns repeatedly. The outreaches have all failed.

The Republican record and positions on Civil Right or any issues are lied about by the media in order to create and maintain the Myth of the Gop as Racist.

RIchard Nixon forced more desegregation on the South than anyone, and yet is widely believed to have "pandered" to the Southern racists.

Trump is widely believed to have said "all mexicans are rapists".

We cannot and will not be able to reach out to blacks and browns as long as the liberals manage to maintain this Myth.

Step One challenge the Myth and the Power of the lib Media
The GOP is not "racist," that's a silly attack by partisan individuals. However, the GOP does appear to have a problem with diversity. (Makeup)


But at least part of that is caused by the Myth of the GOP being racist.

No, that was not clear. You insert that post hoc, as a rationalization.

You ignore the fact that even if your apologetics were true, Trump is, at the very least attempting to win support by appealing to the base emotions of racism, as opposed to trying to win support by appealing to the logic of border security.

The fact that the illegals coming across the border bring various problems including crime IS a rational appeal to the logic of border security.

YOUR accepted and believed the lies of the Mainstream liberal media, and are refusing to give them up even when presented with the reality.

:lol: The truth is that I would like stronger border security and immigration measures than even Donald Trump is advocating. That doesn't mean that I will give him a pass for his racist bullshit.
Your comment reveals you do not acknowledge our opponents consist of a women and a Jew in the Democratic primaries.

Correll offers a stalking horse instead of addressing the real issue, which is our GOP refusal to reach out honestly to minorities and women.

His way is the way of failure.

Mine is the way of success.
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'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.
I didn't know Iowa was under attack from liberals, calling them racists.
Political correctness has no morals... The truth does hurt.
Career politicians use it as a tool for control of the media.
and remember when Howard Dean went on CNN or CNBC and declared that Republicans hated all races except white people? what a dick head !!!

No, that was not clear. You insert that post hoc, as a rationalization.

You ignore the fact that even if your apologetics were true, Trump is, at the very least attempting to win support by appealing to the base emotions of racism, as opposed to trying to win support by appealing to the logic of border security.

The fact that the illegals coming across the border bring various problems including crime IS a rational appeal to the logic of border security.

YOUR accepted and believed the lies of the Mainstream liberal media, and are refusing to give them up even when presented with the reality.

:lol: The truth is that I would like stronger border security and immigration measures than even Donald Trump is advocating. That doesn't mean that I will give him a pass for his racist bullshit.

The media that lied about what Trump said, would lie about what you said, if you were to publicly state what you want.

And would call you racist.

And people like Jake and ClosedCaption would believe it and call you racist too.

I would support you.
Your comment reveals you do not acknowledge our opponents consist of a women and a Jew in the Democratic primaries.

Correll offers a stalking horse instead of addressing the real issue, which is our GOP refusal to reach out honestly to minorities and women.

His way is the way of failure.

Mine is the way of success.

The GOP has tried to reach out honestly to minorities in the past.

We cannot succeed while the Myth of the GOP being the Party of "Old White Racists" is part of the Conventional Wisdom.

Attacking that myth is step one.

YOu have not responded honestly to the point of the OP yet.

DO you believe that the GOP is the Party of "Old White Racists" and do you believe that despite the voting of the Iowa gop voters and if so why?
Give examples of "The GOP has tried to reach out honestly to minorities in the past."

Now we are getting somewhere.
My comment states - not implies - the DNC offers NO - zero, zilch, nada - racial diversity in the 20 16 Presidential election.
Who is president?
Can you READ, NYC?

The DNC offers NO racial diversity in the 2016 Presidential Race.....The ONLY candidates the DNC are running are 2 old crusty white people. The current President has nothing to do with who the 2016 candidates are. That was just W E A K!
One a women and one Jew, so what is your point, easyt. You are hung up on race again, I see.

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