Shootings of Asian-Americans in Atlanta

They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
Do you think any of these officers are going to be hired by any other department.
Of course. Peter Liang is doing fine right now

The problem is, most of these people who are killed aren't innocent.

Gurley had 24 arrests for dealing drugs.
Michael Brown robbed a convenience store
Laquan McDonald was vandalizing trucks
George Floyd was taking drugs and passing counterfeit money.
Breonna Taylor's boyfriend fired at police officers
There is no such thing as an innocent black person who get killed by the police. That's the whole point of law enforcement to be able to kill blk ppl and get away with.

Even when blk ppl follow instructions...does not matter.

yes, these cops made mistakes or overreacted.
They know not to make mistakes and over react when the person is white.

But to put in perspective.
OK. Give me a good laugh

Police officers respond to 16 million calls for assistance a year. Of those, 1000 result in someone being shot.
We are talking about UNARMED people. That's the issue.

How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO.

How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.

How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence ? 0.5 per state.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year (and of that 100 most of those deaths are by vehicles)

So tell me where is the danger?

Of those 1000 who were shot, most are ruled justified because the person came after a cop with a gun or a knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
A white man can fight with cops and still not got shot. Stop. Unless you think if the video below were black men the cops would have acted exactly the same.

1. White man refuses to comply with police orders.
2. He resists arrest.
3. He goes to his car and opens the door.
4. He attacks police officer.
5. He chases police officer.
6. He tries to steal police officer’s car.
7. He's not shot by police.

So you maybe have a handful of cases a year where cops messed up. Yup. That's terrible. They need better training, we need to get the problematic cops off the police departments, we need to get the unions to stop protecting the bad apples. Most of the time, though. The cops get it right.
So if the police are just full of such good apples and get right then why is it that when the good apples try and challenge the bad apples, the bad apples close ranks and make life hell for the good apples ?


Dont listen to me. Listen to stories of Michael Wood Jr. and Joe Crystal (both white Baltimore cops whose honesty about police brutality got them run out of policing). These are white guys who will tell you that's it more than just a few bad apples.

But hey ! You're the one whose saying the police is just full of lots of good apples - Right ?

Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

So here's a crazy idea.

1) Don't do things you shouldn't be doing.
2) When the cops show up, cooperate with them.

All these Republicans who claim blacks are making it up that America is racist. Republicans say that it's not. Well, are Asians lying too? There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year
Atlanta-area spa shootings leave 8 dead, many of women of ...
He told investigators the crimes were not racially motivated and that he blames the spas for providing an outlet for his addiction to sex. The attacks began Tuesday evening, when five people were ...

If you are going to wrap yourself in the Bible, you probably need to stone people to death instead of shooting them to illustrate that you are a true believer. Otherwise, you are just a fruitcake.
Well the good news is....this wasn't racially motivated but sexually motivated....

This guy was like really addicted to sex and like any sex addict -- the logical conclusion would be to murder random workers at a massage parlor.....

He was planning to go to Florida to murder more people who reminded him of sex next...

All these Democrat run big city shitholes with the large populations of Negroes and Illegals are crime infested and not likely to change soon.

Woodstock isn't a large city.. It is a Trump enclave.
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
View attachment 468813

Didn't see the shooter's name here. Did I miss something?
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

And look at that? You're both completely full of shit. This is why we wait for facts to come out

We need to end this immigration
What we need to do is stop vilifying Asians

No one is doing that.
Hong Kong Flu? China Virus?

All the attacks on Biden claiming he's a tool of the Chinese?

Don't even try to lie

Are you insane?

Naming diseases after places they come from or are first identified at, is normal and not limited to Chinese or minorities.

And the Chinese government is a bad faith actor, who plays dirty. That is not vilifying them, but honestly addressing who and what they are.

Notice how the Robinettes must defend the Chinese communist government at all costs? That's not a coincidence.
What is wrong with these people? What inspired the El Paso Walmart shooter? What inspired this fruit loop? When are we going to build a gallows and rid society of these people?
Maybe we should answer your first few questions before we build gallows
The answer is trump.Save your time looking.
Really? There weren't shooting prior to trump being President?

They weren't targeting Asians.D
There weren't mass shootings of Asians during the Trump admin, this is the Biden Admin.

With that said, violence and prejudice against Asian-Americans is nothing new......from Rock Spring, Watsonville, FDR, to the targeting of Asian businesses in the LA Riots....and more recently with African-Americans attacks on Asians, and in 2020, the uptick in Cuomo's NY
Slum Blacks hate Asians.
Says who?
Where have you been?


And? That means everywhere?

Philly, Dallas, California, NY.....pretty much covers a large part of the United States....I could post some from Minn if you'd like

So you admit that the cities cover a large part of the United States....why is the GQP trying to disenfranchise those votes then?

Yes, the prejudice and violence from African-Americans to Asian-Americans is widespread across the United States.

Not sure what your question has to do with it, but I'll answer it, they aren't......but try to stay on topic ok? Don't deflect simply because you were uninformed about the topic

I'm not the one stereotyping.
What is wrong with these people? What inspired the El Paso Walmart shooter? What inspired this fruit loop? When are we going to build a gallows and rid society of these people?
Maybe we should answer your first few questions before we build gallows
The answer is trump.Save your time looking.
Really? There weren't shooting prior to trump being President?

They weren't targeting Asians.D
There weren't mass shootings of Asians during the Trump admin, this is the Biden Admin.

With that said, violence and prejudice against Asian-Americans is nothing new......from Rock Spring, Watsonville, FDR, to the targeting of Asian businesses in the LA Riots....and more recently with African-Americans attacks on Asians, and in 2020, the uptick in Cuomo's NY

Attacks on Asian Americans increased under the Trump administration..

