SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

He did not do that.

He called a portion of the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico rapists. Which is obviously true.

That you repeated a media lie about the man in order to support your claim he was "Racist" fits in nicely with the OP's claim that the lib presented belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" is a MYTH.

If we allow the lib media to define reality, we cannot win anything.

We will quickly become marginalized and this nation will become a Defacto One Party State.

Trump's comments very clearly stated that Mexicans are, in general, rapists and murderers. He mentioned, as if an exception to the general rule, that some [he assumes] are good people.

Don't even bother trying to spin it. I will never be dumb enough to fall for it.


His comments clearly stated that ILLEGALS are, in general not good people. He had a list of complaints about them, rapists was the LAST of those complaints.

That was some harsh shit. It is certainly debatable.

And it is obvious that the liberal media believes it, because they immediately lied about what he said to the American people to avoid any such debate on what he really said.

YOu are dumb enough to believe the shit the MSM feeds you.
And you're dumb enough to believe the stupid resentment based ideas wallowing around in the brackish goo of your diseased psyche
Come on, General - do the math. Let me explain it to you in a way even a Liberal can understand it:

2 Cubans, 1 African American, and a Caucasian walk into a bar where a white bartender and a white female customer is standing....Racial Diversity has NOW been introduced to the bar where once there was none.

The 'bar' is the 20 16 Presidential Election
You can figure out the rest....

No, that was not clear. You insert that post hoc, as a rationalization.

You ignore the fact that even if your apologetics were true, Trump is, at the very least attempting to win support by appealing to the base emotions of racism, as opposed to trying to win support by appealing to the logic of border security.
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.


You are the one ignoring the Fact that the socially conservative "pasty white" Iowa gop voters were fine about giving the majority of their votes to candidates who were minorities.

It doesn't fit your view of Conservatives so you are just ignoring it.

Hillary Clinton is viewed more favorably by Hispanics than either Cruz or Rubio.

Nothing in your post addresses anything in my post.

Sure it does. You're claiming there's something to the fact that Cruz and Rubio are part of the Hispanic minority,

as if they represent some substantive form of diversity.

Their own 'people' don't like them, as the polls prove.
To be honest, Latinos dislike Rubio less than they dislike Cruz. Note on the graph below, Latinos really, really, really don't like The Donald.

I read a study yesterday based on exit polls. Trump's base is mostly white with a high school education, or less, which makes up less than 16% of the electorate. Never have I seen anyone paint himself into a corner as badly as Trump. His situation is hopeless; and god is in heaven, and all is right with the world..
Women are a minority in politics . Their numbers in congress don't come anywhere close to their % of the population . (1/2).

Whites are minority in almost every major sport... I'd hardly say they are a minority.
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.


A numerical majority is now a minority? That's impossible.
Jake math

6. Jake is a mainline conservative Republican.

Jake's a leftwing hack of the worst kind.... probably gets a stipend from the DNC to spend all day on MB's trying to convince Conservatives that they just need to be like their leftwing loon counterparts and then everything will be fine.
Jake's a leftwing hack of the worst kind.... probably gets a stipend from the DNC to spend all day on MB's trying to convince Conservatives that they just need to be like their leftwing loon counterparts and then everything will be fine.
I am a mainstream Republican who likes taking apart sillies like Soggy, who take a week to put themselves back together
I read a study yesterday based on exit polls. Trump's base is mostly white with a high school education, or less, which makes up less than 16% of the electorate. Never have I seen anyone paint himself into a corner as badly as Trump. His situation is hopeless; and god is in heaven, and all is right with the world..
Trump's base is mostly white with a high school education, or less, which makes up less than 16% of the electorate.

You point out what is immaterial because you can't admit our GOP is not reaching out to minorities where they are at. They have demonstrated your silly preaching has no effect, Correll.

If what I say is true, it is not immaterial. And you have done nothing to show that it is not true (other than unsupported denials.) What you need to do, to debunk the OP and my claim, is to explain how or why the conservative core of a conservative state's gop giving the majority of it's votes to minority candidates does not prove that the GOP is not racist. And before you even start, do NOT try to claim that the Racism of the GOP is concentrated among the moderates. NOt without serious support anyways.
You have been debunked, so you don't get "just once more." What you can't answer is WHY the minorities vote against the GOP in great numbers. Yep, every time you try to wiggle, you are going to be answering my question as a response.
Not so - the Democratic Party made it a TEAM sport years ago when they created the KKK.

