Shocked Europeans post astronomical Energy Bills

They aren’t isolated from the country.
Most regional power grids are connected to adjacent ones with transmission lines, but they can only bring in a very limited amount of power. All of the surrounding grids around Texas could in no way produce the amount of energy needed to keep their grid up, even if they had an insane amount of transmission lines connected to them. Many of those adjacent grids were struggling to keep their own grids up during that insane winter storm.
Sounds like you know more on it, than I. Just glad i am not subject to their loosely controlled private enterprise energy system.
Sounds like you know more on it, than I. Just glad i am not subject to their loosely controlled private enterprise energy system.
Every power grid in the nation is a loosely controlled private enterprise system. They are power markets and “governed” by a collection of private utilities, local municipalities, and state governments. They are all governed by NERC regulations. NERC is not Federal, it’s North American because it includes Canada and even some parts of Mexico. I deal with this shit every day.
You fixed nothing. Are you saying ERCOT killed the power to 4.5 Million Texas homes in the middle of a winter storm to get back at Biden, less than a month after he took office? It would have been nice to be on the National Grid, when the lights went out, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately, Texas gets a large percentage of its power from green energy.
It failed during the subzero temperatures.
The natural gas system was also not designed to operate in subzero temperatures.
They have been insulating the natural gas system.
Maybe it won't happen again.
BTW, what happened to global warming?

Texas produces 18.6 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. That’s the 22 nd largest percentage of any state. Vermont is first with 85.8 percent. Texas produces 5.3 megawatt hours per capita, the 39 th largest amount.

Texas is the top state for renewable energy |
Prehistoric Europeans

Modern day Europeans.
Every power grid in the nation is a loosely controlled private enterprise system. They are power markets and “governed” by a collection of private utilities, local municipalities, and state governments. They are all governed by NERC regulations. NERC is not Federal, it’s North American because it includes Canada and even some parts of Mexico. I deal with this shit every day.
We get ours from TVA. Nothing private about it.
The European media is worse than the American propaganda network. European citizens had no idea of the impact of sanctions against Russia. German civilians were convinced by the liberal (socialist) media that they should support the "green agenda" and everything would be fine. They were blindsided by the combination of the corrupt government and the corrupt media at the time just like Americans were. Information is gradually filtering down that this is going to be a horrific winter and Germans and the rural French are desperately trying to collect firewood. Welcome to 1939.
Already started. Heating oil was delivered today. Last year, the bill was $2100---this year $4700, over 65% more. Lets go Brandon. He and the democrats are commie globalists bent on the destruction of independent nations.

Butbutbutbut the leftists and only the leftists care about the poor. How many will freeze to death this winter? Sad part is the leftists and their media Allie’s will blame it on everyone but themselves and very large segment of the country will fall for it
They bought into no need for state regulation of their private energy sector and not being on the national grid, also, as this was what Republican state leaders wanted.

You are confused about this Moon Bat.

It takes a billion dollars just to permit a fucking nuclear power plant. That is all ridiculous and unnecessary government regulation. That is a billion dollars before the first cent is spent for construction. I know because I have worked on that silly permitting procedure.

Oil and gas are some of the most regulated commodities in the nation. Just look how that idiot Potatohead fucked up the distribution by stopping pipelines. The stupid Democrats are even making it impossible to mine coal, a great source of energy. The stupid Democrats try to put ridiculous emission requirements on any fossil fuel generation faculty.

The Demcrats are fucking up the country real bad and all your denial and lies aren't going to change it.
They cap the amounts residential customers can be charged in England, but not the business customers. As a result, they are going to soak the businesses to weather the ups and downs of shouldering the costs associated with residential consumers.

More government leftism will fix it you betcha!
You are confused about this Moon Bat.

It takes a billion dollars just to permit a fucking nuclear power plant. That is all ridiculous and unnecessary government regulation. That is a billion dollars before the first cent is spent for construction. I know because I have worked on that silly permitting procedure.

Oil and gas are some of the most regulated commodities in the nation. Just look how that idiot Potatohead fucked up the distribution by stopping pipelines. The stupid Democrats are even making it impossible to mine coal, a great source of energy. The stupid Democrats try to put ridiculous emission requirements on any fossil fuel generation faculty.

The Demcrats are fucking up the country real bad and all your denial and lies aren't going to change it.
Another dumb ass trumper, I see. If you don't like what they say, accuse them of lying.
If I have a power outage, it is because lighting has struck a transformer near me, or there is a fried squirrel on a nearby pole.
There ought to be far more nuclear than is being used.

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