Should a County be mailing out

So, do not think you should be allowed to vote?

Of course not because I am politically knowledgeable; everybody in this forum is. I won't lower myself to take a cheap shot at you like you just did to me. I don't care how people vote, just as long as they are smart enough to do it.
On this forum anyone that does not toe the GOP party line 100% is a Dem. Just accept it, they will never consider you anything else

No, it's just that anybody that sides with the Democrats 90% of the time, it's only reasonable to assume they are one. But you along with your ilk do exactly that, and when accused of being a Democrat, plea you are something in the middle.
Poor baby need explaining to?
6 year old ask such a “question”
Grow up and shed blinders to the obvious

So, you have no answer and just made more shit up like normal.

So, tell me how this shows any less desire to vote than me getting in my car and driving 2 miles to the polling station....

I requested a mail-in ballot using personal information that only me or a ID thief would have. That ballot was mailed to my address on file with my voter registration. Once it came I filled it out and signed the envelope and sent it back. The ballot had an ID number known only to me and I could track it from post office to election office to processing to being counted. If the signature did not match they contacted you via Email you supplied when you requested your ballot and you had till election day to prove it was you.
So, you have no answer and just made more shit up like normal.

So, tell me how this shows any less desire to vote than me getting in my car and driving 2 miles to the polling station....

I requested a mail-in ballot using personal information that only me or a ID thief would have. That ballot was mailed to my address on file with my voter registration. Once it came I filled it out and signed the envelope and sent it back. The ballot had an ID number known only to me and I could track it from post office to election office to processing to being counted. If the signature did not match they contacted you via Email you supplied when you requested your ballot and you had till election day to prove it was you.

See that is where modern "conservatives" are going down the wrong path, unlike more traditionally conservatives from years gone by. It's one of the lessons I learned in my military career. "Plan the mission, then plan for success". A true conservative believes in the people and wants the power of the vote to reflect that belief, modern conservatives are more interested in how to I manipulate the system to make sure "my tribe wins".

If the mission is to ensure the maximum participation of the electorate, then mail-in voting is (and should be) a viable option. We've had mail-in voting since the Civil War, we have states that have conducted entire elections through mail-in voting for years. Based on historical precedence we (as a country) should be able to have safe and secure processes in place that allow for such an option. To make it work then you need to plan for:
  • Accurate voter registrations processing. I don't support "same day" registration. In my world I support registration at least 90-days prior to an election to allow time for verification. If you don't make the deadline, sorry you can register now and begin voting in the next election.
  • Accurate voter rolls. State Departments responsible for vital statistics (marriages, births, deaths) would integrate with the voter rolls.
  • Then as mentioned you make the mail-in package (instructions, security envelop, and actual ballot) as secure as possible including:
    • Security envelop bar/QR coding to track an packages individual security ID was for a single voter and to ensure that package was returned by that voter. This is how current processes work (or should work) to ensure not only the ID, but that the same individual doesn't vote twice (mail-in and in person).
    • Signature verification against voter registration records and/or DMV/State ID
    • Multi-factor authentication beyond the signature to include the Type and ID number of the individual. May be SSN, State ID Number, or a Voter Registration Number
    • Use of a witness, who in my world, would also have to be a registered voter and such a witness would also be subject to signature verification and the same secondary factor authentication of providing name, address, and ID Type and ID number information.
The big deal is it opens the door to more fraud.

In Texas they passed SB-1. SB-1 states that all mail-in ballots had to be returned with the last four numbers of your SS or a DL number. They had an 11% increase in rejected ballots due to the numbers provided not matching those on record. In one county over half of the ballots had a wrong number or no number at all. Without the bill being passed, the vote of those people would have been counted as in previous years. Who doesn't know the last four of their SS number or F-up providing their DL number? But no, there is no fraud with mail-in voting. :eusa_shhh:

So now leftists are trying to sue the state because they want those fraudulent ballots counted. That's what's wrong with mail-in voting.
What fraud have they found in Florida, well, besides the republicans in the Villages that voted twice.
Reducing something vital to a no effort activity is horridly unnecessary and “we’ve always done mail in” is a misrepresentation
Reducing something vital to a no effort activity is horridly unnecessary and “we’ve always done mail in” is a misrepresentation

We have had people voting by mail since the Civil War.

We have state that have conducted all elections by mail for years.

I personally used mail in voting for about 20 years between 1980 and 2000 (voting GOP in each election BTW).

I can't speak for other, but I never said "we've always...", but we have been doing it to various degrees for 158 years.

We have had people voting by mail since the Civil War.

We have state that have conducted all elections by mail for years.

I personally used mail in voting for about 20 years between 1980 and 2000 (voting GOP in each election BTW).

I can't speak for other, but I never said "we've always...", but we have been doing it to various degrees for 158 years.

Facts are mail ins were always small and utilized by a small, specific segment and lib loons want to offer up wholesale mail in to the tune of 40-50 million being the same thing.
Facts are mail ins were always small and utilized by a small, specific segment and lib loons want to offer up wholesale mail in to the tune of 40-50 million being the same thing.

So we know how to do mail in voting, the rest is just a matter of scale.

At least some are honest, it's not about the mail in voting it's about who tends to use mail in voting.

What fraud have they found in Florida, well, besides the republicans in the Villages that voted twice.

How can you find fraud if you're not looking for it or making it impossible to find? It's like my analogy of the highway. People on a certain highway or road are constantly speeding. If there is no law enforcement to catch the speeders, then records show there is no speeding problem on that road.

Or like my example of Texas with their new SB-1 bill. You need to provide the last four of your SS with mail-in ballots or your DL number. It increased the mail-in ballot rejections by over 11%, and one county reported over half of their ballots were rejected because the numbers provided by the voters didn't match the voting records or they didn't include a number at all. Prior to that bill being passed, those fraudulent votes counted.
Mail in ballots are unnecessary and in person with ID worked for eons so moderator personal attack is unacceptable.
The lawless reference came along in later discussion and your attempt to hang your hat on that is fake and isn’t working.
Many Americans couldn't vote if not for mail in ballots.
Which is why mail-in ballots should be restricted to only those people and not the general public too lazy to vote.
Lots of Americans can't stand in line or don't have transportation. Mothers of small children have a hard time. There are many reasons for citizens to vote by mail. A senior with a walker shouldn't stand in line for hours.

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