Should a 16+ week fetus be anesthetized before abortion?

Even though babies can survive at 20 weeks, or maybe sooner, liberals still don't have any respect for the fetus until it's born and breathing on it's own. Many liberals support late term abortions, where the baby is killed halfway through the delivery. They won't admit that the fetus is even human, so I don't see them agreeing to protect it from the pain of being killed. That concern is reserved for convicted murders and rapists.

No baby born at 20 weeks has ever survived. 21 weeks and 6 days is the minimum - so far.
Are fetuses ever anesthetized first?

My nephew was born severely prematurely -- either 22 weeks or just barely 23 weeks. He was viable, though barely. He was no mere fetus. He was a child. And now he is an active 8-year-old.

But he could legally have been aborted in most states. When doctors abort such an advanced stage fetus do they tend to use anesthesia?

A friend of mine had a baby born ten days premature. He could legally have been aborted too. He was so tiny. The doctor told the parents they could leave it there and the hospital would take care of the remains.

The boy is now a chubby and very healthy 7 month old.

10 days early? That's not a premmie, Katz - I presume he was born a lot earlier?
Abortion is a reality. We have had abortion for as long as we've had the ability to figure out that pregnancy results in a baby. We will always have abortion and that's as it should be.

We are human beings. We have the ability to stop suffering and that is what we should always strive to do.

Abortion, at any stage, should be easy, humane, merciful for both the fetus and the woman.
Abortion is a reality. We have had abortion for as long as we've had the ability to figure out that pregnancy results in a baby. We will always have abortion and that's as it should be.

We are human beings. We have the ability to stop suffering and that is what we should always strive to do.

Abortion, at any stage, should be easy, humane, merciful for both the fetus and the woman.

So put a syringe in the babies shoulder before the scissors to the brain stem? Easy...for sure. Humane? Only to a libtard.
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Would you support a law requiring a fetus to be anesthetized prior to abortion if it were possibly developed far enough to feel pain?

No. If you're going to be murdered, it is best to be aware that you're being murdered.

So, if you knew that a fetus had the capacity to feel pain, you would want the procedure to be painful.

Lemmie guess ... Another good christian, right?

Murder is usually painful.
Would you support a law requiring a fetus to be anesthetized prior to abortion if it were possibly developed far enough to feel pain?

No abortion should be outlawed at that stage

Abortion should be outlawed altogether.

and it is a first degree SADISTIC murder at this gestational age.
Are fetuses ever anesthetized first?

My nephew was born severely prematurely -- either 22 weeks or just barely 23 weeks. He was viable, though barely. He was no mere fetus. He was a child. And now he is an active 8-year-old.

But he could legally have been aborted in most states. When doctors abort such an advanced stage fetus do they tend to use anesthesia?

A friend of mine had a baby born ten days premature. He could legally have been aborted too. He was so tiny. The doctor told the parents they could leave it there and the hospital would take care of the remains.

The boy is now a chubby and very healthy 7 month old.

10 days early? That's not a premmie, Katz - I presume he was born a lot earlier?

No, he had severe deficiency in weight. Small for gestational age.
Are fetuses ever anesthetized first?

My nephew was born severely prematurely -- either 22 weeks or just barely 23 weeks. He was viable, though barely. He was no mere fetus. He was a child. And now he is an active 8-year-old.

But he could legally have been aborted in most states. When doctors abort such an advanced stage fetus do they tend to use anesthesia?

no they do not.

they even lie and say that babies do not feel pain where it has been PROVEN that a 17 week old baby feels pain.

It does not mean the earlier gestational age baby does not.

It has simply been PROVEN at that age.

In case of fetal anesthesia the baby requires separate anesthesia from the mother.

Which has been known for as along as fetal surgery has been performed.
Would you support a law requiring a fetus to be anesthetized prior to abortion if it were possibly developed far enough to feel pain?

No abortion should be outlawed at that stage

I just wanna go on record as a "Lib" (ha!) that I am pro-life and that I believe that abortion should not exist at all. And certainly not at 16 weeks, that is just batshit crazy.

But to the OP question. [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] - is there any scientific/medical evidence that a 16 week old fetus feels pain?

I have wrestled with this issue for years and thought to myself, well, hell, I'm not a woman, what does it matter to me? And then my daughter came into this world, our world, and that changed a lot of things for me.

I can understand abortion under the most extreme of circumstance, i.e., when the life of the mother is in immediate danger, which more often than not means that her body is trying to eject the foetus, anyway - nature's way of aborting, something we cannot control.

I am very torn on abortion in the case of rape. It's just a tough one. I dunno.

But I know that wholesale abortions is inherently wrong and is against the will of G-d. That much, I am quite sure of.

I would never impugne any woman who has had an abortion.

But my feelings on this issue have grown and evolved over the last seven years. And I wouldn't be true to myself were I to say something otherwise. This is how I feel about this whole issue, a very nasty, thorny one.

Just remember this posting the next time you think that Democrats/Liberals are all alike. We are not. And neither are all Cons.

Abortion is a reality. We have had abortion for as long as we've had the ability to figure out that pregnancy results in a baby. We will always have abortion and that's as it should be.

We are human beings. We have the ability to stop suffering and that is what we should always strive to do.

Abortion, at any stage, should be easy, humane, merciful for both the fetus and the woman.

So put a syringe in the babies shoulder before the scissors to the brain stem? Easy...for sure. Humane? Only to a libtard.

Those types of abortions are illegal in your country. So don't try and pretend that every woman who has an abortion has one at 8 months gestation.

But to the OP question. [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION] - is there any scientific/medical evidence that a 16 week old fetus feels pain?


I thought there was. I now think I was mistaken.

Though part of the pathway necessary to feel pain may exist at 16 weeks, it appears that the pathway may not be complete until much later, perhaps week 26. So though there may be some physical reaction to stimuli, pain might not be registered.

Also, some say that fetuses are naturally anesthetized and sedated until birth.
And just because a fetus might react to touch, doesn't mean it reacts to pain. Its a reflex - we all have them, and we don't feel pain, do we?
So, if you knew that a fetus had the capacity to feel pain, you would want the procedure to be painful.

Lemmie guess ... Another good christian, right?

Murder is usually painful.

Both your posts -- You bob and weave.

You really the worst kind of coward to say you want fetuses to feel pain.

To normal people feeling pain and live is better than not feeling pain and die.

An unborn baby is people.

Pro-abortionists must be real pissed off because heir mother was obviously their mortal enemy: She chose LIFE.
Abortion is a reality. We have had abortion for as long as we've had the ability to figure out that pregnancy results in a baby. We will always have abortion and that's as it should be.

We are human beings. We have the ability to stop suffering and that is what we should always strive to do.

Abortion, at any stage, should be easy, humane, merciful for both the fetus and the woman.

So put a syringe in the babies shoulder before the scissors to the brain stem? Easy...for sure. Humane? Only to a libtard.

Those types of abortions are illegal in your country. So don't try and pretend that every woman who has an abortion has one at 8 months gestation.

"Those types of abortions are illegal in your country"

You have a link to that pretend, Gertrude?

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