SHHHHH, maybe no one will notice

Norman doesn't care about covering up treason... must be another Ruskie.
Treason? Are you drinking? It's not like he left an ambassador to die, when help was available.

Time for Trump & the Trumpswabs to learn the definition of treason as defined in the US constitution. :thup:

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

How many U.S. Ambassadors have been killed by militants? - FAQs - About Us - Office of the Historian

None of that is treason, moron.
She knows that. Idiolg
Both Yates and the FBI director said yet again, that there is no evidence at all of collusion with the Russians.

Actually, there is more evidence that the Dems tampered with the election, infinitely more, and that Hillary colluded with the Russians, along with everything else. Probably why they keep trying to keep the media and public fixated on this faux Trump Russia thing.

Hillary ought to be serving about ten consecutive life sentences.
We know obama hacked election processes in at least two states.

The only people that care the DNC was hacked are the POS leaders of the Democrat party that rigged their constituents primaries. Bunch of crooked losers.
WHY oh WHY did Mr Flynn LIE ?? :eusa_think:

THEN Attorney General Session LIED UNDER OATH!

WHY oh WHY did Mr Sessions LIE ?? :eusa_think:
Mike Flynn has reportedly sought immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony about the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, but past comments show that Donald Trump's former national security adviser once associated immunity with guilt.

gee wiz, i wonder if Mr Flynn will just LIE again! :eusa_think:
Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."
and if they do just dont say anything ...

How the White House Explains Waiting 18 Days to Fire Michael Flynn

that scenario is a cornerstone of the Trump Cartel ...
After 18 days the entire country discovered Flynn had done nothing illegal, had broken no laws, but failed to inform Trump of his actions. The truth came out, they got it right....

Compared to more than 10 months of the Liberal 'McCarthyisitc' Witch Hunt going on against Trump regarding the false claim of 'Collusion' that has resulted in the NSA, FBI, CIA, and multiple members of the Intel Committee (to include Democrats) declaring there is no evidence to support the Leftists' claims of Collusion...and the democrats insisting that the 'fishing trip continues'.

I am not sure they are smart enough to understand that the longer this fishing expedition goes on regarding their obvious false claim the more THEY look bad / stupid.
trump bots would like to spread the word that these concerns of treason are all about a politician named hillary.

THIS propaganda is the epitome of trump bot FAKE NEWS ^

the official FBI statement is as follows:

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

^ just like benghazi and emails, the propaganda peddlers will hope people ignore FACTS.

trump bots will continue to peddle "alternative facts" and appeal to ignorance and emotion...

Trump impeachment watch thread:
trump bots would like to spread the word that these concerns of treason are all about a politician named hillary.

THIS propaganda is the epitome of trump bot FAKE NEWS ^

the official FBI statement is as follows:

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

^ just like benghazi and emails, the propaganda peddlers will hope people ignore FACTS.

trump bots will continue to peddle "alternative facts" and appeal to ignorance and emotion...

Trump impeachment watch thread:

ignore it, and it'll go away may work for Trump drones and the less than 45% of the country that kiss Trumps crooked ass, but the rest of the country wants to know how deep up Russia's ass the entire Trump Cartel really is.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Is Russia an enemy? Are we at war with Russia? Is it against the law to speak to a Russian. Was it illegal to speak to a Russian when the conversation against Flynn occurred?

Michael Flynn is a retired General. Has the military started any action to remove Flynn's rank and pension for the crime of consorting with the enemy?

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