SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO: Our Country Is Under Attack

As the ink is drying on the check for Joe, he has yet again hit the change up out of the park


SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO Our Country Is Under Attack Obama Is the Aggressor He Is Rewarding Criminals The Gateway Pundit

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 25, 2014, 10:45 AM

Sheriff Joe Arpaio sent out this bitter attack on Barack Obama this morning.
Arpaio accuses Barack Obama of leading an attack on the United States. The popular sheriff says President Obama is “rewarding criminals.”

Our country is under attack.

And Barack Obama is the aggressor. That’s right. Our own President has overseen the release of thousands of illegal immigrants…hundreds of whom are convicted criminals – even felons, which are flooding into America.

Every day you read the newspaper or turn on the news, there is something tragic happening, something Obama says is beyond our control.

But I must tell you: the state of the U.S. – Mexican border IS NOT BEYOND OUR CONTROL. In fact, it’s one of the key places where the safety of our nation starts. AND I am working around the clock to take criminals off the streets. Will you support my reelection campaign with a $15 or more donation right now?

Every action Obama has taken since the border crisis began has led to an increase in the flood of men, women, children, AND CRIMINALS! The icing on the cake…Obama’s solution is holding events at the White House “honoring young adults who came to this country illegally.”

HE IS REWARDING CRIMINALS! We are arresting them just to have the Obama administration release them the next day!

Arpaio is a half dead delusion old cracker a real assclown
As the ink is drying on the check for Joe, he has yet again hit the change up out of the park


SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO Our Country Is Under Attack Obama Is the Aggressor He Is Rewarding Criminals The Gateway Pundit

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 25, 2014, 10:45 AM

Sheriff Joe Arpaio sent out this bitter attack on Barack Obama this morning.
Arpaio accuses Barack Obama of leading an attack on the United States. The popular sheriff says President Obama is “rewarding criminals.”

Our country is under attack.

And Barack Obama is the aggressor. That’s right. Our own President has overseen the release of thousands of illegal immigrants…hundreds of whom are convicted criminals – even felons, which are flooding into America.

Every day you read the newspaper or turn on the news, there is something tragic happening, something Obama says is beyond our control.

But I must tell you: the state of the U.S. – Mexican border IS NOT BEYOND OUR CONTROL. In fact, it’s one of the key places where the safety of our nation starts. AND I am working around the clock to take criminals off the streets. Will you support my reelection campaign with a $15 or more donation right now?

Every action Obama has taken since the border crisis began has led to an increase in the flood of men, women, children, AND CRIMINALS! The icing on the cake…Obama’s solution is holding events at the White House “honoring young adults who came to this country illegally.”

HE IS REWARDING CRIMINALS! We are arresting them just to have the Obama administration release them the next day!

Oh look another cracker shitting in the pants thread about the browm hoards coming to enslave him

Meh, bullets are not racist and don't take color into consideration. One man dies like the next.

He's cost tax payers 44.4 million dollars because of his shenanigans.
Politically charged investigations and legal disputes involving Maricopa County elected officials have cost taxpayers at least $44.4million since the conflicts began, according to records released Monday.

The last of the major legal issues, most of which arose from 2008 to 2010, were resolved last month, when the Board of Supervisors voted to settle two remaining lawsuits filed by targets of politically charged investigations by the Sheriff’s and County Attorney’s offices.

The final tab is likely to rise, depending on an appeal of a settlement of a lawsuit filed by Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox.

Maricopa County payment information was released Monday in response to a public-records request by The Arizona Republic. The cost of the political feuds has ballooned since The Republic began tracking the amount in 2009, when it was tabbed at $1.1million.

Maricopa County infighting lawsuits cost taxpayers 44.4 million

Do you know why all of that went down?

Maricopa County Sheriff's officials misspent $99.5 million in restricted jail funds over the last eight years, according to a Wednesday morning briefing by county budget officials who spent the past six months researching the issue.

Budget officials said $84.7 million was misspent from the detention fund, while another $14.8 million in inmate-services funds were misspent.

Budget officials briefed the county's five-member governing board on the misspending Wednesday morning, saying discrepancies existed for years between sheriff's employees' actual duties and the duties reported in county payroll records. As sheriff's employees were transferred around the agency, the payroll records were not always updated, creating a massive financial problem that will have to be confronted in coming years.

County budget and sheriff's officials say new systems have been put in place to prevent future misspending of the detention funds. They are attempting to fix the problem by moving staff around and shifting funds.

