Shock Poll: Nearly Eight of Ten Americans Believe Country Is “Out of Control”; Independents Break Hard to GOP

Sorry Don. The facts..don't back you up. Now, this has tightened up in the last few weeks...because...that's how our elections go now.
But people as a rule...aren't going to support a return to...cray-cray...:auiqs.jpg:

Now, this has tightened up in the last few weeks...

Both Democrats and Republicans have largely coalesced behind their own party’s congressional candidates. But the poll showed that Republicans opened up a 10-percentage point lead among crucial independent voters, compared with a three-point edge for Democrats in September, as undecided voters moved toward Republicans.

The biggest shift came from women who identified as independent voters. In September, they favored Democrats by 14 points. Now, independent women backed Republicans by 18 points — a striking swing given the polarization of the American electorate and how intensely Democrats have focused on that group and on the threat Republicans pose to abortion rights.

Don't know if I trust the source.....but this is 2 weeks ago.
Your link is a bit stale.....2 months ago.
No one control us unless we are willing to sacrifice our free will and enslave ourselves to that person.

My comment was tongue and cheek with you because of what you wrote and truthfully I have my opinion of everyone but no one matter that much for me to be consumed by them.

Personally I find it strange how society need so many people to tell them how to think and when it fails they blame the failure on everyone but themselves.

Take a moment if I voted Democrat and Republican and I see the failure from both sides why would I keep up the same insanity know the outcome?

( Yes, Einstein )

Most people are controlled by the media they consume and believe there is no other alternative in life except A or B and I believe there is more than that and that is why I wrote as a Independent I am not voting GOP either…
I figure most of what you said absolutely true for you, most normal people and me too.

I gave up on "control" as anything other than illusion, years ago, doing mounted night ops and being in position where I could actually plan, command and direct the operation and that was just with less than a hundred people spread out, moving in the dark on black-out to forward or flanking positions on an objective I was told to hit, while others in my position moved theirs, up their avenues. Absolutely anything can happen and that is with trained people, reasonably skilled disciplined moving toward a common goal, and able to make some corrections and directions on the fly with no visibility and limited knowledge once in motion.

That is just military. We are talking about society at large, and a society that prides itself on (literally celebrates) it's independence (another illusion). Then like now, the two subjects come together. All you can really hope is that nobody or no group does a true FUBAR, because there never really was control, to begin with, independent action affects everything, and outcomes can indeed be disastrous if cooler heads do not prevail.
It's going to be a bloodbath on November 8th. Biden and his puppeteers purposely ruined a perfect economy Trump had created. Never again can we allow elections to be stolen at the presidential level


Bring that MAGA energy.

Revenge is a dish best served patriotic.
eight out of ten, so these people ask 300 + million people in the USA? I doubt it seriously.
Outcomes can be disastrous even if cooler heads do prevail.

Sometimes the last thing we need is a bunch of cool fucking heads.
I have not found that to be true. Ever.
At this point the dems are very likely going to lose the house.

The senate race has been shifting in republican's favor steadily as well and is now a dead heat.

Vote these fuckers out.
It's going to be a bloodbath on November 8th. Biden and his puppeteers purposely ruined a perfect economy Trump had created. Never again can we allow elections to be stolen at the presidential level

You'd think this would go w/o saying

A question I have had for 2 years now:

WHY are even conservative media burying the story about the Steal?

baffles me

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