SHATTERING the Liberal 'GOP - Party of Old, White Racists' Myth

1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

Jake, you really are not a very good propaganda poster, I certainly hope you aren't making squat, lol.

1. Nincompoop, no lefty spinning can make the majority into the minority, no matter how hard you try.

2. We agree on something, stop the presses.

3. The OP is correct. Choice allows diversity, not success of the election of a minority. To try and push past the notion that in an inner city that is all black or other minority elects one of their own to congress is somehow a show of diversity is ridiculous. Allowing ALL candidates to run for the same position and looking at ideas, and NOT skin color is the actual show of diversity. They are all considered equal by everyone. You lefties want to single them out and point, 'look at that, look at that!"

4. Hispanic is a false term created by "Tricky" Dick Nixon. A crooked GOP President, and we all know if someone crooked created it, the Democrats are going to instantly like it, and run with it!

5. You better check when your Messiah pulled his lovfest off with the Castro brothers, lol. It was 2014, so of course it would have had no effect on the Cuban community in Florida in 2012. It does now-) And that Jake, is the bottom line!
"they have kicked the crap out of the democrats the last two elections."

Freewill, I am a mainstream Republican, and you are out on the far fringes of the far right.

You could be right, the Republican party has swung so far left that maybe you are mainstream. I myself have moved, I am unaffiliated, your type is one reason. McCain, Romney, how more far left can two people be and still be called Republican?
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

Jake, you really are not a very good propaganda poster, I certainly hope you aren't making squat, lol.

1. Nincompoop, no lefty spinning can make the majority into the minority, no matter how hard you try.

2. We agree on something, stop the presses.

3. The OP is correct. Choice allows diversity, not success of the election of a minority. To try and push past the notion that in an inner city that is all black or other minority elects one of their own to congress is somehow a show of diversity is ridiculous. Allowing ALL candidates to run for the same position and looking at ideas, and NOT skin color is the actual show of diversity. They are all considered equal by everyone. You lefties want to single them out and point, 'look at that, look at that!"

4. Hispanic is a false term created by "Tricky" Dick Nixon. A crooked GOP President, and we all know if someone crooked created it, the Democrats are going to instantly like it, and run with it!

5. You better check when your Messiah pulled his lovfest off with the Castro brothers, lol. It was 2014, so of course it would have had no effect on the Cuban community in Florida in 2012. It does now-) And that Jake, is the bottom line!
Women are classified as a political minority no matter how many lies the far right tells.

The OP is false. There would be more diversity in our GOP is our members did not look at skin color: fact.

Hispanic is a perfectly acceptable term, and that you don't like it is only for grins and giggles.

The Cuban community had no effect in the Florida elections for several cycles. Tis what it is.
"they have kicked the crap out of the democrats the last two elections."

Freewill, I am a mainstream Republican, and you are out on the far fringes of the far right.

You could be right, the Republican party has swung so far left that maybe you are mainstream. I myself have moved, I am unaffiliated, your type is one reason. McCain, Romney, how more far left can two people be and still be called Republican?
If you think McCain and Romney are "far left" demonstrates you no longer understand political terms and definitions.
3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.


Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

The OP is not false.

The "white pasty voters" of the GOP in Iowa have no problem voting for minorities.

This disproves the lib Myth, or LIe, that the GOP is the Party of "Old White Racists".

As things stand now, with the Libs and the Dems managing to convince so many, such as Jake, that the GOP is the Party of "Old White Racists", the GOP cannot appeal to minorities and will be "left" in the past.

This will have disastrous consequences for the nation.

Nothing in more important than challenging that Myth and breaking the power of the LIb Media.
The OP is false, just read Correll here in this thread.

That whites voted for minorities in IA is immaterial. What is material that minorities don't vote for the Pubs in significant numbers.

The GOP will be left in the past if it does not reach out to minorities where they are at.

There will be disastrous consequence nationally if the GOP does not reach out.

There are very few things easier to debunk than far right propaganda.
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

Jake, you really are not a very good propaganda poster, I certainly hope you aren't making squat, lol.