Supervisors expressed disappointment with the misspending. One, Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox, suggested the board may need to strengthen oversight of the sheriff's finances through future budget mechanisms.
Joe Arpaio s staff misspent 99.5 million budget officials say

Now, add in the wrongful death lawsuits............

You don't want a sheriff. You want to be entertained.

State funds? Do you live in AZ? The people support Joe and EXPECT him to spend THEIR dollars to stop the cancer that is destroying this once great nation


Maricopa County, hon.

Um..........he's an embarrassment to the rest of AZ. Pima County is closer to the border and doesn't have near the BS. So, just in case there are smart asses out here-and there are- I was born in Tucson. I have family there. I just took a trip at the beginning of this month down there. I have family in Texas, OK, NY and have lived in those places and before I moved to Chicago I spent a decade in the Keys. There you have it. I don't owe you that. Any other stupid questions that you want to hurl up there?

He is political theater. He tells you what you want to hear. That's why you like him.

Sounds like you couldn't hold down a job

Appropriately noted

BTW- My son and his family live in Maricopa and couldn't disagree with you more

He's cost tax payers 44.4 million dollars because of his shenanigans.
Politically charged investigations and legal disputes involving Maricopa County elected officials have cost taxpayers at least $44.4million since the conflicts began, according to records released Monday.

The last of the major legal issues, most of which arose from 2008 to 2010, were resolved last month, when the Board of Supervisors voted to settle two remaining lawsuits filed by targets of politically charged investigations by the Sheriff’s and County Attorney’s offices.

The final tab is likely to rise, depending on an appeal of a settlement of a lawsuit filed by Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox.

Maricopa County payment information was released Monday in response to a public-records request by The Arizona Republic. The cost of the political feuds has ballooned since The Republic began tracking the amount in 2009, when it was tabbed at $1.1million.

Maricopa County infighting lawsuits cost taxpayers 44.4 million

Do you know why all of that went down?

Maricopa County Sheriff's officials misspent $99.5 million in restricted jail funds over the last eight years, according to a Wednesday morning briefing by county budget officials who spent the past six months researching the issue.

Budget officials said $84.7 million was misspent from the detention fund, while another $14.8 million in inmate-services funds were misspent.

Budget officials briefed the county's five-member governing board on the misspending Wednesday morning, saying discrepancies existed for years between sheriff's employees' actual duties and the duties reported in county payroll records. As sheriff's employees were transferred around the agency, the payroll records were not always updated, creating a massive financial problem that will have to be confronted in coming years.

County budget and sheriff's officials say new systems have been put in place to prevent future misspending of the detention funds. They are attempting to fix the problem by moving staff around and shifting funds.

Supervisors expressed disappointment with the misspending. One, Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox, suggested the board may need to strengthen oversight of the sheriff's finances through future budget mechanisms.
Joe Arpaio s staff misspent 99.5 million budget officials say

Now, add in the wrongful death lawsuits............

You don't want a sheriff. You want to be entertained.

State funds? Do you live in AZ? The people support Joe and EXPECT him to spend THEIR dollars to stop the cancer that is destroying this once great nation


Maricopa County, hon.

Um..........he's an embarrassment to the rest of AZ. Pima County is closer to the border and doesn't have near the BS. So, just in case there are smart asses out here-and there are- I was born in Tucson. I have family there. I just took a trip at the beginning of this month down there. I have family in Texas, OK, NY and have lived in those places and before I moved to Chicago I spent a decade in the Keys. There you have it. I don't owe you that. Any other stupid questions that you want to hurl up there?

He is political theater. He tells you what you want to hear. That's why you like him.

Sounds like you couldn't hold down a job

Appropriately noted

BTW- My son and his family live in Maricopa and couldn't disagree with you more


You're an imbecile. My dad was military. You're just another fucktwit.
Another Beer Summit?

Sheriff Joe Proposes Drinks With Mexico’s President In Order To Solve Border Crisis

The Democrats have completely ruined whatever shred of border security we once had and the illegal immigration epidemic is getting exponentially worse under Obama’s reign. If there’s one person who will actually tell it like it is and do what needs to be done, it’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He is now calling for the United States military to intervene on the border crisis.

Sheriff Joe described his no-nonsense approach to the border situation:

“If we are worried about the danger, then I would send the military across the border, work with their military bilaterally and get the job done. That’s what I would do and we’d clean up this mess. Of course, you have to get the Mexican president to OK it. I would just go in there and have a few drinks with him and get the job done.

