Sheet music is racist...

The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum over woke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.

This shit is like a fucking endless Monty Python movie
The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum over woke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.



Do you really believe anything on Breitbart?
The Periodic Table of the Elements is next. The SJW mob is taking us all the way down the slippery slope.

Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" is their map. Handicap everyone, so everyone is equally styoo-pit.
I read that. Very prophetic. Reminiscent of Brave New World, Atlas Shrugged, and all the rest.

We are now undeniably knee-capped.
The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum over woke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.
Proving again that modern elite educational opportunities are a fool's fantasy.

I always suspected that Beethoven was a little 'white supremacist!' I always felt a twinge of need to pull a white sheet over my head and order some black people around while listening to him.

Think I'll break all my Beethoven records and put on some Devonte von Mumbulu for a while. :smoke: I have his great works where his orchestyra shows how to play the assbone in 7 octaves in 7/4 time!
The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum over woke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.

Black dots smudging white paper?! C'mon man!

Oddly enough this composition is called "The Black Page". C'mon man!



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The University of Oxford is considering proposals that would remove sheet music from its curriculum over woke claims that teaching the Western form of musical notation has roots in “colonialism” and “complicity in white supremacy”.
Black dots smudging white paper?! C'mon man!

Here are some of my favorite white supremacist black dot smudges oppressing minorities!

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I always say: If the Black man wanted to write classical music first, he would have done so.
To be serious , we were discussing subjects like this in History class back in the 1970s. Its like the Scopes Monkey Trial .Every few years it gets drug up like this subject to make a fast buck for hucksters.
Speaking for the Democrats, I'm surprised how many things are racist. Sure I have the operable brain of a Venus Flytrap, as other PROGS do, but I couldn't have imagined a 10th of this business is actually RACIST.

That's what makes my PROGS progressive, we see shit others can't & work together.

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