Shooter identified as Nasim aghdam

Anything else? Geez, the info is like pulling teeth 'round heanh.

DM has her profile up with photos.

Woman, 38, who shot three employees at YouTube's HQ before killing herself was an animal rights protester furious with the 'dictatorial' site for 'censoring her videos and not paying her'
  • Female shooter opened fire with a handgun at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California on Tuesday afternoon
  • She has been identified as 38-year-old Nasim Aghdam of Southern California
  • Police said she shot a man and two women who were taken to hospital suffering from gunshot wounds
  • Authorities found the woman dead inside the campus when they arrived

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Typical Lame Street Media crap.

She was Iranian - a Shi'a Muslim. And, according to some of the photos I've seen, she would've been stoned to death if she was in Iran.
And Ali thought Sonny Liston was ugly
This is Cruz in drag. Her family called the police over and over again telling them exactly what she was going to do.

Again the authorities are at fault.
The shooter definitely had the "crazy eyes".

Haha! Google's censorship backfired on them, bigly! :5_1_12024:
Anything else? Geez, the info is like pulling teeth 'round heanh.

DM has her profile up with photos.

Woman, 38, who shot three employees at YouTube's HQ before killing herself was an animal rights protester furious with the 'dictatorial' site for 'censoring her videos and not paying her'
  • Female shooter opened fire with a handgun at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California on Tuesday afternoon
  • She has been identified as 38-year-old Nasim Aghdam of Southern California
  • Police said she shot a man and two women who were taken to hospital suffering from gunshot wounds
  • Authorities found the woman dead inside the campus when they arrived

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Typical Lame Street Media crap.

She was Iranian - a Shi'a Muslim. And, according to some of the photos I've seen, she would've been stoned to death if she was in Iran.
And Ali thought Sonny Liston was ugly

That's a great link. Is USA MSM burying the story?
Her actions were horrible. Terrible, and never to be condoned. But why is she any different than the hundreds of folks we have already experienced to be violent? Let's keep a running name list of those who have attacked with guns and bombs in the U.S., who have been caught planning to use guns and bombs within the U.S., who have been caught with bomb-making materials and weapons arsenals, who have vandalized houses of worship, who have been caught threatening others.

Nasim Aghdam is no worse and no better than somebody named "Joe Smith" who does the same thing as she did. Remember that Stephen Paddock killed 58 and injured more than 800 last October. In judging Aghdam's actions, she is neither worse nor better than those of Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVeigh, Robert Dear, etc.

Seriously? This happened YESTERDAY and it was just yesterday she was assumed to be a disgruntled girlfriend .
"Joe Smith" didnt do anything (this time) A Persian nut case with a vendetta did. Its ookaaay to discuss non white shooters. lol
Anything else? Geez, the info is like pulling teeth 'round heanh.

DM has her profile up with photos.

Woman, 38, who shot three employees at YouTube's HQ before killing herself was an animal rights protester furious with the 'dictatorial' site for 'censoring her videos and not paying her'
  • Female shooter opened fire with a handgun at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California on Tuesday afternoon
  • She has been identified as 38-year-old Nasim Aghdam of Southern California
  • Police said she shot a man and two women who were taken to hospital suffering from gunshot wounds
  • Authorities found the woman dead inside the campus when they arrived

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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
This is how Muslims handle situations where they think they're owed money and not getting paid, just walk in and shoot the fuckin' place up.
How did a nut like that get a gun?
You can be a nut without being diagnosed. That's the problem.
Usually someone has a clue and the news now is that this psycho lefty’s dad warned.
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I don't think that's enough. I'd imagine that it has to get as far as at least some kind of diagnosis or legal action.

I'd like to know what happened to the info the dad provided. And even then, law enforcement can only do so much.
"Snapping" incidents are only going to increase over the years, parents all over the place failed to teach their kids proper methods to deal with conflict and failure and outside influences constantly tell them "America is evil" "American's are evil" "people are evil." Now instead of being pissed and idk yelling at their monitors like normal folk, these fruit loops are "taking action" against the "evil monsters" in their lives because they have no "reality filter" - they have not learned any balance between "minor" and "major" issues (because these days /everything/ is a major "end of the world" type of thing.) They probably don't see their problems as "solvable" - like Oh America's supposedly been fighting all these horrible things like racism for hundreds of years and its still not fixed - "it's hopeless." Once the human psyche becomes "hopeless" I'd say probably half of them turn to rage - revenge, righting the world, or some other [mentally] ill-guided idea like going out in a blaze of glory kind of stuff - and that kind of mentality will almost always have the distinct possibility of catching innocent folks like you and I in the crossfire.

It seems like the police are not acting, even possibly when warned, and no one can read these lunatic's minds right before they act. Everyone needs to take some responsibility for their own protection, fruit loops like this snap all the time - and there's no way to logically believe that the police are gonna be there to protect you and yours when some shit like this happens next time. You have to be prepared - I think I posted the bullet proof jackets my family has. If not, search for some. Go with bear spray or a taser if you're afraid of guns - guns might only be better if you and yours know how to use them, can take advantage of the extra range, and if they're allowed in your city. Hell even a loud alarm thing, like one of those air horns is better than nothing. (Tasers might have some carry regulations on them kind of like guns, but I don't think bear spray does anywhere... maybe some PETA nut in CA made it illegal or something though. Anything you can spray a decent distance that'll sting the eyes, nose, or skin will work in a pinch.) A car key sticking out of your fist is a decent makeshift knife. If you gotta carry a purse, keep something heavy in it to use as a club. (As an aside, personally I don't carry a purse for many reasons, one of them being that it's far to easy for someone to grab and drag me around with - I'm light and pretty weak. I don't go anywhere alone, but if I did I'd probably get a tactical 5.11 CC shirt, you could put a taser in it, or protective spray ~shrug~)
How did a nut like that get a gun?
You can be a nut without being diagnosed. That's the problem.
Usually someone has a clue and the news now is that this psycho lefty’s dad warned.
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I don't think that's enough. I'd imagine that it has to get as far as at least some kind of diagnosis or legal action.

I'd like to know what happened to the info the dad provided. And even then, law enforcement can only do so much.
Beginning to sound like law enforcement is complicit. As if they want shootings to happen in order to justify confiscation. Like allowing Pearl Harbor to be attacked in order to spawn encouragement to enter WWII.
How did a nut like that get a gun?
You can be a nut without being diagnosed. That's the problem.
Usually someone has a clue and the news now is that this psycho lefty’s dad warned.
I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I don't think that's enough. I'd imagine that it has to get as far as at least some kind of diagnosis or legal action.

I'd like to know what happened to the info the dad provided. And even then, law enforcement can only do so much.
Beginning to sound like law enforcement is complicit. As if they want shootings to happen in order to justify confiscation. Like allowing Pearl Harbor to be attacked in order to spawn encouragement to enter WWII.
I dunno. I wonder how many reports they get, and how that compares to their available resources.

Haven't seen much conversation about that.
Participation trophies did them no good. Gotta learn how to achieve, win and lose, and stay stable
I can't really make a call on that theory for the lower 48, but most of the police officers up here are ex military and take their jobs really seriously. I know too many of them personally (neighbors) to believe that any of them would be complicit in stuff like this. I could see their hands being tied on it, like the police up here want to whoop up on crime but judicial prevents them from doing their job as effectively as they were able to in the past.
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