She Cheated! Crooked Hillary Wore Ear Piece During Last Night’s Veteran’s Forum (Trump Weighs In)

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I would like to see where this is considered cheating? Could someone point that out for us, please?
Looks like sour grapes from the Drumpf minions to me. What else have they to grab hold of besides "TAKE THE OIL!"? :lol:
I would like to see where this is considered cheating? Could someone point that out for us, please?
Looks like sour grapes from the Drumpf minions to me. What else have they to grab hold of besides "TAKE THE OIL!"? :lol:
yea, I would think arming/training terrorists some more is the answer. And other failed policies we have been doing the past few years...
Of course she cheated. According to several doctors she has short-term memory damage from her concussion/blood clot. She is also incompetent and can not hold her own without someone whispering in her ear, as she proved last night.
If there are no rules against it then it isn't technically cheating, but Trump is right since we want to know what and how she thinks and not what her handlers tell her to think.

She cheated those people who want to know that.
Well, if it's true it completely undercuts the notion that she is somehow much more experienced, knowledgeable and versed on the issues than trump.

We could roll a high school kid out there to repeat what is being fed into his/her ear and it wouldn't be much different....
Why can't she answer the questions without help?

Can we trust her with the nuclear codes if she can't handle Matt Lauer?


Drudge is "viral" now? :rofl:

Oh wait -- "cheated"? I thought he said "Cheetos".

Hypocrisy® --- STILL American-made. :rock:
If she was getting her answers from advisers, why did she even show up? Next time just send the earpiece to the debate, put it on Obama's empty chair and hook it up to a microphone

That's a hearing aid, that's not what Hillary was wearing and Trump didn't wear this last night


Epic Fail


You don't know what a hearing aid looks like?

Why did you post one?

The thing Trump has in his ear has the little plastic tube running up to the receiver

That's a hearing aid, that's not what Hillary was wearing and Trump didn't wear this last night


Epic Fail


You don't know what a hearing aid looks like?

Why did you post one?

The thing Trump has in his ear has the little plastic tube running up to the receiver

I don't think it's a hearing aid -- I think it's a remote-controlled receiver put there by his masters the Tropicana People from Planet Orange. They tell him to say stupid shit like "Mexicans are papists" (he thought they said 'rapists' -- maybe he should have a hearing aid).

Remember when the communication from the Satsuma Galaxy was interrupted and he couldn't remember who David Duke was?

It's also why his skin turns that..... color. :wtf:

That's a hearing aid, that's not what Hillary was wearing and Trump didn't wear this last night


Epic Fail


You don't know what a hearing aid looks like?

Why did you post one?

The thing Trump has in his ear has the little plastic tube running up to the receiver
The thing Trump has in his ear is photoshopped.... Amazing how that happens and how blubber boys spin up a bunch of lies around a bunch of BS. This thread is case in point. Open your eyes and see the irony
Let me just say this one time because it's so fucking stupid.

Hillary's hair is long enough that if she wanted to wear an illegal ear piece, no one would ever have seen it.

Right wingers, my God, if they want conspiracies so bad, can't they at least pick a good one?

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