Sheriff Tough Joe Arpaio is running for Senate in for him to build the wall!

It's hilarious that the Left just does NOT understand every day American's. They/We want the wall built and we want immigration curbed.

even funnier when dumbass RW's think one pissant senator from Az can give them a wall.
Yup...a win for the R's is just maintenance of the status quo--no change..but if the Dems get a seat..or two---it is a potential game changer.
4 points..was a a State so historically red. Yes..people want a hard core immigration policy..including me--and we have one--but the Fed..and that includes Trump..won't do what it takes to solve the problem..they talk a good game..and rally behind some 'Wall'--but the US govt. could start deporting millions..if Trump gave the order to the AG---he could really crack down on employers--instead of showcasing a few cases...and leaving the vast bulk..untouched.

But Arizona is changing..and Sheriff Joe is no Trump. He won' get past the primary..more's the pity.

Actually it's kind of hard to "crack down" on employers because of the current I-9 (Federal Employment Eligibility Verification) as employers are pretty much ham-strung to accept the documents provided by the individual and cannot selectively reject or investigate further. They simply must accept them and then file the piece of paper for 3-years after the date of hire or 1-year after termination - whichever is longer.

If the employer has their I-9 on file, then an employer case gets harder.

It's hilarious that the Left just does NOT understand every day American's. They/We want the wall built and we want immigration curbed.

I'm an everyday Amercian and have been a loyal Republican voter since 1978. I'll say flat out that I don't want a "wall" has has been the chant of Politicians who just want to be able to say "see what I did" and have a photo-op in front of it without addressing the real immigration problem.

#1 Yes there needs to walls and barriers in densely populated areas, however.

#2 The wall is NOT the answer to our illegal alien problem because if you spend billions to build walls like some want then illegals will just go around, over, or under it anyway. In 2016 about 66% of illegal aliens entered the country legally and then overstayed into illegal status.

#3 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. That means jobs. Until we hold employers to task (and give them the tools to screen new hires). They will continue to come. The current I-9 "paperwork" in a joke because employers are basically required to accept documents presented by the applicant and simply keep the records on file. We need a proactive E-verify system that works and then require employers to use it.

#4 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. Until we make them ineligible for such things as social services, public education, drivers licenses, etc. They will continue to come.

#5 We need to fix the broken "birthright citizen" ship interpretation of the Constitution as it currently exists. I don't have an issue with birthright citizenship for anyone here legally, however if you enter the country illegally - you should not be able to claim citizenship for a child. We need to follow the model of other developed countries and say that citizenship is derived from the parents.

#6 Finally, we need a viable guest worker program for agricultural labor where private sector firms "sponsor" a worker with a bond. They then become responsible for work, transportation, and return of the individual at the end of the worker program period. Such a quest worker program MUST require the individual to leave the US for a specified period of time. If the worker doesn't leave then the sponsoring company forfeits their hefty bond which would be large enough cover any income earned from hiring the individual out + a fine. (In simple terms remove the profit.)

The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship


That all looks good on paper....what happens if/when we have another pro wetback Democrat calling shots? All those policies go to shit and we’re back to where we were. They won’t tear down a $20 billion dollar wall and if they refuse to patrol it we’ll send in the Minute Men.
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton wrote that Arpaio had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the court’s command and that his attempt to pin the conduct on those who worked for him rang hollow.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” Bolton wrote.

There you have it. DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like their hero Arpaio. mean like the Obama Admin ignoring our immigration Laws?
Nice lie. Under Obama more Mexicans were leaving the US than coming in as far back as 2012. God you’re stupid.
Let Sheriff Joe run in a "Law and Order" Platform

Oh....the irony
the guy is 3/4 of the way into the grave....fuck him put him out to pasture....

I know we have a lot of old people in Congress, but they usually get elected when they're at least in their 40's or so. This fucking guy is 85 years old. He could very well die before the election.

So could you.

Yeah, but I'm 33. If I die any time soon it will be from some sort of accident. If this fucking guy gets a cold he's done for. :tongue:
That all looks good on paper....what happens if/when we have another pro wetback Democrat calling shots? All those policies go to shit and we’re back to where we were.

They wouldn't be policies, I want to make them the law.

They won’t tear down a $20 billion dollar wall...

It's a 20+ Billion dollar political boondoggle, some want their Bush "Mission Accomplished" photo-op. That's all. It will have little impact on illegal aliens as most illegal aliens enter the country legally - they just don't leave when they are supposed to.

... and if they refuse to patrol it we’ll send in the Minute Men.

Whose "we kemosabe"? I don't support vigilantes taking the law into their own hands and will support maximum prison sentences if they are found in violation of the law. For example assault if they lay hands on someone, kidnapping for unlawful detention, murder if they kills someone.

Ya you might get a few pot-bellied "minute men" (but lets not bring their sex lives into it) that will sit out in their RV's with a Coors. But if you think their will be an army of vigilantes sitting on the boarder you are wrong.

To solve the illegal alien problem, we HAVE to address why they come here and not waste time or resources on a "mission accomplished" photo-op.

Many of the sex crimes Arpaio refused to investigate were victims of child molestation as young as 2 YEARS OLD. Crimes against them were ignored because they were Latino.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Failed To Investigate Over 400 Sex Crimes, Including Molestations Of Undocumented Children
Well DEPLORABLES love child molesters so of course they’d love Arpaio who wouldn’t prosecute them.
Your link does not say who molested those children. If they were molested by coyotes that bought them across the border, or illegals, or US citizens. Why is that?