This shooter blamed the women for his porn addiction.
Definitely INCEL.....maybe even a Proud Boy....those two things go hand in hand a lot.
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
View attachment 468813

Didn't see the shooter's name here. Did I miss something?
Attacks on asians are way up since corona. Or the wuhan flu. Republicans made sure to call it the asian flu.

We don't know the shooters intentions yet. Is he still alive? Excellent. Can't wait for the facts to come out. In the meantime we can pontificate. I just showed you that violence against asians is way up this year. Why? Who do you suppose are assulting asians? Is it BLM or Trump supporters?
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
View attachment 468813

Didn't see the shooter's name here. Did I miss something?
Attacks on asians are way up since corona. Or the wuhan flu. Republicans made sure to call it the asian flu.

We don't know the shooters intentions yet. Is he still alive? Excellent. Can't wait for the facts to come out. In the meantime we can pontificate. I just showed you that violence against asians is way up this year. Why? Who do you suppose are assulting asians? Is it BLM or Trump supporters?
Looks like some here are working hard to point the finger at blacks.
I suspect the father is part of this
Meaning you think the father contributed to the kid’s sexual problems?

probably not

children get plenty of negative messaging about sex outside the home growing up
You have to understand that surada has great admiration for the most sexually oppressive people on earth...Muslims.
They will literally die to have their 72 Whores.
I understand nothing about Surada

He makes no sense to me

I'm female and have a better education than you.
You can’t be more than a third or fourth wife.

Could be another INCEL murderer going after women too.
Thats probably what this is

Some really sick men have a love-hate relationship with working girls that often ends in murder

Did that woman work at three different massage parlors simultaneously?
You're theory is leaky.
More likely either punishment for the potential sins committed by massage parlors, or a hate crime instigated by The Former Guy.
We do know for certain that he was a far right loon.

The suspected was apparently a religious gun fanatic
According to The Washington Post, Long's family lives in a one-story, three-bedroom house in Woodstock, a middle-class, majority white, Atlanta suburb.​
Mary Morgan, an 88-year-old woman who lives down the street from the Longs, told The Post that "they come across as a good Christian family."​
"They used to go to church on a regular basis, and I've never seen anything bad out of them," Morgan said.​
An anonymous source who said they attended Sequoyah High School with Long also told The Daily Beast that they remembered Long as being "sorta nerdy" and "big into religion."​

I guess he missed the part of his bible that says thou shall not kill.
I suspect the father is part of this
Meaning you think the father contributed to the kid’s sexual problems?

probably not

children get plenty of negative messaging about sex outside the home growing up
You have to understand that surada has great admiration for the most sexually oppressive people on earth...Muslims.
They will literally die to have their 72 Whores.
I understand nothing about Surada

He makes no sense to me

I'm female and have a better education than you.
You can’t be more than a third or fourth wife.


Episcopalians and Methodists don't do multiple wives.
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
View attachment 468813

Didn't see the shooter's name here. Did I miss something?
Attacks on asians are way up since corona. Or the wuhan flu. Republicans made sure to call it the asian flu.

We don't know the shooters intentions yet. Is he still alive? Excellent. Can't wait for the facts to come out. In the meantime we can pontificate. I just showed you that violence against asians is way up this year. Why? Who do you suppose are assulting asians? Is it BLM or Trump supporters?

Both BLM and Antifa repeatedly assaulted Asian journalist Andy Ngo, as well as the multiple BLMers caught randomly knocking out Asians in Northern California, so I'd say it's likely someone in the BLM/Antifa/DNC terror network.
They're already making it a racial thing but it could be someone who doesn't like prostitution.
Because of religion? Either the racists own this or religious
One man is to blame, the man who did it. This "guilt by association" thing is total bullshit.
Unless he’s been on those quanon sites then quanon could be considered a domestic terrorist organization. You guys wan5 blm and black panthers to be considered terrorists

Or how about you both stop injecting your own personal bullshit into this and wait for the facts to come out

There Have Been Nearly 4,000 Incidents Of Anti-Asian Racism In The Last Year

Are Trump supporters upset with Asian Americans? Unkotare should know this is his party. He cries about internment camps but votes along with people who are anti-asian. Interesting.

I know you guys say blacks are lying but now are Asians lyin too?
View attachment 468813

Didn't see the shooter's name here. Did I miss something?
Attacks on asians are way up since corona. Or the wuhan flu. Republicans made sure to call it the asian flu.

We don't know the shooters intentions yet. Is he still alive? Excellent. Can't wait for the facts to come out. In the meantime we can pontificate. I just showed you that violence against asians is way up this year. Why? Who do you suppose are assulting asians? Is it BLM or Trump supporters?

Both BLM and Antifa repeatedly assaulted Asian journalist Andy Ngo, as well as the multiple BLMers caught randomly knocking out Asians in Northern California, so I'd say it's likely someone in the BLM/Antifa/DNC terror network.
Sure, hun.....:heehee:
Attacks on asians are way up since corona. Or the wuhan flu. Republicans made sure to call it the asian flu.

We don't know the shooters intentions yet. Is he still alive? Excellent. Can't wait for the facts to come out. In the meantime we can pontificate.

They're out, clown. I already posted it and it has nothing to do with your partisan, divisive bullshit.

I just showed you that violence against asians is way up this year. Why? Who do you suppose are assulting asians? Is it BLM or Trump supporters?

As for who is assaulting Asians, the reality is that blacks have been guilty of many of those assaults, particularly in the Bay Area and NYC, which you'd know if you actually paid attention, but I realize reality doesn't fit your bias either.

You do know I'm Asian, by the way, right? Are you really going to tell me what's happening to Asian people?

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