1. Nincompoop, no lefty spinning can make the majority into the minority, no matter how hard you try.

2. We agree on something, stop the presses.

3. The OP is correct. Choice allows diversity, not success of the election of a minority. To try and push past the notion that in an inner city that is all black or other minority elects one of their own to congress is somehow a show of diversity is ridiculous. Allowing ALL candidates to run for the same position and looking at ideas, and NOT skin color is the actual show of diversity. They are all considered equal by everyone. You lefties want to single them out and point, 'look at that, look at that!"

4. Hispanic is a false term created by "Tricky" Dick Nixon. A crooked GOP President, and we all know if someone crooked created it, the Democrats are going to instantly like it, and run with it!

5. You better check when your Messiah pulled his lovfest off with the Castro brothers, lol. It was 2014, so of course it would have had no effect on the Cuban community in Florida in 2012. It does now-) And that Jake, is the bottom line!
Women are classified as a political minority no matter how many lies the far right tells.

The OP is false. There would be more diversity in our GOP is our members did not look at skin color: fact.

Hispanic is a perfectly acceptable term, and that you don't like it is only for grins and giggles.

The Cuban community had no effect in the Florida elections for several cycles. Tis what it is.

Iowas demonstrated that our members do not look at skin color.

It makes completes sense that socially conservative Iowa would be a hard sell for someone with Trump's history of failed marriages and infidelity and ownership of casinos with strip clubs.

HOWEVER, the Myth of the Racist GOP would demand that the WHite Candidate would have an ADVANTAGE in the more socially conservative Iowa as opposed to the upcoming more liberals New Hampshire.

This turned out to be the complete opposite of the Truth. The Winner was a minority. Trump placed a strong second. The strong third was ALSO a minority.

As noted in the OP, a solid majority of the vote was split up among various minorities.

Why do you run from the truth that you have what you want? A gop that does not look at skin color?
Blather all you want, Correll, but the minorities have not been turning out for us, because our GOP does not reach out to them. I know you can't handle the truth.
1. Women are a minority, despite their numbers.

2. Given.

3. The OP is false, as has been amply proven by Correll's postings alone.

4. Hispanic is a real term, yes.

5. The Cuban minority did not affect the FL vote last time, and it won't this time.

Either our GOP moves into the future, or the American voters will leave it in the past.

Jake, you really are not a very good propaganda poster, I certainly hope you aren't making squat, lol.

1. Nincompoop, no lefty spinning can make the majority into the minority, no matter how hard you try.

2. We agree on something, stop the presses.

3. The OP is correct. Choice allows diversity, not success of the election of a minority. To try and push past the notion that in an inner city that is all black or other minority elects one of their own to congress is somehow a show of diversity is ridiculous. Allowing ALL candidates to run for the same position and looking at ideas, and NOT skin color is the actual show of diversity. They are all considered equal by everyone. You lefties want to single them out and point, 'look at that, look at that!"

4. Hispanic is a false term created by "Tricky" Dick Nixon. A crooked GOP President, and we all know if someone crooked created it, the Democrats are going to instantly like it, and run with it!

5. You better check when your Messiah pulled his lovfest off with the Castro brothers, lol. It was 2014, so of course it would have had no effect on the Cuban community in Florida in 2012. It does now-) And that Jake, is the bottom line!
Women are classified as a political minority no matter how many lies the far right tells.

The OP is false. There would be more diversity in our GOP is our members did not look at skin color: fact.

Hispanic is a perfectly acceptable term, and that you don't like it is only for grins and giggles.

The Cuban community had no effect in the Florida elections for several cycles. Tis what it is.

Lol Jake, eventhough your last point is absolutely false, you unknowingly just proved why the Hispanic vote is next to useless, lololol.

Anyway, you keep believing that about the Cuban vote, and how they are in lockstep with the Puerto Rican and Mexican vote this time around.

Also, your NEW definition of what constitutes a minority is hysterical. What you have defined it as; if we that minority being to dumb to vote for their group when their vote is more powerful if working in concert. Exactly how does that work Jake?

Let me tell you what is really going on, lol........the war on women is no longer working except in the depths of the DNC. The rest of America is rolling their eyes as you clowns become more shrill as you realize it is.........all.......slipping.......away.....from......YOU! As you try to resurrect your old taking points, it isn't working, and you are lost in the political abyss.

