Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care

I lost my job because of Obama, my company couldn't pay for the health care of us old folks because of Obama care, so they cut us and run. You are all going to get old one day. So that's rather cynical.
Going to Texas to get a job is kind of like ordering a pound of brussel sprouts because you are hungry. Granted, it will fill your need, but can you stomach it?

Exactly what part of "everyone pays" are you having such a hard time understanding?

I think he's concerned with the part where prudent people pay the same as the reckless.
Ah, well, life can be unfair. You will also have to pay taxes for things you don't approve of, and people will say things that offend you, and there is no free lunch. Now you know. You're welcome...

Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.

states refused to expand medicare .. that costs the taxpayers $$.

gee, how great is that ?
The federal dollars run out, think bill clintons 100,000 new cops or teachers it was only funded for a few years
So you're saying that Republicans halted the funding, taking cops off the beat and forcing classrooms to get bigger and less effective?
No it was already known by bill that it was just for political points, he new most of the states couldnt afford it
I know bro now I will be forced to buy health insurance, if I have to do that I will be reckless as he'll with my life instead of being careful , just to make sure some one else pays
I hope you crash your car - that will teach me a lesson!
I drive like a grandma now, way to used to the south not in a hurry to go anywhere ;)
Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.
Nope, not even for them, in the long run.

Fair to say, in the long run ACA fucks us all good and hard.
Fair to say the ACA is not what we need, but it's a start. In American doing the right thing is not possible currently.

An utter debacle is a start? On what, societal collapse?
Universal Single-Payer, the only system that makes any sense at all.
We would of had it already if it was not because of FDR and him freezing wages there by companies using health care as am incentive.
Silly rabbit, this is a free lunch - for the reckless.
Nope, not even for them, in the long run.

Fair to say, in the long run ACA fucks us all good and hard.
Fair to say the ACA is not what we need, but it's a start. In American doing the right thing is not possible currently.

An utter debacle is a start? On what, societal collapse?
Universal Single-Payer, the only system that makes any sense at all.

Let's see: liberals are always wailing about how bad monopolies are, but the second you start talking about healthcare they are the best thing since sliced bread.
Shocker: Americans Want to Choose Their Own Health Care
Shocker: No One's Stopping You

So, they didn't get rid of the "junk plans" ?

Products come and go. Are your panties in a wad because you can no longer buy a car without seat-belts and air bags? They add to the cost of the car, you know...

I just had to spend $1500 getting my airbag fixed. I should have just left it non functional.
who wants an insurance company to pay for medical services when a county hospital can send residents of that county a bill and gouge them .. insurance, who needs it ?


Strange, when we were getting "gouged" our premiums and our deductibles were a lot lower.
No more freeloading with subpar plans that leve you high and dry when really needed, chump. Now guaranted, with subsidies to help those who need. Why not go on the exchange instead of spouting Pubcrappe?

The reason is an exchange plan will cost me $1200/month and it has a $13,000 deductible. It's practically useless as insurance.

"Sub par" must be a Dim euphemism meaning "affordable."

how many Americans believe in Big Foot, alien abductions and UFOs?
Well there are those people that Gruber includes in the "Stupidity of the American Voter" group that still believe that when Hussein said:
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
Which included 10 million illegal citizens when the Census reported the "46 million figure". Now Hussein USED 46 million to get ACA passed.
After it was passed he said 10 million were not citizens...hence 36 million!
BUT ...BUT what obviously you and the above members of Gruber groupees... is
Because of Hussein's administration's INEPTNESS of the remaining 36 million, ACCORDING the the Census 14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP!
And this was before ACA! But the stupidity of American voters passed ACA not realizing all that was needed to get the number of "uninsured" down from
36 million to 22 million was DO what was suppose be done in the first place! ENROLL the 9 million kids covered by SCHIP and remaining adults in Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million... of which 18 million never wanted health insurance as they make over $50,000 but don't participate in employers' plans.
They are also under 34 and most are eligible for catastrophic insurance if they don't have it already!

