Shoes are racist


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Well, because everything else is. Science, democracy, internal combustion because why not?
So... questioning the media had nothing pulling my last post whatso ever.
Gravity or computers using binary mathematics is a construct. The internet is based on yes, no Binary systems. What exactly IS construct anyway?


  1. an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.
    "history is largely an ideological construct"
Well, because everything else is. Science, democracy, internal combustion because why not?

But what about those old white and black dancing and bowling shoes? They represent both colors of the racist rainbow, don't they? Oh, oh domino!
The thing about constructs, isn't say gay rights or liberalism a "construct" too? and what does that imply?
The thing about constructs, isn't say gay rights or liberalism a "construct" too? and what does that imply?

The human conception of "rights" is a construct, yes. But some rights are superfluous, redundant, or unnecessary.
The thing about constructs, isn't say gay rights or liberalism a "construct" too? and what does that imply?

A key problem with our modern world is the tendency of pretty much everyone to sit around and talk shit about every issue under the sun rather than engage in combat over it and allow the victor to decide who was right to begin with. Talk, talk, talk, talk and more endless squawk talk. In ancient times and not so ancient times, people raised armies and fought over just about every issue imaginable of the day. Whoever won these wars was not only awarded the title of being "right" but also won the ability to write history according to their own point of view. I miss those days . . .
The human conception of "rights" is a construct, yes. But some rights are superfluous, redundant, or unnecessary.

One could argue not only does might always make right, but might also guarantees certain inalienable rights. Constructs are matters for the losers to squabble over and the victors to deride and ignore.
One could argue not only does might always make right, but might also guarantees certain inalienable rights. Constructs are matters for the losers to squabble over and the victors to deride and ignore.
You could always argue that, but "might makes right" is a good way to trample people and their rights under heel.

That approach virtually guarantees that no rights are sacred to the victor, even if that happens to be you.
Well, because everything else is. Science, democracy, internal combustion because why not?
The really disturbing one is "mathematics is racist." For those people, I don't want them employed in anything that requires higher mathematics (building skyscrapers, bridges, airplanes, rocket science, pharmaceuticals, et cetera).

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