Shirley Sherrod: An interesting Timeline of events (wow its not fox new's fault)

Now HOW IN THE HELL can a FoxNation Twitter at 10:36AM be twittering -- and link to -- a Fox story at--

Again: LISTEN & LOOK CLOSELY: 10:36AM <<<-----When she wasn't fired till that evening?

She was asked to pull over and resign.... what time was that?
Sometime later afternoon, as I recall.

What does that have to do with the 10:36AM News Story? edited the tape? PROVE it bitch

fucking liar. I'm sick of the fucking liars on this site
I never said edited the tape.

I reread the post. I was simply referring to posting about it, not editing.

and didn't post on it till "shortly before it was announced that she resigned"
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.
I never said edited the tape.

I reread the post. I was simply referring to posting about it, not editing.

and didn't post on it till "shortly before it was announced that she resigned"
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.
what time did the Ag Dept announce her resignation?

and your twitter link is to, not
and i have no doubt the twitter account is a similar system as the FoxNation system'
as in its done automatically
Last edited: edited the tape? PROVE it bitch

fucking liar. I'm sick of the fucking liars on this site
I never said edited the tape.

I reread the post. I was simply referring to posting about it, not editing.


When posted it, they included a note that it was just a portion of a video, and that they didn't know what the point of Breitbart's story was.

Yeah. Didn't know the point. LOLOLOL
It's the "opinion" site of those on the payroll of FOX. So yes, FOX is responsible for the articles posted.

Really? I just created an account on Fox Nation and I'm not on their payroll. Try again.

Here's where the left is getting it's "blame Fox News" from, a poster's opinion on Fox Nation:

The first reader to comment on the post is from July 19 at 1:41 p.m.:



In this day and age, we cannot permit this type of racial one-sided decision making to continue. This lady needs to step down or get canned.

Monday, July 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM
Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear | Media Matters for America

The left can't differentiate between a news site and an opinion site. That includes the administration too.
Then post an article there. Not a reply to an article, but an actual article.

Read the MM link.
Now HOW IN THE HELL can a FoxNation Twitter at 10:36AM be twittering -- and link to -- a Fox story at--

Again: LISTEN & LOOK CLOSELY: 10:36AM <<<-----When she wasn't fired till that evening?

She was asked to pull over and resign.... what time was that?
Sometime later afternoon, as I recall.

What does that have to do with the 10:36AM News Story?

I still haven't seen this 10:30AM news story? Funny that as things are proven wrong, new claims keep coming up.

I am done arguing with most of the idiots on the left in this thread.

Can you admit that FoxNation is a blog in which contributing bloggers starts threads and there is NO evidence at all that FoxNews controls , edits, or cares what those bloggers write about? of course it's obvious they choose who gets to blog, but that is the case with everyone who owns a blog site and so faulting FoxNews for that would be stupid.

If you can't admit that is true, I will simply write you off as a fucking Ravi type liar who the world would be better off without. If you will admit that is true, then we can continue this discussion.

And Yes Ravi, I wish an alien race would take you home, you are a blight on our planet, a person who doesn't deserve the air she breathes, or the freedom she enjoys, You are an insult to the sacrifices millions have made so that you may enjoy your freedoms. As is ANYONE who lies the way she does, OR is too fucking pathetic to call her out for it.
Really? I just created an account on Fox Nation and I'm not on their payroll. Try again.

Here's where the left is getting it's "blame Fox News" from, a poster's opinion on Fox Nation:

Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear | Media Matters for America

The left can't differentiate between a news site and an opinion site. That includes the administration too.
Then post an article there. Not a reply to an article, but an actual article.

Read the MM link.
What does that have to do with you posting an article there?
and didn't post on it till "shortly before it was announced that she resigned"
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.
what time did the Ag Dept announce her resignation?

and your twitter link is to, not
and i have no doubt the twitter account is a similar system as the FoxNation system'
as in its done automatically
You tell me when she resigned.


Where does it go to?
I never said edited the tape.

I reread the post. I was simply referring to posting about it, not editing.


When posted it, they included a note that it was just a portion of a video, and that they didn't know what the point of Breitbart's story was.

Yeah. Didn't know the point. LOLOLOL

Yep. That's what they included in the story. You'd know this if you actually bothered reading anything before pontificating about it.

The point of the story wasn't entirely clear; only an excerpt of the speech is included in the video clip. - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn&#39;t Give &#39;Full Force&#39; of Help to White Farmer
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.

Hmm.... have your fun.

