Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health care??
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
No more freeloading with subpar plans that leve you high and dry when really needed, chump. Now guaranted, with subsidies to help those who need. Why not go on the exchange instead of spouting Pubcrappe?

The reason is an exchange plan will cost me $1200/month and it has a $13,000 deductible. It's practically useless as insurance.

"Sub par" must be a Dim euphemism meaning "affordable."
So that's the family deductible, about 5 days in the hospital. You also get free testing, checkups, $30 doctor visits, and a subsidy if you earn less than 4x the poverty rate. That seems high- do you live in a red state where Pubs and crony insurers aren't cooperating? Too bad! lol
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health care??

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, are you actually saying that Health Care Insurance companies would not be in business and all the employees would lose their jobs if the government stopped giving employer's a tax write off for employee Health Insurance???? and it is actually the government that is funding these employees of the health care industry?
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health cBeen disc

Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health care??

You're so full of shytte it's ridiculous. Your name is perfect. I knew a girl barttender who refused to go on welfare to get Medicaid, had her foot amputated from diabetes, and died age 37. Today she'd get care, except in a-hole red states. Idiot.
I'm not certain people truly know how the mechanics of Health Care Insurance works so let me go over the different terms...

Our Premium is the monthly amount you pay for the insurance policy. This Basic Policy includes annual physicals, and doctor's visits with a copay for those visits anywhere from $10 a Doctor's visit, to $50 or so for a visit to a Specialist.

then there is a Deductible...which is the amount we have to pay BEFORE Insurance comes in and pays for the 70% or 80% of the costs of our health care... The Doctor's visits mentioned above, are not subject to this Deductible amount that we have to pay....we just have to pay the Copay amount and the rest is covered by the Insurance....

But all other tests and xrays usually have to come out of the planned policy holder's deductible if you have a $500 deductible per person on the plan with some sort of CAP for the whole family total, then we have to pay for all of these type of tests and services in full until we reach the Deductible amount in our plans....yes that stinks, but it is what it is....

These deductibles are PER PERSON on your plan and are MEANT to stop us from going to the Doctor and having unnecessary tests done, because we have to pay for it and not the insurance.

After you have paid the person's Deductible, from that point onward, the insurance company comes in and pays either 70% or 80% of the costs of everything you go to the Doctor for and all the tests that come from it and hospitalization as well...

And the 30 or 20% that you are paying as your portion gets added up with every payment that you pay...and when you reach your OUT OF POCKET expense limit for the year, which includes what you have paid for your copays for doctor's visits, and your deductible amount and your 20% or 30% share, gets paid 100% by the Insurance company and you no longer have to pay your 20% or 30% portion, or copays for Doctors or any of that, Insurance pays 100%.

Maximum out of Pocket Expenses have a cap. This CAP is around $6300 per person, and about $13000 for an entire family....IF YOU BUY a policy with the cap amount as your Out of Pocket Expense...

You get to choose which way to go on your deductible amount and your Out of Pocket expense amount....

and your insurance premium goes up if you have lower deductibles and lower Out of Pocket Expenses....

so if you are Healthy, go with the higher deductibles and higher out of Pocket expenses but much lower monthly premium amount, but if you are not, you may want to pay higher premiums and have low deductibles and low out of pocket expenses.
Everybody ran away, or are actually working for a living! :D

Are there NO TAKERS on getting government OUT OF OUR HEALTH CARE completely?

Or do you all want the government to be involved only up to the part of their participation that helps you?????
Nope, not even for them, in the long run.

Fair to say, in the long run ACA fucks us all good and hard.
Fair to say the ACA is not what we need, but it's a start. In American doing the right thing is not possible currently.

An utter debacle is a start? On what, societal collapse?
Universal Single-Payer, the only system that makes any sense at all.

Let's see: liberals are always wailing about how bad monopolies are, but the second you start talking about healthcare they are the best thing since sliced bread.

Sweetie, only private sector monopolies are bad. Government monopolies are wonderful, because the government should run everything.

I keep having to explain this to you . . . probably because you insist on using that "logic and common sense" stuff.
Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Our health care "system" before was a tragic, ridiculously over priced scam for Pub crony insurers, doctors, and hospitals that was wrecking the economy and killing people. What's wrong with setting up transparent competition and giving poorer workers preventive care, again? Also not forcing people onto welfare, getting almost everyone to contribute SOMETHING, and lowering costs?
Don't be ridiculous. Reagan would never anything for the non-rich. Are you off your meds?


Sorry, franco, but I can't make much sense out of your posts. What does it even mean?

