Shots Fired at LAX

The only thing this accomplished was to make this country more of a police state. Now, if two thousand dudes did the same thing on the same day then that would have been a real statement to the homeland security dogs. That would have been enough for martial law which is exactly what we're hoping for!

Fortunately for us, what you're hoping for requires two-thousand dudes just like you, and those just like you talk the talk but walk the walk of chicken little.
Agreed. I heard he was a teabagger. :doubt:
I heard he was a nut case, hell that would also make him just like Chris dorner an obama supporter.

If the evidence released thus far is correct, he is disturbed much like McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - others who have consumed the far right Kool-Aid and murdered unarmed civilians.

^ yet another libo who squirts its pants when a mass shooting happens. Bet you just can't wait for the next school. shooting huh ? You are pathetic.
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I heard he was a nut case, hell that would also make him just like Chris dorner an obama supporter.

If the evidence released thus far is correct, he is disturbed much like McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - others who have consumed the far right Kool-Aid and murdered unarmed civilians.

So to be clear.... If he leans left and commits mass murder he was just a crazy guy no connection to the left. If he leans right and is crazy he did it not because he is crazy but because he leans right?

Because every crazy person so far has been left of center and you all keep claiming cause they were crazy that doesn't count.

"So to be clear"? You're kidding, right?
I heard he was a nut case, hell that would also make him just like Chris dorner an obama supporter.

If the evidence released thus far is correct, he is disturbed much like McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - others who have consumed the far right Kool-Aid and murdered unarmed civilians.

^ yet another libo who squirts its pants when a mass shooting happens. Bet you just can't wait for the next school.snooting huh ? You are pathetic.

Thanks for sharing
Anybody see the photo of the shooter?? LMAO.....the Reality Manufacturing Company is taking this shit to new levels of absurd!!!

And overwhelming % of the population buy this shit hook, line and stinker!!

The world has succumbed to 'TARD disease!!!.....the level of faux brought to new standard of stoopid
He did just waltz in, with the gun and heaps of ammo in a past security somehow and started shooting.
It's just lucky he wasn't intent on killing passengers, or many people could've died.
Lucky he wasn't a terrorist with a bomb as full of nuke material from Iran for example.
Lucky he wasn't a terrorist with 5 accomplices armed to the teeth...intent on a massacre.

X-ray machines?
Airport security checking all luggage, cabin bags and checked bags?

Obviously the security at airports needs a massive rethink and overhaul.

Could he have just driven a massive car bomb thru the glass wall of a terminal building, as happened in Scotland?
Any bollards or other barriers stopping him?

Time to ban small machine guns, large machine guns, assault rifles/all auto and semi-auto weapons...the time has come.

No Machine gun was used. In fact since the 30's no machine gun has been used in just about any crime. As for banning supposed assault rifles and all semi automatics, better get started on that amendment cause that is the only way that happens.

I believe most Americans would support such a ban...and such an amendment.

Average Jo and Josephine do not need assault rifles/auto/semi-auto weapons for anything.
If they can't shoot a deer with a single shot bolt-action rifle then they need to find another hobby/sport.

Why does a person need a semi automatic rifle?
1. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
2. 10 USC § 311 - Militia: composition and classes

(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
In the regular military and the national guard you are not allowed to keep the firearm you carry while on duty.
3. Miller vs US 1939 In order for a firearm too be protected by the second amendment it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
4.A lone female with multiple attackers
You're wasting your time trying to educate commie filth. They don't know the diff between a machine gun and a so called "assault rifle".
If the evidence released thus far is correct, he is disturbed much like McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - others who have consumed the far right Kool-Aid and murdered unarmed civilians.

^ yet another libo who squirts its pants when a mass shooting happens. Bet you just can't wait for the next school.snooting huh ? You are pathetic.

Thanks for sharing

Its true. I'm pretty surprised that no threads were started saying "Muslim Obama Obama supporter shoots up L.A.X. ! You and others like you are just as bad. You just can't wait to see dead kids, or shot up men and women so you can swivel in your chair from the TV to your computer moniter and post away. You and the others, are all the same type of sick.
If the evidence released thus far is correct, he is disturbed much like McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - others who have consumed the far right Kool-Aid and murdered unarmed civilians.

So to be clear.... If he leans left and commits mass murder he was just a crazy guy no connection to the left. If he leans right and is crazy he did it not because he is crazy but because he leans right?

Because every crazy person so far has been left of center and you all keep claiming cause they were crazy that doesn't count.

"So to be clear"? You're kidding, right?

And yet according to you libs the last insane lefties that mass murdered were not lefties they were just insane, In fact in every case you tried to claim they were right leaning and when shot down on that went with insane not left leaning.
Billo, problem is that the government hasn't been giving people many things to be excited about. Have you seen the Congress approval rating? Have you been following the AP scandal and the Obama Admin cracking down on whistleblowers and journalists who paint them in a bad light? Or the expansion of the NSA? Or the failure to jail a single banker in light of the largest destruction of our economy in history? Or the failure to end the bailout (QE continuing indefinitely)?

Don't get mad at the people who are mad at the gov't for legitimate reasons, get mad at the gov't for being so corrupted and dysfunctional and try to work with your countrymen to fix things. God knows it needs fixing.
Not being excited about the government is one thing, demonizing it as the enemy of American's, is quite another.

Their rhetoric, is having destructive consequences in this country, as this LAX shooting has shown.

The hateful vitriol from the right, is spewing out into the marketplace of ideas, that it is okay to take the law into your own hands. And the freaks and lunatics of this society, are picking up on that and acting upon it.
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He did just waltz in, with the gun and heaps of ammo in a past security somehow and started shooting.
It's just lucky he wasn't intent on killing passengers, or many people could've died.
Lucky he wasn't a terrorist with a bomb as full of nuke material from Iran for example.
Lucky he wasn't a terrorist with 5 accomplices armed to the teeth...intent on a massacre.