When the KKK was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his type of filth...conservative southern former slavers were all Democrats because the GOP was the party of Lincoln.

During the last half of the 20th century...Jim Crowe era southern Democrats, southern segregationists, and Dixiecrats, transitioned into the Republican party almost entirely by 2000.

Now the olde confederacy, SC, GA, TX, TN, GA, AR, and the rest, all vote GOP.

The ridiculous idea that Democrats today in some way resemble the former confederate post civil war Democrats is beyond stooopid

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addresses recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy.
You're a liar or a huge retard

An denial "supported" only with a personal attack.

And you have the lack of self awareness to call me a "liar or a retard"? LOL!!

Liberals all the self awareness of a turnip and the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

The belief system that the old racist moved over to the GOP is part of the myth that the OP mentions.

Ie that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists".

Which is disproved by the fact that the "pasty white" voters of Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

So, instead of addressing recent reality, you choose to just keeping repeating old lies and personal attacks.

A great way to keep a useful Myth alive.

Just remember. The Truth is your enemy
Have you not ever even considered why you're parroting the GOP tactic of accusing the other side of being just what you are?

It's the liberals who are slave owners, KKK members, and whet ever else your fantasies come up with

I was not the one that brought up the Myth that the Dixicrats migrated to the GOP. Nor have I accused the Dems of being Dixicrats today.

My point has been clear.

That the Lib Belief that the GOP is the Party of the "old white racists" has been shown to be false by the voting results in Iowa.

The more conservative portion of one of the more conservatives states gave the majority of their votes to 3 minority candidates and it was not even remarkable, until the OP pointed out how it disproves the LIb Myth.
The voting in IA was by overly white Republicans voting for Republican conservative candidates.
Not until our GOP reaches out honest, objectively, and clearly to blacks, browns, women, etc., can we escape the charge of 21st century white racism.

My point is clear.
The GOP is not "racist," that's a silly attack by partisan individuals. However, the GOP does appear to have a problem with diversity. (Makeup)
You point out what is immaterial because you can't admit our GOP is not reaching out to minorities where they are at. They have demonstrated your silly preaching has no effect, Correll.

If what I say is true, it is not immaterial. And you have done nothing to show that it is not true (other than unsupported denials.) What you need to do, to debunk the OP and my claim, is to explain how or why the conservative core of a conservative state's gop giving the majority of it's votes to minority candidates does not prove that the GOP is not racist. And before you even start, do NOT try to claim that the Racism of the GOP is concentrated among the moderates. NOt without serious support anyways.
You have been debunked, so you don't get "just once more." What you can't answer is WHY the minorities vote against the GOP in great numbers. Yep, every time you try to wiggle, you are going to be answering my question as a response.

1. No one has debunked my point. There have been plenty of dismissals and denials, but no reasoned challenge of my point at all.

2. I have repeatedly given what I believe to be one of the primary reasons why minorities vote against the GOP in great numbers. YOu have never responded to that answer.

3. You are the one who is wiggling and deflecting.
And the far right sillies have no answer for



Let me try phrasing it as a question.

Do you think the Belief that the GOP is the Party of "old white racists" could be at least a big part of the "answer" you are looking for?

Regardless of whether that belief is true or a Myth?

Your deflection has been repeatedly noted. Whether a myth or not, the answer is that the GOP needs to reach out honestly and constructively to where minorities and women are at.

You think that we can keep doing the same ol same ol and get different results for the GOP.
I recommend that if the DNC wants to at least FAKE like they're offering the people any amount of 'racial diversity' in this election, have Bernie Sanders get one of those Donald Trump spray-on tans, just a shade or two darker. :p
The voting in IA was by overly white Republicans voting for Republican conservative candidates.
Not until our GOP reaches out honest, objectively, and clearly to blacks, browns, women, etc., can we escape the charge of 21st century white racism.

My point is clear.

Three of the top 4 of those republican candidates were blacks and browns.

Your statement implies that be their being conservative Republicans means that they do not count as blacks and browns. Which is irrational.

The GOP has reached out to blacks and browns repeatedly. The outreaches have all failed.

The Republican record and positions on Civil Right or any issues are lied about by the media in order to create and maintain the Myth of the Gop as Racist.

RIchard Nixon forced more desegregation on the South than anyone, and yet is widely believed to have "pandered" to the Southern racists.

Trump is widely believed to have said "all mexicans are rapists".

We cannot and will not be able to reach out to blacks and browns as long as the liberals manage to maintain this Myth.

Step One challenge the Myth and the Power of the lib Media.

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