Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

There are 63million,,, and more that didn't vote that hate trump We'd never do what that nut job did

I've seen quite a number of lefties accuse Trump of being a Hitler, or other form of very dangerous crazy,

IF you really believe that, why wouldn't you fight, if you are capable?
Fight? When the cause is just......Meanwhile on another note good thing he picked a softball game and not a golf course
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around. 50+ rounds fired from an sophisticated assault weapon and only one serious injury.

The shooter then walked out on the field, in what appeared to be an attempt for "suicide by cop", and they took him down.

But he seems to have targeted Republicans because he asked which team it was.
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around

If he hadn't wanted to hit people, he'd have fired into the air.

He started by firing shots into the air. One of the Republican Congressmen there said he didn't seem to target anyone, just firing indiscriminately. He also said that if the guy had tried to hit people, a lot more people would have been hurt.

The gunman has been identified as a 66 year old James T. Hodgkinson, a retired building contractor who had a home inspection business. He's a Sanders supporter who had posted on his Facebook page that Trump was a traitor to America.
You fucking moron!
The radical LIB shooter didn't take an AK47 to the ball park to "fire shots into the air"!
You have zero knowledge about how proficient he was with a rifle!
He may have never even fired one before.
Fucking GROW UP!!!!!!!

The weapon was a shotgun. It is possible he also had a handgun, but that is as yet unconfirmed.


Curious, because I find it hard to believe he fired a shotgun 50 or so times that quickly
When it takes 6 months or so and $600 in fees to "register" a gun, like a revolver in NYC what you have is a de facto ban, if not de jure.

Trump wants to delay potential terrorists from coming into the US for 6 months while they are thoroughly vetted, and libs call it a 'ban'. Libs want to delay gun owners from getting guns for 6 months while they are vetted, and they call it a 'delay' / 'necessary safety precaution'. Sheesh....

(Relax, snowflakes - this was a JOKE!)
You know that your trump called it a "ban" himself.
A Bernie Bro. And one ugly mofo.

James T. Hodgkinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


On March 22 he wrote, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”
Why Are The Authorities Not Naming The Shooter?

What difference does it make if the shooter's name is released or not released?

O! be some other name:
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.
-- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II
It matters when you are trying to data mine him. Duh....
Are you trying to do that?
Well, if that's the case, why are you bidding others to grab and post the shooter's Facebook content? Since you're datamining the guy, that's something you should do for yourself seeing as you think the man's name is important to performing that task.
Someone please capture his face book info and post it here, before his page is scrubbed!
I love how the leftist press are pretending they had no part in the vitriol! Amusing.
On March 22 he wrote, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”

Gee, I wonder where he could have gotten all that hate-driven propaganda and become to 'radicalized'?!

One incident is not in and of itself a tell all.
However, with all the leftist campus violence, the riots, denial of Constitutional rights by leftist, blocking highways, leftist celebrities mocking Trumps murder etc........

Can we agree that we cannot ignore the larger picture that the left HAS turned to violence. And it is NOT in response to violence. It's violence because they don't get their way politically. VERY bad for our Constitutional Republic.

I think it's therefore reasonable to say it's not going to just "stop". I would be surprised if there aren't a few, if not at least one attempt on Mr. Trumps life. I would wager that it's coming. What if they succeed in removing Trump one way or the other (through deceptive judiciary tactics or murder). What does that say about due process and our political system's future? Can we all agree the left is trying to remove Trump any way possible? Did the right do this to Obama in spite of his obvious war against America?

So the logical conclusion is escalation. Ironically, the Globalist / elitist seem to want this. Why? What would be the ultimate goal (if there is one). Rather than ramble on about events, we need to look forward and make logical conclusions about where this is all going and what we can do about it.

Unfortunately, at some point it seems the well armed right will be forced to also turn to violence. Otherwise, the left will deny the Right any chance at equal governance and therefore usher in a long list of unConstitutional and socially destructive edicts...California is already a neo-Communist state along with the other Democrat controlled states.

What mechanisms are there that can end this violence and hatred and retain our Constitutional Republic? Are there any at this point?
Of course he's your just "can't recall".
Seriously, trying to speak for others just so you won't be proven wrong and will still have something to argue about?

Why don't you stick to speaking for yourself, because you suck at trying to speak for me, dear.
I love how the leftist press are pretending they had no part in the vitriol! Amusing.
Is it equally amusing that the right pretends to have clean hands ?? We know how honest you are politically

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