X-ray machines?
Airport security checking all luggage, cabin bags and checked bags?

Obviously the security at airports needs a massive rethink and overhaul.

Could he have just driven a massive car bomb thru the glass wall of a terminal building, as happened in Scotland?
Any bollards or other barriers stopping him?

Time to ban small machine guns, large machine guns, assault rifles/all auto and semi-auto weapons...the time has come.

No Machine gun was used. In fact since the 30's no machine gun has been used in just about any crime. As for banning supposed assault rifles and all semi automatics, better get started on that amendment cause that is the only way that happens.

I believe most Americans would support such a ban...and such an amendment.
Of course you do - because, like most anti-gun loons, you have no connection to reality.

Average Jo and Josephine do not need assault rifles/auto/semi-auto weapons for anything.
How are you a competent judge?

If they can't shoot a deer with a single shot bolt-action rifle then they need to find another hobby
Silly anti-gun loon, thinkiing that the 2nd amendment has anything to do with hunting

Thank you for helping to prove the premise, that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Billo, problem is that the government hasn't been giving people many things to be excited about. Have you seen the Congress approval rating? Have you been following the AP scandal and the Obama Admin cracking down on whistleblowers and journalists who paint them in a bad light? Or the expansion of the NSA? Or the failure to jail a single banker in light of the largest destruction of our economy in history? Or the failure to end the bailout (QE continuing indefinitely)?

Don't get mad at the people who are mad at the gov't for legitimate reasons, get mad at the gov't for being so corrupted and dysfunctional and try to work with your countrymen to fix things. God knows it needs fixing.
Not being exited about the government is one thing, demonizing it as the enemy of American's, is quite another.

Their rhetoric, is having destructive consequences in this country, as this LAX shooting has shown.

The hateful vitriol from the right, is spewing out into the marketplace of ideas, that it is okay to take the law into your own hands. And the freaks and lunatics of this society, are picking up on that and acting upon it.
Please be sure to point out where you have railed against the hateful vitriol from the left.
Elsse, you're just a partisan bigot.
Please be sure to point out where you have railed against the hateful vitriol from the left.
Elsse, you're just a partisan bigot.
You have to go all the way back to the protests against the Vietnam War, to find the equivalent rhetoric from the left.

I was 15 years old and no, I didn't rail against it.
Billo, problem is that the government hasn't been giving people many things to be excited about. Have you seen the Congress approval rating? Have you been following the AP scandal and the Obama Admin cracking down on whistleblowers and journalists who paint them in a bad light? Or the expansion of the NSA? Or the failure to jail a single banker in light of the largest destruction of our economy in history? Or the failure to end the bailout (QE continuing indefinitely)?

Don't get mad at the people who are mad at the gov't for legitimate reasons, get mad at the gov't for being so corrupted and dysfunctional and try to work with your countrymen to fix things. God knows it needs fixing.
Not being exited about the government is one thing, demonizing it as the enemy of American's, is quite another.

Their rhetoric, is having destructive consequences in this country, as this LAX shooting has shown.

The hateful vitriol from the right, is spewing out into the marketplace of ideas, that it is okay to take the law into your own hands. And the freaks and lunatics of this society, are picking up on that and acting upon it.

so those on the left demonizing those on the right calling them..." Anti-Americans"....Terrorist"....just for having a different about guns....that rhetoric has no effect?....
Billo, problem is that the government hasn't been giving people many things to be excited about. Have you seen the Congress approval rating? Have you been following the AP scandal and the Obama Admin cracking down on whistleblowers and journalists who paint them in a bad light? Or the expansion of the NSA? Or the failure to jail a single banker in light of the largest destruction of our economy in history? Or the failure to end the bailout (QE continuing indefinitely)?

Don't get mad at the people who are mad at the gov't for legitimate reasons, get mad at the gov't for being so corrupted and dysfunctional and try to work with your countrymen to fix things. God knows it needs fixing.
Not being exited about the government is one thing, demonizing it as the enemy of American's, is quite another.

Their rhetoric, is having destructive consequences in this country, as this LAX shooting has shown.

The hateful vitriol from the right, is spewing out into the marketplace of ideas, that it is okay to take the law into your own hands. And the freaks and lunatics of this society, are picking up on that and acting upon it.

so those on the left demonizing those on the right calling them..." Anti-Americans"....Terrorist"....just for having a different about guns....that rhetoric has no effect?....

That is different cause well Daily Kos says so.
so those on the left demonizing those on the right calling them..." Anti-Americans"....Terrorist"....just for having a different about guns....that rhetoric has no effect?....
I prefer "un-American". And when someone does something that is contrary to American values, WTF else am I supposed to say?

As far as "terrorist" goes, what we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc, is terrorism. The drone strikes, is terrorism. What we are planning to do in Iran, is terrorism. Which means all of us (me included) are terrorists. Because everything the government does, they do in our name.
so those on the left demonizing those on the right calling them..." Anti-Americans"....Terrorist"....just for having a different about guns....that rhetoric has no effect?....
I prefer "un-American". And when someone does something that is contrary to American values, WTF else am I supposed to say?

As far as "terrorist" goes, what we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc, is terrorism. The drone strikes, is terrorism. What we are planning to do in Iran, is terrorism. Which means all of us (me included) are terrorists. Because everything the government does, they do in our name.

So you agree the left is a bunch of terrorists, that Obama is a leader of Terrorists, that the Dem party is run by terrorists? And because they all want to by pass the Constitution on gun control that would make them UN American as well.

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