Shooter identified as Nasim aghdam

Since its Leftists who are always going out doing all these public terrorist style mass killings......

THE ONLY THING NEEDED to eliminate gun violence, is take guns away from Leftist.
Would anyone object to disarming all Leftists only?
So....take guns away from anyone who is politically different than yourself.....your NRA masters approve that stance?
Typical leftist hypocrisy.

We're just too rough around the edges to get leftist intelligence. It's above our level of understanding.

You see, in order to promote "healthy and humane living," one shoots fellow humans then puts a pistol to her head and

Forgot where I was going with this.
Typical leftist hypocrisy.

We're just too rough around the edges to get leftist intelligence. It's above our level of understanding.

You see, in order to promote "healthy and humane living," one shoots fellow humans then puts a pistol to her head and

Forgot where I was going with this.

I stopped taking their BS serious long ago
Batshit crazy but at least she had two nice attributes

'YouTube shooter:
• Creator of bizarre videos
• Iranian
• Self-described “vegan bodybuilder”
• Hated capitalist YouTube for demonetizing her videos
• Was reported to the police by her father before the shooting because she had a vendetta against YouTube'
The Progs are depressed today. She's not a White Christian Male NRA member.

Nasim the Persian Azeri female vegan bodybuilder, also animal rights activist promoting healthy and humane living. Nasim produced and launched the first Persian TV commercial and music video (Do You Dare) regarding animal rights and veganism through international Iranian satellite Television in 2010,” read the “About” section on her YouTube channel.
The fact that the YouTube shooter ended up being an Iranian woman has sent the mainstream media and liberals into a tailspin.
The fact that the YouTube shooter ended up being an Iranian woman has sent the mainstream media and liberals into a tailspin.
Well, we can certainly see the happy dancing by the trumpanzees....even to the point that they are jumping on the "take her guns away and lock her up without due process" bandwagon.

Poor sad evul twin.

What you won't see is any non-Prog here spinning this whackjob's action into smears against completely innocent people to take away their rights.

So, unless there is a rightwing movement to take away the rights of Iranian Body Builder Vegan Animal Rights activists, you are just blowing smoke. The ones who actually did violate her 1st Amendment rights are the Fascist Progs at YT.
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