Shop owner will deny ‘openly gay’ customers

Shop owner will deny openly gay customers
I don't see how fixing the vehicle of an openly gay couple goes against his religious beliefs. Where in his holy book does it suggest that he shouldn't sell goods/services to gay people? Is he mad he's not allowed to kill them as the bible instructs, or just scared that seeing two guys kissing will give him an erection?

Dear Donald Polish
Would it help to compare it to not wanting to do business for a Klan member
because you don't want to associate with anyone in that network or lifestyle.

What if someone is against fracking, or against meat-eating or the fur trade;
and doesn't want to do business with anyone who is pro-fracking, or who buys and sells fur,
or who runs a bunch of McDonald's that is contributing to destruction of rainforests.

So what.

Now I understand that the
* role and responsibility of the CONSUMER/CUSTOMER
is different from
* the role and responsibility of the BUSINESS that is registered to operate through the State

So similar to the issues of marriage that are mixed in with the State,
where the solution may be to SEPARATE marriage from the State to AVOID introducing conflict;
maybe something similar needs to be done with business practices and resolving policy conflicts.

However, what I might suggest, is setting up a
Constitutional Ethics level of law that is managed by the public, so the assistance
offered VOLUNTARILY can be applied to ANY level: church, private, business, nonprofit,
city, county, state, federal, public institution, religious or political corporation, etc.
And use THAT to mediate any conflicts so people can 'redress grievances
and protect equal access to due process'

And then require that any collective institution with more influence or resources than a single individual be required to "redress grievances" through a facilitated process to resolve conflicts.
This way, neither the citizens nor the companies can get away with abuses. The complaints and objections would be worked through, with the purpose of reaching agreement by correcting any problems. So instead of problems escalating into lawsuits, they'd be nipped in the bud.

It would be like a Constitutional process, but offered and moderated freely.
Not a money making process that the legal and legislative system has become,
where parties and candidates seek funds to raise a big fuss to railroad over other parties.
His reasons for doing so are not important to the state. He must be forced into compliance with the state.
well send out the militant homosexual/NAZIS . ANOTHER business for you all to set out to DESTROY.
Shop owner will deny openly gay customers
I don't see how fixing the vehicle of an openly gay couple goes against his religious beliefs. Where in his holy book does it suggest that he shouldn't sell goods/services to gay people? Is he mad he's not allowed to kill them as the bible instructs, or just scared that seeing two guys kissing will give him an erection?
Refusing to serve a gay person's vehicle is an example of a PA violation. If the shop owner was expected to drive them in a gay pride parade, it should not be.
PETA throws blood on companies that do animal testing.

LGBT activists should throw blood of a different sort on businesses discriminating against LGBT :)
So this guy, is somehow going to know if people are ghey, what about adulterers, thieves, gluttonous activity or any of the other deadly sins?
A questionnaire for services?
I've never had a mechanic give two shits whom I fuck...
So this guy, is somehow going to know if people are ghey, what about adulterers, thieves, gluttonous activity or any of the other deadly sins?
A questionnaire for services?
I've never had a mechanic give two shits whom I fuck...
Never dated a mechanic's daughter?
So this guy, is somehow going to know if people are ghey, what about adulterers, thieves, gluttonous activity or any of the other deadly sins?
A questionnaire for services?
I've never had a mechanic give two shits whom I fuck...
He thinks he is Clark Kent, with gay vision. He will get it wrong though, and piss off plenty of 'straight' people. I have known people that look gay from outward appearance and slightly in speech, but are straight.
He's a moron. Watching you people with the Indiana STATE laws, and the threats and brow beating that came with it. Trying to destroy some little ole pizza joint because they said they DIDN'T cater to weddings. homosexuals or not. none of it was damn pretty

You should think twice about calling others, BIGOTS and MORONS

look in mirror
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Some of you are no better than those you condemn. In Michigan homosexuality isn't a protected class so there's nothing illegal about it. No PA law to ram down his throat. If he doesn't want to serve them so what, just go somewhere else and quit trying to run people's lives and businesses for them.

I am much more concerned about a government that can outlaw a personal bias.
OK, the guy is an idiot, but it does bring up a point.

If your intention is to shun people who are in your opinion grossly immoral in their do you implement that intention?

A person might be effeminate, or have unusual taste in clothes. The person might be "gay" (sexually attracted to others of the same gender), but CELIBATE. Or in a conventional, faithful marriage.

As a shop owner or a restauranteur, or a mechanic, you have no idea whether this person is living an immoral life (not that it's any of your business). You are only speculating based on appearances, which could be deceiving.

But having said that, being asked to provide services for a gay wedding is a different proposition altogether. A gay couple is publicly proclaiming their intention to live a grossly immoral lifestyle, so the service provider does not need to speculate about whether he is being asked to help celebrate depravity. Just as he would be if asked to cater to a meeting of the KKK or of NAMBLA.

Bottom line, any private business should be able to refuse to serve anyone it wants to refuse, for whatever reason it deems appropriate. It's up to the other patrons to decide whether they want to continue patronizing the business.
OK, the guy is an idiot, but it does bring up a point.

If your intention is to shun people who are in your opinion grossly immoral in their do you implement that intention?

A person might be effeminate, or have unusual taste in clothes. The person might be "gay" (sexually attracted to others of the same gender), but CELIBATE. Or in a conventional, faithful marriage.

As a shop owner or a restauranteur, or a mechanic, you have no idea whether this person is living an immoral life (not that it's any of your business). You are only speculating based on appearances, which could be deceiving.

But having said that, being asked to provide services for a gay wedding is a different proposition altogether. A gay couple is publicly proclaiming their intention to live a grossly immoral lifestyle, so the service provider does not need to speculate about whether he is being asked to help celebrate depravity. Just as he would be if asked to cater to a meeting of the KKK or of NAMBLA.

Bottom line, any private business should be able to refuse to serve anyone it wants to refuse, for whatever reason it deems appropriate. It's up to the other patrons to decide whether they want to continue patronizing the business.
The guy's not an idiot, he's a victim of the same stunt that was used at the pizzeria. A reporter goes out and tries to find businesses who won't serve gays and then "interviews" them. These people aren't going out of their way to be a target, they are being hunted and set up for personal destruction by the children of hell.
OK, the guy is an idiot, but it does bring up a point.

If your intention is to shun people who are in your opinion grossly immoral in their do you implement that intention?

A person might be effeminate, or have unusual taste in clothes. The person might be "gay" (sexually attracted to others of the same gender), but CELIBATE. Or in a conventional, faithful marriage.

As a shop owner or a restauranteur, or a mechanic, you have no idea whether this person is living an immoral life (not that it's any of your business). You are only speculating based on appearances, which could be deceiving.

But having said that, being asked to provide services for a gay wedding is a different proposition altogether. A gay couple is publicly proclaiming their intention to live a grossly immoral lifestyle, so the service provider does not need to speculate about whether he is being asked to help celebrate depravity. Just as he would be if asked to cater to a meeting of the KKK or of NAMBLA.

Bottom line, any private business should be able to refuse to serve anyone it wants to refuse, for whatever reason it deems appropriate. It's up to the other patrons to decide whether they want to continue patronizing the business.

I'd recommend to such businesses to implement a policy of Christian mediation.
So if people don't want to agree to mediating disputes in that manner, they are forewarned not to do business there.

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