Sheriff Tough Joe Arpaio is running for Senate in for him to build the wall!

No corporation will sponsor something that will prevent cheap labor from trespassing into the US.
So yes, very few young and upcoming politicians will risk supporting a wall.

I see that tone changing big time as soon as iCE is given authority and the mass raids of businesses begins. I also expect to see new legislation working down the pipeline aimed at businesses caught employing illegals. This shit is gonna get good.
Mass raids of business Tax Rates or No Deal!

“No deal”?
Hahahahaha...Danny thinks wetbacks make the rules....hahahahahahaha
As you take GOP/DOP cues from an accused child molester Moore and now a convicted criminal Pieho..
Are these the best GOP/DOPer Party has to offer?
It's hilarious that the Left just does NOT understand every day American's. They/We want the wall built and we want immigration curbed.

I'm an everyday Amercian and have been a loyal Republican voter since 1978. I'll say flat out that I don't want a "wall" has has been the chant of Politicians who just want to be able to say "see what I did" and have a photo-op in front of it without addressing the real immigration problem.

#1 Yes there needs to walls and barriers in densely populated areas, however.

#2 The wall is NOT the answer to our illegal alien problem because if you spend billions to build walls like some want then illegals will just go around, over, or under it anyway. In 2016 about 66% of illegal aliens entered the country legally and then overstayed into illegal status.

#3 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. That means jobs. Until we hold employers to task (and give them the tools to screen new hires). They will continue to come. The current I-9 "paperwork" in a joke because employers are basically required to accept documents presented by the applicant and simply keep the records on file. We need a proactive E-verify system that works and then require employers to use it.

#4 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. Until we make them ineligible for such things as social services, public education, drivers licenses, etc. They will continue to come.

#5 We need to fix the broken "birthright citizen" ship interpretation of the Constitution as it currently exists. I don't have an issue with birthright citizenship for anyone here legally, however if you enter the country illegally - you should not be able to claim citizenship for a child. We need to follow the model of other developed countries and say that citizenship is derived from the parents.

#6 Finally, we need a viable guest worker program for agricultural labor where private sector firms "sponsor" a worker with a bond. They then become responsible for work, transportation, and return of the individual at the end of the worker program period. Such a quest worker program MUST require the individual to leave the US for a specified period of time. If the worker doesn't leave then the sponsoring company forfeits their hefty bond which would be large enough cover any income earned from hiring the individual out + a fine. (In simple terms remove the profit.)

The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship

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with what, nothing but a platitude.

The right wing really is clueless and Causeless about economics on this board.

So you keep typing, prove it or pound sand guppy.
forgot so soon?

Mass raids of business Tax Rates or No Deal!

How is the right wing going to pay for it.
It’s called making stuff and selling it.
So tell us how Germany and Japan can do it.
dear, we have a federal government because we were given the federal doctrine as a basis for our Republican form of Government.

It is not a federal government because we have a unitary form of government.
You didn’t answer the question.
Yes, I did, several times.

dear, we have a federal government because we were given the federal doctrine as a basis for our Republican form of Government.

It is not a federal government because we have a unitary form of government.
Pay for it? Wait, are you trying to say that ALL money belongs to the Government and that IF they let you keep more of it it must be paid for? Surely that is NOT your it?

What happened to the size of the national debt being a problem..

I'll ask you the same question, does ALL money belong to the Gov?
Yes, it does. Legal tender belongs to the government for convenience.
For! Joe just is not all that popular in Arizona.

Partially true...he’s obviously hated by the illegals and barely American anchor babies. He’s loved by productive, patriotic, REAL Americans though.
All citizens are 'real' definition. Both Joe..and the Wall..are not beloved by a majority..or even a strong plurality in Arizona--I just hope he wins the Primary.

Kinda strange that Trump won AZ by four percentage points....pushing a “build that wall”, hardcore anti immigration policy and now suddenly nobody wants either...huh? So weird...makes perfect sense to someone I guess.

Romney won the state by 8 points. Also Trump was running against Clinton who was seen as dishonest as Trump was. In this case, the Democrat candidate will be female, moderate, and Hispanic. She has a great story to tell. Arpaio is a convicted felon.
The choice is between Crazy Kelly and Kooky Joe. This looks like a third Republican seat that will be lost.
Arpaio is a convicted felon.

He was convicted of a misdemeanor and could have faced up to six months in Jail. Felony charges are those that have a potential jail time of 1 year or more.

(But given that he was pardoned, he can't appeal the conviction now.)

Sheriff Arpio really enrages the Dumb Racist Democrat Bigots who want open borders and mass illegal immigration
He also enrages those in Arizona who live along the border..and do not like how he acts...and who do not want a wall...and those who hate thieves. In fact, he enrages so many..that his odds of being elected are slim and none..and slim moved to Alabama.

He's tough on criminals and illegals, patriotic Americans are fine with that. Criminals, illegals, and liberal filth are not.
Arpaio is a criminal himself. I see you don’t care about the law. He’s not tough on anyone. He broke the law, justifiably convicted and Trump’s pardon will go down in history as one of his worst 1000 actions.

Why do un-American traitors like you hate the laws of the US?
Pay for it? Wait, are you trying to say that ALL money belongs to the Government and that IF they let you keep more of it it must be paid for? Surely that is NOT your it?

What happened to the size of the national debt being a problem..

I'll ask you the same question, does ALL money belong to the Gov?
Yes, it does. Legal tender belongs to the government for convenience.

