Shifting Wealth from the Western World


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
America far surpassed the rest of the world in wealth and prosperity.

How did we do it?

The answer is Christianity and liberty.

The message to the rest of the world is clear, if you want to be like us and have success, you need Christianity and liberty.

The Atheist Socialist left-wing can not live with the fact, they don't want either of those philosophies to spread. What a disgrace it was to them that America far surpassed Socialist countries.

America was set up by the founders to be a light of liberty to the rest of the world, for the last 60 years the Socialists have been active in shifting wealth from America to the rest if the (mostly Socialist) inferior nations.

1) Dissolve the borders and allow people to loot the country. Have Socialist run businesses that ONLY hire foreigners.

a) Low paying trades that have been near completely handed over to foreigners.

b) High paying careers that use the myth that certain nations provide people who are "smarter than Americans"

2) Tax the American public with Socialist programs that force the American public to provide free benefits and services to invaders. Programs that were once used to help the (American) poor.

3) Move manufacturing jobs to slave-labor Socialist nations and force Americans to buy products at profit.

Any person that doesn't want the borders controlled and jobs brought back, is an enemy.
It's more than just freedom. It's the idea of a capitalist society that draws people here.

There are places in the world where if you are born poor, that's the way you're going to stay. Zero opportunities to better yourself or family. In the US of A, wealth is possible for just about anybody. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, maybe some advanced education, but at least it's possible.

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