That is pretty typical. can have a choice....

You get to chose between the options THEY give you.....

They call that choice.......:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
no different than the health insurance through your employer, only even less choices of plan coverage through your employer...

Radically different. You can tell your employer to fly a kite.
Unfortunately, the taxpayers can't tell you to fly a kite if you drive into a tree and end up in the emergency room.

You can thank "ultra-conservative" Ronald Reagan for that!

Yes, that is one of Ronnie's mistakes.

Is it really the taxpayers fault you can't drive ?
Wrong again, Pubtroll.

Hey Frankie......

You better start making those plans.

Chances are we'll own the senate lock stock and barrel here pretty soon.

Obamacare will be toast.

Maybe you can buy a billboard and put up all the words in your extensive 50 word vocabulary.


who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
No more freeloading with subpar plans that leve you high and dry when really needed, chump. Now guaranted, with subsidies to help those who need. Why not go on the exchange instead of spouting Pubcrappe?

Ah, so we have the old "subpar" plans that attack plans that were never "subpar" until Obama needed an escape because of all the people he got kicked off their plans.

Funny how Franco drops right in line (lockstep) when Obama speaks. No questions asked.

Then he yacks about dupes.

How ironic.
So you're an ignoramus on sub-par plans, too. Shocking.

Yes, I started a thread on Junk Plans that pretty much shut you and the other libs on the board up.

Was there a question here ?
Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Our health care "system" before was a tragic, ridiculously over priced scam for Pub crony insurers, doctors, and hospitals that was wrecking the economy and killing people. What's wrong with setting up transparent competition and giving poorer workers preventive care, again? Also not forcing people onto welfare, getting almost everyone to contribute SOMETHING, and lowering costs?

We have the greatest healthcare system in the world.

What part of that got lost in your DailyKos diet of reading ?

Sorry, franco, but I can't make much sense out of your posts. What does it even mean?

That is pretty typical.

no different than the health insurance through your employer, only even less choices of plan coverage through your employer...

Radically different. You can tell your employer to fly a kite.
Unfortunately, the taxpayers can't tell you to fly a kite if you drive into a tree and end up in the emergency room.

You can thank "ultra-conservative" Ronald Reagan for that!

Yes, that is one of Ronnie's mistakes.

Is it really the taxpayers fault you can't drive ?
Wrong again, Pubtroll.

Hey Frankie......

You better start making those plans.

Chances are we'll own the senate lock stock and barrel here pretty soon.

Obamacare will be toast.

Maybe you can buy a billboard and put up all the words in your extensive 50 word vocabulary.


Won't make a dam bit of difference unless many Pubs want to act like adults, compromise, and cut the DOA propaganda bills and phony crises, TP chump.
Pure Pubcrappe, dupe. Our health care "system" before was a tragic, ridiculously over priced scam for Pub crony insurers, doctors, and hospitals that was wrecking the economy and killing people. What's wrong with setting up transparent competition and giving poorer workers preventive care, again? Also not forcing people onto welfare, getting almost everyone to contribute SOMETHING, and lowering costs?

We have the greatest healthcare system in the world.

What part of that got lost in your DailyKos diet of reading ?
NOW we do, maybe, when Red states cut the mindless noncooperation. ARE you in a red state or area?. The richest always did.
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health cBeen disc

Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well FIRST of all Hussein WANTS to eliminate the largest single tax write off, the $248 billion a year employers deduct for employee health plans!
That was how he was going to FUND HusseinCare!
HE hates capitalism. Hates free market.
And as all idiots like him total ignores the FACTS that:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies pay $100 billion in Federal/state/local property taxes and as Hussein states he prefers single payer WHAT HAPPENS to that $100 billion or the 400,000 people that work for the 1,300 health insurance companies?
B) Hussein couldn't even keep track of 14 million people his administration could have enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP before launching this fiasco! Reducing his magic
number of "46 million uninsured" which was the number used BEFORE Husseincare was passed to get people sympathetic for ACA!
C) When you subtract the 10 million illegals counted as uninsured, the 14 million that should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP and subtract 18 million that don't want, don't need health insurance that were phonily added to that 46 million you end up with less the 4 million that should be insured that want insurance!
D) Obama LIED about "pre-existing conditions " up to half of all Americans have some pre-existing conditions making it sound like they couldn't get insurance!
FACT: 1.5 million people is ALL that had pre-existing conditions that either caused higher premiums or unable to get insurance! 1.5 Million NOT 155 million as Obama lied!