Sheriff Joe Proposes Drinks With Mexico 8217 s President In Order To Solve Border Crisis Mr. Conservative

See? A politician. With delusions of grandeur no less thinking a lowly Sheriff rates a beer with a head of state.

He feels perhaps he is doing something instead of the status quo of Obama doing nothing.

So you acknowledge that "beer summits" are effective.
Actually, it sounds like the good sheriff is addicted to attention.
Granny says, "Dat's right - tell `em so Sheriff Joe!...

Sheriff Joe deputizes armed Americans for war on terror: ‘I’m concerned about what’s going on'
Thursday 3rd December, 2015 - Sheriff Joe Arpaio is calling on Arizona’s 250,000 concealed weapons permit holders to fight terrorism in the homeland. On Dec. 1, one day before 14 died in a San Bernadino, California massacre involving 28-year-old Syed Farook, the man known as the ';toughest sheriff in America'; said he could not guarantee the public’s safety and said legally armed citizens should take matters into their own hands if necessary
“I’m just talking about the areas where you have large crowds and someone pulls out the gun and starts shooting. Maybe somebody with a concealed weapon takes the guy down,” the Maricopa County sheriff said. In the wake of recent terror attacks in Paris, Beirut and Mali, a CBS poll found 69 percent of Americans believe an attack by jihadists in the U.S. is likely. Arpaio also said an armed citizen could have stopped the Colorado man accused of killing three people at a Planned Parenthood facility. “I’m concerned about what’s going on. Just think about Colorado. If there was someone in there with a concealed weapon that guy would have been shot down,” he said.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio.​

Steve Henry, chief deputy of the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, said Arpaio’s plan was not the way to go. “Sometimes it’s not proper to pull the trigger because the collateral damage is not worth it,” Henry said. “We don’t want to walk into a gun fight between anybody, much less a gun fight where people are untrained.” But Arpaio believes a well-armed citizenry is one way to keep the public safe. “All I’m saying is if it’s controversial, then OK, let it be controversial, but we have to protect the public,” he said.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig takes the same view as Arpaio, and has said Detroit’s thousands of legal gun owners are a deterrent to terrorists. Craig said “a lot of Detroiters” have concealed carry licenses and “the same rules apply to terrorists as they do to some gun-toting thug. If you’re a terrorist, or a carjacker, you want unarmed citizens.” According to the Michigan State Police, more than 30,000 of Detroit’s 688,000 residents are legally armed.

Sheriff Joe deputizes armed Americans for war on terror: 'I'm concerned about what's going on'

See also:

Second NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Their Weapons
December 4, 2015 | “Licensed gun owners should carry their licensed handguns if they feel that they are comfortable and proficient enough to do so,” Sullivan County (N.Y.) Sheriff Michael Schiff said on Thursday.
He made the announcement shortly after Ulster County (N.Y.) Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum urged licensed gun owners to carry their weapons -- "in light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world." “I concur with Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum that licensed gun owners should carry their licensed handguns if they feel that they are comfortable and proficient enough to do so. They should also be familiar with State and local laws that govern firearms and the use of deadly physical force,” Sheriff Schiff said in a Facebook post. “I also join Sheriff Van Blarcum in urging off duty police/peace officers and qualified retired law enforcement personnel to carry their firearms as well. “The police cannot be everywhere. The second amendment and the laws of New York State give citizens the tools to defend themselves and their families from harm, until law enforcement can arrive on the scene. "Given the recent attacks in our country and abroad, citizens should be aware of their surroundings, exercise vigilance and not be afraid to report any suspicious activity. If you see something, say something.”


Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum's Facebook post was directed to "licensed handgun owners." "In light of recent events that have occurred in the United States and around the world I want to encourage citizens of Ulster County who are licensed to carry a firearm to PLEASE DO SO. "I urge you to responsibly take advantage of your legal right to carry a firearm. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, make sure you are comfortable and proficient with your weapon, and knowledgeable of the laws in New York State with regards to carrying a weapon and when it is legal to use it.

I also want to remind all Police/Peace Officers both active duty and retired to please carry a weapon whenever you leave your house. We are the thin blue line that is entrusted in keeping this country safe, and we must be prepared to act at any given moment.” Sullivan and Ulster Counties share a boundary and are located in the Catskills region of New York.