THAT leaves truly less the 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.

BUT Gruber's groupees... stupid as you are... can't understand the gigantic falsehood perpetrated on Americans of that phony 46 million "uninsured" Americans!
Biggest lie EVER EVER TOLD!

whatever in the wide world of whack-a-doodle wingnuttery are you talking about?

Have you been on a dry drunk with Glen Beck?

I thought it was pretty obvious. He was disproving a lie told by the president.

hadit aren't you embarrassed to parade around shouting "I'm the rightwing version of code pink"????

What does any of that have to do with the POTUS lying to the American people? Sounds like you have a personal problem.
Lose a job because your employer can't pay for more health care, then get another job without health care, have to pay more for health care. Then pay 800% for a deductible. That is my story, that is why I detest Obama's so called "affordable health care program". Because it's a misnomer, it's a stupid lie.
Do you get a car from your job? How about a house? Or a school for your kid? No you say, so why would you get healthcare from a job? When you lose the job you don't lose the others, at least not right away eh?

I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.
People never learn, those days will come again, undoubtedly.

I've always assumed, based on your avatar and posts, that it's a development you're looking forward to. Eh?
Nope, but I am looking forward to the day when humans no longer walk the earth.

Well, then you're clearly on the right track!

First he claims he supports thuggery for "the good of us all." Then he admits he wants to exterminate the human race.
Humanity is a disease. You have to be rational to get that, and you aren't.

You go first.
how many Americans believe in Big Foot, alien abductions and UFOs?
Well there are those people that Gruber includes in the "Stupidity of the American Voter" group that still believe that when Hussein said:
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
Which included 10 million illegal citizens when the Census reported the "46 million figure". Now Hussein USED 46 million to get ACA passed.
After it was passed he said 10 million were not citizens...hence 36 million!
BUT ...BUT what obviously you and the above members of Gruber groupees... is
Because of Hussein's administration's INEPTNESS of the remaining 36 million, ACCORDING the the Census 14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP!
And this was before ACA! But the stupidity of American voters passed ACA not realizing all that was needed to get the number of "uninsured" down from
36 million to 22 million was DO what was suppose be done in the first place! ENROLL the 9 million kids covered by SCHIP and remaining adults in Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million... of which 18 million never wanted health insurance as they make over $50,000 but don't participate in employers' plans.
They are also under 34 and most are eligible for catastrophic insurance if they don't have it already!

THAT leaves truly less the 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.

BUT Gruber's groupees... stupid as you are... can't understand the gigantic falsehood perpetrated on Americans of that phony 46 million "uninsured" Americans!
Biggest lie EVER EVER TOLD!

whatever in the wide world of whack-a-doodle wingnuttery are you talking about?

Have you been on a dry drunk with Glen Beck?

I thought it was pretty obvious. He was disproving a lie told by the president.

hadit aren't you embarrassed to parade around shouting "I'm the rightwing version of code pink"????

What does any of that have to do with the POTUS lying to the American people? Sounds like you have a personal problem.

Oh geesh Charlie Brown
Lose a job because your employer can't pay for more health care, then get another job without health care, have to pay more for health care. Then pay 800% for a deductible. That is my story, that is why I detest Obama's so called "affordable health care program". Because it's a misnomer, it's a stupid lie.
Do you get a car from your job? How about a house? Or a school for your kid? No you say, so why would you get healthcare from a job? When you lose the job you don't lose the others, at least not right away eh?