E) NOT ONE doctor ever did what Hussein quoted:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."
Total f...king LIE...

And this is the guy you want to run your health care??

You're so full of shytte it's ridiculous. Your name is perfect. I knew a girl barttender who refused to go on welfare to get Medicaid, had her foot amputated from diabetes, and died age 37. Today she'd get care, except in a-hole red states. Idiot.

ONE F>>>KING CASE! YOU are so f...king stupid! WE are not talking about individual cases!
HOW many people in the USA at age 37 refuse to go on Medicaid who had diabetes and had their foot amputated and DIED?
YOU and your dumb followers always ALWAYS use single situations one story ONE ANECDOTE just as Hussein did!
WHY do you people seem so f...king dumb to think THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME? Are you truly like Hussein so f...king stupid to think this happens ALL the time?

People like you using ONE situation to be the RULE rather then the exception are just plain f...king dumb!
Of course this happened. I don't dispute your story. IT HAPPENS! BUT why in the f...k take ONE time one event one situation and make it sound like it happens ALL the time? Because YOU want to prove a point!
Well here are FACTS you dummy!

of the 2,515,458 deaths in the USA Diabetes remains the 7th leading cause of death in the United States in 2010, with 69,071 death certificates listing it as the underlying cause of death, -
See more at: Statistics About Diabetes American Diabetes Association
So in your stupid unique single sad sympathetic story one person age 37 died!
And YOU make it sound like it happens ALL THE TIME!~
You said it never happened ONCE, liar, and it happened a lot. That's the kind of dignified person the system used to kill. NOW people can can get care without becoming a parasite. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
And NOW they get testing, preventive care, checkups to save lives and TONS of money. WIN WIN.
You said it never happened ONCE, liar, and it happened a lot. That's the kind of dignified person the system used to kill. NOW people can can get care without becoming a parasite. Except in some mindless a-hole red states.
WHERE DID I SAY "You said it never happened ONCE"?????
YOU didn't read a thing I wrote did you? I said it happened...ONCE!!! ONCE because the odds of a woman age 37 that refused Medicaid that had a foot amputated and then died in 2010 is astronomical!
With 69,071 diabetic deaths out of 2,515,458 deaths.. that is 2.7%!
Now out of the 69,071 deaths in 2010:
how many were 37 years old?
How many refused Medicaid?
How many had foot amputated?

You see but idiots like YOU make it sound like it happens ALL the time!!!
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
No more freeloading with subpar plans that leve you high and dry when really needed, chump. Now guaranted, with subsidies to help those who need. Why not go on the exchange instead of spouting Pubcrappe?

The reason is an exchange plan will cost me $1200/month and it has a $13,000 deductible. It's practically useless as insurance.

"Sub par" must be a Dim euphemism meaning "affordable."
So that's the family deductible, about 5 days in the hospital. You also get free testing, checkups, $30 doctor visits, and a subsidy if you earn less than 4x the poverty rate. That seems high- do you live in a red state where Pubs and crony insurers aren't cooperating? Too bad! lol

5 days in the hospital would cost a fortune. I had major surgery and didn't spend a single day in the hospital. That's how expensive it is. And you act as if it's nothing. The fact is the deductible from my existing plan is $2000.

So where did I gain from Obamacare?
With preventive care, doctor's advice, checkups, there is NO WAY diabetes should kill ANYWHERE near that many. Answer: WAY TOO MANY.
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
No more freeloading with subpar plans that leve you high and dry when really needed, chump. Now guaranted, with subsidies to help those who need. Why not go on the exchange instead of spouting Pubcrappe?

The reason is an exchange plan will cost me $1200/month and it has a $13,000 deductible. It's practically useless as insurance.

"Sub par" must be a Dim euphemism meaning "affordable."
So that's the family deductible, about 5 days in the hospital. You also get free testing, checkups, $30 doctor visits, and a subsidy if you earn less than 4x the poverty rate. That seems high- do you live in a red state where Pubs and crony insurers aren't cooperating? Too bad! lol

5 days in the hospital would cost a fortune. I had major surgery and didn't spend a single day in the hospital. That's how expensive it is. And you act as if it's nothing. The fact is the deductible from my existing plan is $2000.

So where did I gain from Obamacare?
Guaranteed, no cutoffs, will have Medicaid if you lose your job (except in mindless Red states- ARE YOU IN A RED STATE?!!!?:??) , and a bunch of other stuff. Free checkups, preventive care testing, no bankupcies. You aren't eligible for subsidies? Congrats on your success. No more worries, and no more freeloaders.

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