Your leaders know that Florida is virtually lost, if the GOP nominates Kasich as VP Ohio is gone, the GOP will carry Iowa this time, and 3 or 4 other states are looking like they are leaving the fold. Guess what! There goes your 66 electoral vote firewall, and the people re-registering to vote aren't doing it for the vast majority of reasons to vote for Hillary.

I am not saying you are not a intelligent person Jake. What I am saying is that when it comes to national political elections, you are either dumb as a box of rocks, or lying through your pearly whites-)

In either case, you are misleading these nice people, and some of us will not have any of it!
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're absolutely right. We need to shatter this myth that our party is built around old, white, racist men.

Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.
Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.
Republicans are called 'RINO' because they claim to be Republicans but follow lock-step behind the Liberals....guys like Boehner and McConnell.
My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're absolutely right. We need to shatter this myth that our party is built around old, white, racist men.

Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.

Possibly a good point, as long as the Democrats quit supporting an "Ole Lady" who is an anti semite.
'60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics'

Because the DC Media believe it is a powerful weapon that benefits Democrats, nothing will ever stop them from using it. But if this same media truly believed in science and objectivity, the results in Iowa would forever end their relentless smears against conservatives as racists. Tuesday night, one of the whitest and most conservative states in the country — Iowa — gave 60% of the Republican vote to two Hispanics and a black man.

Meanwhile, over on the Democrat side, two people so old and so white they seem like something straight out of central casting, won 99% of the vote. Another white guy took the remaining 1%. Democrats gave their voters no other alternative.'

LINK: 60% of White Republican Iowans Vote For Black Man, Two Hispanics - Breitbart


To Liberals in denial and those making the false claims about the GOP being a racist organization that offers minorities nothing, the truth hurts like a bitch! The GOP is the only party offering minorities their own candidates.

You're absolutely right. We need to shatter this myth that our party is built around old, white, racist men.

Step 1 - Stop calling people "Rino" because they refuse to support old, white, racist people like Trump.

Possibly a good point, as long as the Democrats quit supporting an "Ole Lady" who is an anti semite.
Then back Rubio.
My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
Where exactly did your interest in women suddenly happen in this post, and how does that detract from the point that the GOP is the party offering the greatest selection of 'racially diverse' candidates in 2016? Last I check 'woman' was not a 'race'.

And I believe Boehner and McConnell would be laughing at you / whoever seemed to insinuate women were a 'race'.
My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
With that ticket it might as well be Marx and chamberlain...
My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
Where exactly did your interest in women suddenly happen in this post, and how does that detract from the point that the GOP is the party offering the greatest selection of 'racially diverse' candidates in 2016? Last I check 'woman' was not a 'race'.

And I believe Boehner and McConnell would be laughing at you / whoever seemed to insinuate women were a 'race'.
Your deflection is obvious. You misdefine minority again. It is not just race.

Fact: Hispanics vote against the GOP.

Fact: Women vote against the GOP.

Fact: The GOP needs to reach out to them where they are at.
Our far right lives in an echo chamber.

My last point, easyt, is absolutely correct: the Cuban vote in FL cannot swing the state. That you refuse to see the truth is your issue not mine.

Gosh, yes, I hope Kasich is on the ticket with Rubio: the GOP will take the state.

Women vote in larger numbers for the Dems than us: that is a fact. Any one who denies it is walking in la la land.

Women have always been a political minority, and the far right cannot redefine that without being laughed at.

No wonder the Boehners and McConnells laugh at you guys.
Where exactly did your interest in women suddenly happen in this post, and how does that detract from the point that the GOP is the party offering the greatest selection of 'racially diverse' candidates in 2016? Last I check 'woman' was not a 'race'.

And I believe Boehner and McConnell would be laughing at you / whoever seemed to insinuate women were a 'race'.
Your deflection is obvious. You misdefine minority again. It is not just race.

Fact: Hispanics vote against the GOP.

Fact: Women vote against the GOP.

Fact: The GOP needs to reach out to them where they are at.
Fact GOP establishment are just progressives who call themselves conservative dependending on where they are... Most of the time just pretenders.

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