I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?
"I just had to spend $1500 getting my airbag fixed. I should have just left it non functional"

And there you have it friends and neighbors. The Darwin principle in action!
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???
Well there are those people that Gruber includes in the "Stupidity of the American Voter" group that still believe that when Hussein said:
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today."
Which included 10 million illegal citizens when the Census reported the "46 million figure". Now Hussein USED 46 million to get ACA passed.
After it was passed he said 10 million were not citizens...hence 36 million!
BUT ...BUT what obviously you and the above members of Gruber groupees... is
Because of Hussein's administration's INEPTNESS of the remaining 36 million, ACCORDING the the Census 14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid/SCHIP!
And this was before ACA! But the stupidity of American voters passed ACA not realizing all that was needed to get the number of "uninsured" down from
36 million to 22 million was DO what was suppose be done in the first place! ENROLL the 9 million kids covered by SCHIP and remaining adults in Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million... of which 18 million never wanted health insurance as they make over $50,000 but don't participate in employers' plans.
They are also under 34 and most are eligible for catastrophic insurance if they don't have it already!

THAT leaves truly less the 4 million that wanted and needed health insurance.

BUT Gruber's groupees... stupid as you are... can't understand the gigantic falsehood perpetrated on Americans of that phony 46 million "uninsured" Americans!
Biggest lie EVER EVER TOLD!

whatever in the wide world of whack-a-doodle wingnuttery are you talking about?

Have you been on a dry drunk with Glen Beck?

I thought it was pretty obvious. He was disproving a lie told by the president.

hadit aren't you embarrassed to parade around shouting "I'm the rightwing version of code pink"????

What does any of that have to do with the POTUS lying to the American people? Sounds like you have a personal problem.

Oh geesh Charlie Brown

Still incapable of handling reality?
Well, let's just go to this supposed free market....

And kill Obama care and kill any tax write offs for employers for buying our Health Insurance and also kill the tax write off for us buying our own or paying a portion of our health insurance, and stop congress from funding Medical schools, and funding Doctor's schooling and stop funding Medical Research and Development, and stop funding nursing schools and stop school grants for nurses, and stop paying CHIP for children's health care and stop funding Medicaid and stop funding Medicare, and stop funding flu vaccinations and stop funding shots and stop funding visits to the emergency rooms and stop building health care clinics and stop funding hospitals and also stop funding health care for the Military and stop funding health care for Military families and stop funding health care for Veterans and stop funding the FDA etc etc etc....

So that there is absolutely no government financial support for any of our health care...

NONE, ZERO, ZIP being spent by our government for our health care....

A TRUE free market...without gvt interference or tax spending or tax crediting....

so, we are ALL responsible for our own health care without ANY HELP or funding from the Federal Government...

and let's see how it works so great...

or let us ALL go down together....

Who agrees to this?
agree: "

any takers on getting government out of our Health care and relying on the beloved free market???​
Lose a job because your employer can't pay for more health care, then get another job without health care, have to pay more for health care. Then pay 800% for a deductible. That is my story, that is why I detest Obama's so called "affordable health care program". Because it's a misnomer, it's a stupid lie.
Do you get a car from your job? How about a house? Or a school for your kid? No you say, so why would you get healthcare from a job? When you lose the job you don't lose the others, at least not right away eh?

I don't have to buy a car from a government agency. I also don't have to subsidize low cost cars for parasites by paying extra for the one I buy.

Obamadoesn'tcare is basically this:

I have an old car that isn't fancy, but is paid off and still runs. One day I come out of my house to find a tow truck hauling my car away and a brand new Mercedes sedan in my driveway. I ask the driver what's going on, and he tells me that the president has decided that my car is sub-par because it doesn't have a moon roof and I have to replace it. I look at my shiny new car and notice there is a price tag on the window, along with a legal notice that I am required to pay $85,000 for the new car. Outraged, I do some research and find out that not only am I forced to buy the new Mercedes, I also have to subsidize everyone who makes less than I do so they can have one, and the price is really $125,000. The kicker is, they claim it's all for my own good.

misrepresent the PPACA all you want. Your whine is going nowhere. Grow up and move on

How is it incorrect? Tell you what, I'll point out for you where it is. Instead of a new Mercedes, the car is a Yugo with a hole cut in the roof, an aftermarket stereo with massive, ugly speakers in the back seat, 22 inch rims, a trailer hitch on the back, and a winch on the front. And the price is still $85,000.

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