This is all part in parcel to shut Foxnews down by our loveable little dictator.
:cuckoo: edited the tape? PROVE it bitch

fucking liar. I'm sick of the fucking liars on this site
I never said edited the tape.

I reread the post. I was simply referring to posting about it, not editing.


When posted it, they included a note that it was just a portion of a video, and that they didn't know what the point of Breitbart's story was.
No they didn't when they first posted it!
I have already posted the original version in its entirety and asked the other mindless drone who made the same false claim as you to highlight that claim. Feel free to help him out.
Nice find there on ravi. Unfortunately that isn't the fox news channel it is a FOX subsidary though.

Do you happen to have a similar example from the Fox News Network itself or itself too? I would like to see it if you do so I'm not ill informed, thanks.

BTW dont read those comments, people who leave comments on that foxnation should move to the moon or something.
As far as I can tell, Fox Nation is owned and operated by Fox News. They chose who may post articles on Fox Nation. Readers may comment on the articles but FOX controls the posting of the actual articles.

So the claim that Fox is innocent of hyping and spreading the story is disingenuous at best.

The fox news channel didn't report on it until hours after her resignation as far as I know but if you do have evidence that they aired it on cable news prior to her resignatoin please do share it so I can recant my position thus far.

The fox news channel and did not air it prior to her being asked to resign by obama's admin then resigning as far as I can find (and i did look for about 20 min after I saw your link)

Ravi see above, i'm waiting for you to show me fox news channel or doing this not foxnation. I am willing to say i'm wrong if you can bring me the evidence of the fox news chanell or itself reporting on the video before her resignation.

It was on Fox Nation.

And what a hate fest that place is...Jesus, talk about racists.

I wonder why Brietbart doesn't "expose" them?

Isn't Fox Nation an opinion site, not a news site? Why yes, yes it is.

The Fox Nation: Fox News Launches New Opinion Site

The Fox Nation: Fox News Launches New Opinion Site

The FOX Nation website describes itself as an &#8216;online community that believes in the right to express your views, your values, your voice.&#8217; The &#8216;community&#8217; part seems to imply a lot of social networking, user-generated activity for fans (and others) of Fox News which is just what today&#8217;s online users are looking for.

The FOX Nation is New Fox News Website Right Pundits

You want Breitbart to 'expose' people's opinions? :lol:

Funny that he doesn't mention the story on Fox Nation. :eusa_eh:

Again, as zoom was somewhat saying, is not the fox news channel.

I'm open to being wrong here people just give me the information showing fox news channel airing a story on cable about it before she had resigned on the 19th.

Now i'm going to look and see if someone actually did in the last 8 pages and i missed it. will edit if i find it.
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Apparently some of you can't read.

Paperview posted the evidence.

On the 19th, Fox Nation twittered at 10:36 AM about an article posted on Fox Nation.

The Fox Nation article linked to an article at Fox News.

This means that that Fox News reported the Sherrod tape on its website on or before 10:36 AM on the 19th...well before Sherrod resigned.

Therefore any claims by FOX that they didn't report the story before her resignation are false.

Fox News subsequently changed the original article's date to the cover itself? We report, you decide.

I'll save you some time - as I said earlier:

if you click on that twit link, it goes to the Fox Nation page, and at the end of the News story, it says in the last line and link "Read more ..."
That goes to the Fox News site, and the story.
(which they changed later, and did not show they had edited it and changed the dates.)
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.

Hmm.... have your fun.

This is all part in parcel to shut Foxnews down by our loveable little dictator.

The best part is they don't recognize the irony. The more they bitch about Fox, the more people tune in to see what the big deal is, the more people see stories about the ineptitude of the anointed one, the more people get pissed off.

Meanwhile Rupert Murdoch counts his money

Keep bitching about FoxNews you dolts.
My understanding is that Sherrod was mentioned on the evening opinion broadcasts on Fox on Monday night. I didn't see them - but did watch Special Reprot with Bret Baer. His program did not cover the incident until Tuesday, after it occurred.
It had been on for hours before she had resigned.

What? around 5PM.

They posted their story at the latest, by evidence of the twitter, at 10:36A <---

Shortly is relative, I suppose.
what time did the Ag Dept announce her resignation?

and your twitter link is to, not
and i have no doubt the twitter account is a similar system as the FoxNation system'
as in its done automatically
You tell me when she resigned.


Where does it go to?
no one has said an exact time when she resigned, but she was DRIVING when she was told to pull over and resign

and when i clicked the link it went to foxnation

and yes, the foxnation page has been edited with no indicator that it had
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