Second NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Their Weapons
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I guess I have Sharpton disease as I think that Joe is sincere and actually cares about Maricopa county


I don't question his caring for his home. I question his motives. He only ever gets on camera by saying stupid stuff, so to get on camera he says stupid stuff. Sheriffs are an elected position, so my initial thinking when I hear him in the news is he's just grandstanding again. He's just a politician like every other. He's done some great things, but I think he's showing his age and becomming increasingly addle-minded. Should probably be thinking about retirement.

An election? How cynical.

PHOENIX — As Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces his toughest career battle in a federal lawsuit over his policing policies, he also faces one of the hardest re-election period of his 53-year career.

According to a recent poll by consulting firm MBQF, Arpaio’s chances of being re-elected are a tossup.

When 559 Maricopa County voters were asked if Arpaio should be re-elected, only 50.55 percent responded yes and a slightly less amount — 49.55 percent — said someone else should be given a chance.

Poll: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's chances of re-election 50-50 -
Sounds like Sheriff Joe has hit a dead end on his quest to prove that Obama's birth certificate is phony, and has found a brand new bag....
Sounds like Sheriff Joe has hit a dead end on his quest to prove that Obama's birth certificate is phony, and has found a brand new bag....

Well, when you're 'lead investigator' is caught taking 5 figure bribes, it tends to take a little polish off the apple.

With Arpario's stalking of the wife of the Federal judge who was hearing his civil rights case telling you what kind of man Joe is.
Bitch please. He's a politician mugging for the cameras. Servicemen and women are on the front lines. Politicians are on the lawn jumping up and down to get press coverage to glorify themselves. Make that comparison again and I'll make you a personal project.

I guess I have Sharpton disease as I think that Joe is sincere and actually cares about Maricopa county


Just not the children who were victims of sexual assault in Maricopa County.

While he was busy investigating judges and political opponents in Maricopa County-

Report: Arpaio's SVU left child sex victims without justice

During the election year of 2012, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office appears to have withheld an internal investigation that exposed problems in its special victims unit.

CBS 5 Investigates threatened to sue MCSO for the report earlier this month. The agency released it on the deadline offered to avoid that lawsuit.

The report shows that detectives in the special victims unit, which investigates child sex crimes, were so understaffed, they routinely discarded cases that were difficult to investigate. That left rapists on the streets and victims waiting for justice.

The report indicates that MCSO received funding to help with the child sex crime investigations but diverted those funds and personnel to other areas. The report fails to identify who made the decision to divert the resources or where they went. But a review of the sheriff's budget and press releases indicates that at the time the resources were approved for the SVU, the sheriff's office announced the creation of a human smuggling unit.

Victims left without justice

Internal investigations detectives ended up reviewing more than 500 sex crimes cases, a vast majority of them involving children.

"He threatened me. He told me not to tell anybody or he would hurt me," said Sabrina Morrison, who was just 13 years old when her uncle raped her.

Sabrina's case is one example of what happened to the victims of these crimes while the SVU was discarding cases. She told a teacher, who notified MCSO. But after detectives interviewed Sabrina and had a rape exam performed, they told Sabrina's mother they did not believe an assault had occurred.

"I was told to my face that there was no evidence of any trauma, so no sexual assault," said Sabrina's mother, Vikki Morrison.

MCSO detectives waited five years to arrest Sabrina's uncle, despite the fact that records show the crime lab had notified detectives within weeks of the attack that semen was detected in the rape kit. Sabrina's parents were led to believe that their special-needs daughter was making it all up.

During those five years, Sabrina's uncle repeatedly assaulted her.

"I felt hurt because nobody believed me," Sabrina said.
It's a tossup as to whether ol' Joe dies first or gets sent to prison first.

How does he get elected? Bedwetters. Phoenix doesn't like him, but Phoenix is surrounded by vast tracts of retirement communities. Those old white folks are trapped in their houses by the heat for 9 months each year, so they sit inside and watch FOX all day long (when not posting on message boards). They've been convinced they're in deadly danger from ... something ... so they want security. And they don't care about freedom, since they've self-exiled themselves to sit in the house all day anyways. And it's not like they can tell the difference if their gardener get arrested and a new gardener shows up.
Not to many of us like Joe left around here
On the contrary, batshit crazy racists seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days.

Is joe ever going to produce his "evidence" about obama's birth or is he still waiting for more donations?

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