Just a bunch of crap.
It's hilarious that the Left just does NOT understand every day American's. They/We want the wall built and we want immigration curbed.

I'm an everyday Amercian and have been a loyal Republican voter since 1978. I'll say flat out that I don't want a "wall" has has been the chant of Politicians who just want to be able to say "see what I did" and have a photo-op in front of it without addressing the real immigration problem.

#1 Yes there needs to walls and barriers in densely populated areas, however.

#2 The wall is NOT the answer to our illegal alien problem because if you spend billions to build walls like some want then illegals will just go around, over, or under it anyway. In 2016 about 66% of illegal aliens entered the country legally and then overstayed into illegal status.

#3 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. That means jobs. Until we hold employers to task (and give them the tools to screen new hires). They will continue to come. The current I-9 "paperwork" in a joke because employers are basically required to accept documents presented by the applicant and simply keep the records on file. We need a proactive E-verify system that works and then require employers to use it.

#4 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. Until we make them ineligible for such things as social services, public education, drivers licenses, etc. They will continue to come.

#5 We need to fix the broken "birthright citizen" ship interpretation of the Constitution as it currently exists. I don't have an issue with birthright citizenship for anyone here legally, however if you enter the country illegally - you should not be able to claim citizenship for a child. We need to follow the model of other developed countries and say that citizenship is derived from the parents.

#6 Finally, we need a viable guest worker program for agricultural labor where private sector firms "sponsor" a worker with a bond. They then become responsible for work, transportation, and return of the individual at the end of the worker program period. Such a quest worker program MUST require the individual to leave the US for a specified period of time. If the worker doesn't leave then the sponsoring company forfeits their hefty bond which would be large enough cover any income earned from hiring the individual out + a fine. (In simple terms remove the profit.)

The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship


#1 and #2 - Those walls will not be easy to go over or under, and you cannot go around if the wall is complete. Urban or rural, not having anything makes it so easy to just walk across, anyone can do it.

#5 - You realize that this will take a new Amendment to change the 14th Amendment wording.

I can't argue with much else.
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton wrote that Arpaio had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the court’s command and that his attempt to pin the conduct on those who worked for him rang hollow.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” Bolton wrote.

There you have it. DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like their hero Arpaio. mean like the Obama Admin ignoring our immigration Laws?
Nice lie. Under Obama more Mexicans were leaving the US than coming in as far back as 2012. God you’re stupid.

"Reckless disregard. It’s a phrase in legal writing that means “gross negligence without concern for danger to others.” And it’s a phrase that characterizes much of the attitude toward law of an administration headed by a man sometimes described as a constitutional scholar.

The most recent case in point is the decision by federal district judge Andrew Hanen in Texas enjoining the operation of Barack Obama’s order barring prosecution of something like 4 million illegal immigrants.

The administration has a plausible legal argument: the president is ordering immigration authorities to exercise discretion, just as a prosecutor does not bring all possible indictments. In his 123-page opinion Judge Hanen disagrees. “The DHS cannot reasonably claim that, under a general delegation to establish enforcement priorities, it can establish a blanket policy of non-enforcement that also awards legal presence and benefits to otherwise removable aliens.”

Barack Obama's 'reckless disregard' of the law

You're dismissed
#1 and #2 - Those walls will not be easy to go over or under, and you cannot go around if the wall is complete. Urban or rural, not having anything makes it so easy to just walk across, anyone can do it.

I said that some walls will be necessary in populated areas. My previous link showed that 66% of new illegal aliens arrived in this country legally and then overstayed their legal time. A wall isn't going to do squat against those that come here legally to begin with. And yes, in remote section they will find ways to go under or over the wall. Water import by coyotes will be more common as a way around the wall.

It will problaby have a decent impact for a year or two on the way that only 1/3 of illegals enter the country for the first year or two but they will find new methods and new pipelines to bypass the wall. Then you are stuck with a wall and they are still coming.

#5 - You realize that this will take a new Amendment to change the 14th Amendment wording.

Not necessarily. First Congress could act with a revision to the United States Code defining what "subject to the jurisdiction" of means in terms of citizenship. If the SCOTUS then rules it unconstitutional, then an amendment would be needed.

I can't argue with much else.

Thank you.

the guy is 3/4 of the way into the grave....fuck him put him out to pasture....

I know we have a lot of old people in Congress, but they usually get elected when they're at least in their 40's or so. This fucking guy is 85 years old. He could very well die before the election.

So could you.

Yeah, but I'm 33. If I die any time soon it will be from some sort of accident. If this fucking guy gets a cold he's done for. :tongue:
you tell em double A....
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton wrote that Arpaio had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the court’s command and that his attempt to pin the conduct on those who worked for him rang hollow.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” Bolton wrote.

There you have it. DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like their hero Arpaio. mean like the Obama Admin ignoring our immigration Laws?

You mean like he did the exact same things as other presidents, except president Obama did them while black.

but how about you pay attention to the actual thread topic..,.... that the pathetic joe arpaio wants a senate seat.

tell me, do you people go out and purposely pick the post disgusting people in the country to represent you?

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