Shia Labeouf is arrested... GOOD! He deserved it!

I'm not a leftist that doesn't mean I have to support Nazi pigs. I'm interested in a future for American children, race plays no factor.

If you're a Leftist, you DON'T believe that. It is the Left who gives us WHITE PRIVILEGED," SPECIAL rights for blacks, Muslims, ILLEGALS, and pretty much anyone who isn't white.

Show me your posts where you declare Sharpton, Jackson or anyone else working "to secure a future for ???? children", to be "NAZIS." I'm confident you cannot.
Today, I found one of my leftarded friends on Facebook had posted this little diddy....

View attachment 109246

They are talking about the following incident:

Detective Navarro said that the police were called after Mr. LaBeouf got into an argument with another man at the installation, pulled off the man’s scarf and, in the process, scratched his face. The man did not need to be hospitalized, the detective said.


Now... I don't know when the liberal left's crazy train departed the tracks but you don't get to physically assault people who you don't agree with politically. I don't give a damn if they are Nazi's or what. We don't tolerate this behavior in our society. We have freedom of speech and people can say whatever the hell they want to say in public unless they are endangering public safety. Even then, you do not have the right to physically assault them.

The radical left has gone OVER the edge. We've seen repeated incidents since the inauguration of Trump, of people being physically assaulted, punched, having their clothing snatched off, having signs ripped out of their hands, being spit on, etc. This is unacceptable in a civil society. You have the right to protest, you have the right to express your feelings, you DO NOT have the right to assault people. I know you are frustrated and angry but it's time to get your shit together before someone has to take action against you. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Who is Shia Labeouf?

A pretty bad actor. I stopped watching any movie he was in.
Today, I found one of my leftarded friends on Facebook had posted this little diddy....

View attachment 109246

They are talking about the following incident:

Detective Navarro said that the police were called after Mr. LaBeouf got into an argument with another man at the installation, pulled off the man’s scarf and, in the process, scratched his face. The man did not need to be hospitalized, the detective said.


Now... I don't know when the liberal left's crazy train departed the tracks but you don't get to physically assault people who you don't agree with politically. I don't give a damn if they are Nazi's or what. We don't tolerate this behavior in our society. We have freedom of speech and people can say whatever the hell they want to say in public unless they are endangering public safety. Even then, you do not have the right to physically assault them.

The radical left has gone OVER the edge. We've seen repeated incidents since the inauguration of Trump, of people being physically assaulted, punched, having their clothing snatched off, having signs ripped out of their hands, being spit on, etc. This is unacceptable in a civil society. You have the right to protest, you have the right to express your feelings, you DO NOT have the right to assault people. I know you are frustrated and angry but it's time to get your shit together before someone has to take action against you. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Who is Shia Labeouf?

A pretty bad actor. I stopped watching any movie he was in.
I only know about Transformers. He was a young kid then

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