Should a Black Baker be Forced to Bake a Cake for a KKK Wedding?

He should be able to say to the hooded moron, “This is private property, get out, I will not bake you a cake. Go make your own damn cake.”

Would a member of the KKK ever order a cake from a baker, or engage in any sort of commerce with someone that hate and believe should go back to Africa?

If such a scenario were possible, and I was the black baker, I'd be happy to make a nice chocolate cake, and used the finest ingredients:


Of course they would. If klansmen weren't so lazy, they could jump on the "oh look we can't get a cake baked" express train of media coverage too. They're just too lazy to do anything. That's why when someone warns us about how dangerous the klan is, i laugh my ass off.


now that this thread has been posted, I can see one of our Stormfront rejects doing it.

Doing what? Baking the cake?

yes, as already described
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.
"we dont sell bacon"
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.


go to a Jewish deli, and order a BLT.

(bacon in a cake?)

I have never been to a Jewish food establishment, but when I next visit America post Kid E arriving then I will do my best to visit one and get some bacon.
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.
"we dont sell bacon"

Who America? You have bacon in America I have had some there.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

Same tired bullshit, different decade.
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.
"we dont sell bacon"
LOL! Beat me to it.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

Same tired bullshit, different decade.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

can't wait to see your proof
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

Same tired bullshit, different decade.

As a Christian if I was a baker I would have no problem baking a cake for Homos, it's just a cake.
It’s amazing how many people don’t know shit about public accommodation laws. For the all outrage they cause you would think people would do some research.
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.
"we dont sell bacon"
LOL! Beat me to it.

I specifically remember I have had bacon in America, so you do have bacon, well you did when I was in America.
It’s amazing how many people don’t know shit about public accommodation laws. For the all outrage they cause you would think people would do some research.

I would bake a cake for you and Mr. mdk, it would be a nice cake also.
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He should be able to say to the hooded moron, “This is private property, get out, I will not bake you a cake. Go make your own damn cake.”

Would a member of the KKK ever order a cake from a baker, or engage in any sort of commerce with someone that hate and believe should go back to Africa?

If such a scenario were possible, and I was the black baker, I'd be happy to make a nice chocolate cake, and used the finest ingredients:

So you're saying the Christian has that same right?
He should be able to say to the hooded moron, “This is private property, get out, I will not bake you a cake. Go make your own damn cake.”
This fails as a false comparison fallacy; as ignorant as it is ridiculous.
Bible 2.0:

And Jesus said, "You can marry as many times as you wish and commit adultery as often as you wish, even with a pornographic actress. But if you bake a cake for a homo you will surely burn in the fires of hell forever."
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

Same tired bullshit, different decade.
so you know the Christians heart. I think the queers went to the baker, because the knew he was a Christian and wanted to be assholes.
Was anybody even going to go? How many disgusting human beings are on the Eagles? Not enough to satisfy the dotard’s ego. Oh well.
Political correctness is for pussies...
And free speech is supposed to be for Americans.

Here's the thing. For every time the Right Wing's spine transformed into titanium over the second amendment, that same spines folds like a Chinese card table over the first.

Why is a knee worse than police brutality?

What a corner you Trumpians have painted yourselves into. If the constitution is to be held purely in its written form, how can you have it otherwise?

Because the players are at work, Dummy. What they do on their time
is their business. What they do on my dime is my business

They also have a union contract . You can’t juts punish them for somthing that’s not covered in that contract.
Yes you can, and they are doing it.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The bakers refusal to bake a cake for homos has NOTHING to do with religion. They are using the bible as a shield for their bigotry, just like bigots have been doing for centuries.

Same tired bullshit, different decade.

And you've been incorrect every time you have said it.

This Baker didn't refuse to bake them a cake. He would have baked them
any style cake they wanted. He just wouldn't bake them a "wedding" cake.
And he based that on religious beliefs. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission were the one's that were short-sighted and bias in their

This was a 7-2 ruling and in all honesty it should have been 9-0. The
Baker was the one that had his first amendment right of freedom of
religion violated. The CCRC didn't take his rights into consideration at all.

He did not refuse them service. He would have baked any style, flavor, color
of cake they wished. He just wasn't going to add on the wedding materials.

There was no sign in his window that said "No Queers Allowed."

This was a no-brainer for the SCOTUS
The Klan isn’t a protected class.

A public accommodations measure must have a provision prohibiting discrimination against a class of persons such as race, religion, or sexual orientation; the Klan does not constitute a class of persons.
He should be able to say to the hooded moron, “This is private property, get out, I will not bake you a cake. Go make your own damn cake.”
Did you know the baker in Seattle reportedly argued in part that his cake decorating was a matter of 'artistic expression' and that while he had no serious problem baking a cake he did have a problem with 'ruining' his 'product of artistic expression' with the design / words requested...and the USSCJ mentioned /referenced that in their finding / discussions?

I just thought that was interesting.

Anyway, I rather agree with you in part on what you wrote. If the beliefs of others are so offensive to you, as a baker, artist, whatever, that you can not in good conscience make what they have requested you should be able to say 'No'.

There are many other bakers...
Isnt a very good analogy IMO
That would be denying for the customers hate, not race. Hate isnt a discriminatory and unconstitutional protected class
I feel i should clarify for the tunnel vision dumbfucks that i am against ANY public accommodation law.

What about a Muslim baker or a Jewish baker and someone wanted a savoury cake containing bacon, they should be forced to bake the cake, if Christian bakers are told to bake cakes for Homos then this should be applicable to Muslims and Jews.
"we dont sell bacon"

Who America? You have bacon in America I have had some there.
LOL no. I meant thats all they have to say and it will break no PA laws
He should be able to say to the hooded moron, “This is private property, get out, I will not bake you a cake. Go make your own damn cake.”

GREAT POINT, good job. Much like a Jewish baker should be forced to make a NAZI cake.

In other terms liberals, take your gay rhetoric and shove it up your collective ass.

Incidentally, predictable responses liberals. The more wrong they are the deeper they spin.

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