This should be good. Show it to me.
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton wrote that Arpaio had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the court’s command and that his attempt to pin the conduct on those who worked for him rang hollow.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” Bolton wrote.

There you have it. DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like their hero Arpaio.
It's hilarious that the Left just does NOT understand every day American's. They/We want the wall built and we want immigration curbed.

I'm an everyday Amercian and have been a loyal Republican voter since 1978. I'll say flat out that I don't want a "wall" has has been the chant of Politicians who just want to be able to say "see what I did" and have a photo-op in front of it without addressing the real immigration problem.

#1 Yes there needs to walls and barriers in densely populated areas, however.

#2 The wall is NOT the answer to our illegal alien problem because if you spend billions to build walls like some want then illegals will just go around, over, or under it anyway. In 2016 about 66% of illegal aliens entered the country legally and then overstayed into illegal status.

#3 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. That means jobs. Until we hold employers to task (and give them the tools to screen new hires). They will continue to come. The current I-9 "paperwork" in a joke because employers are basically required to accept documents presented by the applicant and simply keep the records on file. We need a proactive E-verify system that works and then require employers to use it.

#4 We will not solve the illegal alien problem until we face one simple fact, illegals come here because they perceive it will be a better life. Until we make them ineligible for such things as social services, public education, drivers licenses, etc. They will continue to come.

#5 We need to fix the broken "birthright citizen" ship interpretation of the Constitution as it currently exists. I don't have an issue with birthright citizenship for anyone here legally, however if you enter the country illegally - you should not be able to claim citizenship for a child. We need to follow the model of other developed countries and say that citizenship is derived from the parents.

#6 Finally, we need a viable guest worker program for agricultural labor where private sector firms "sponsor" a worker with a bond. They then become responsible for work, transportation, and return of the individual at the end of the worker program period. Such a quest worker program MUST require the individual to leave the US for a specified period of time. If the worker doesn't leave then the sponsoring company forfeits their hefty bond which would be large enough cover any income earned from hiring the individual out + a fine. (In simple terms remove the profit.)

The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)
Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship


Well said, it does not however represent the view of MOST American's.
Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ignoring a judge’s order to stop detaining people because he merely suspected them of being undocumented immigrants.

U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton wrote that Arpaio had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the court’s command and that his attempt to pin the conduct on those who worked for him rang hollow.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” Bolton wrote.

There you have it. DEPLORABLES have no respect for the law just like their hero Arpaio. mean like the Obama Admin ignoring our immigration Laws?
Well said, it does not however represent the view of MOST American's.

"A majority of likely voters in a new poll doesn't think the U.S. should build a wall along the country's southern border.

The conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports poll finds that 37 percent of likely voters said the U.S. should construct a border wall in an effort to curb illegal immigration.

But 56 percent of respondents disagree."

Rasmussen poll: Most don't want border wall


"A majority of Americans in a poll released Thursday oppose new spending for President Trump's planned wall along the border with Mexico.

A survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 58 percent of Americans oppose new spending for the border wall, while just 28 percent support it. "

Poll: Americans oppose Trump border wall funding


Washington Post-ABC News poll: Sixty percent of adults oppose building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, while 37 percent support it.

Trump says his base ‘really wants’ a border wall. Polls show most Americans don’t.


"As was the case throughout the presidential campaign, more Americans continue to oppose (62%) than favor (35%) building a wall along the entire U.S. border with Mexico. "

Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border wall, doubt Mexico would pay for it


"President Donald Trump‘s proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is more unpopular than ever — with double the number of Americans opposing its construction than those who want it built, according to a new poll.

A recent Quinnipiac poll, which surveyed 1,062 Americans between April 12 and 18, shows 64% of American voters oppose building the wall, while 33% support it. About 3% of voters said they weren’t sure how the wall made them feel.
President Donald Trump‘s proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is more unpopular than ever — with double the number of Americans opposing its construction than those who want it built, according to a new poll.

A recent Quinnipiac poll, which surveyed 1,062 Americans between April 12 and 18, shows 64% of American voters oppose building the wall, while 33% support it. About 3% of voters said they weren’t sure how the wall made them feel.

Most Americans Oppose President Trump's Border Wall

This is Great News. Sheriff Joe proved Obama's long form birth certificate was a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation . He deserves to be in the Senate.
Hey!!! It didn't take long for the tin foil hat crowd to chime in! Yup...still pushing that worn-out and patently untrue shyte---that you are first with this..goes to your credibility..which is now in negative numbers--but hey---the rest of your lil crowd..will dance along with the same old tune.
For! Joe just is not all that popular in Arizona.

Partially true...he’s obviously hated by the illegals and barely American anchor babies. He’s loved by productive, patriotic, REAL Americans though.
All citizens are 'real' definition. Both Joe..and the Wall..are not beloved by a majority..or even a strong plurality in Arizona--I just hope he wins the Primary.

Kinda strange that Trump won AZ by four percentage points....pushing a “build that wall”, hardcore anti immigration policy and now suddenly nobody wants either...huh? So weird...makes perfect sense to someone I guess.
4 points..was a a State so historically red. Yes..people want a hard core immigration policy..including me--and we have one--but the Fed..and that includes Trump..won't do what it takes to solve the problem..they talk a good game..and rally behind some 'Wall'--but the US govt. could start deporting millions..if Trump gave the order to the AG---he could really crack down on employers--instead of showcasing a few cases...and leaving the vast bulk..untouched.

But Arizona is changing..and Sheriff Joe is no Trump. He won' get past the primary..more's the pity.

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