Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?

American Culture:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Hahaha…you pathetic bleeding heart globalist pukes get all giddy over a poem written and donated by little Emma…you think her writings serve as immigration law / policy. You think she speaks for America in the 21st century….hahaha
You sorry ass lowlife degenerates.

Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?​

My answer: NO. The president's job is to execute and enforce existing law in an unbiased and impartial manner. I don't think he/she has any business messing around with American culture, he's not supposed to play favorites or put one group ahead or behind another.
To be clear; you’re saying the President of America shouldn’t talk up American culture? He shouldn’t put American culture above all other cultures?
That really makes sense to you?
Immigration Now a political tool, zero effort seems to be happening towards Any kind of working balance.
There should be no “balance” to be had.
The people should get to decide if they no longer want to be a sovereign nation with legitimate borders and immigration law… Such should not be decided by corrupt politicians trying to harvest more voters from foreign nations
Yeah, we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."



"The floodgates are open. The bars are down. The sally-ports are unguarded. The dam is washed away. The sewer is unchoked. Europe is vomiting! In other words, the scum of immigration is viscerating upon our shores.” - Newspaper editor, 1890

Same bullshit, different century.
Welcome to the crazy house where picking a political side no mater what kind of insanity it puts out is preferable to crossing party lines... The better interest of all is When we hold both party's responsible for better governance, THEN maybe things could start working a little better.
The only culture that ever had it's culture preserved is the culture that successfully fought against others to preserve it.
NO CULTURE is "safe".
Conservative whites in America bemoan the fact that they are losing "their culture". But they apparently would rather lose their culture than fight for it.
It's a choice. They either still believe their 'God" will save them (ignorant) or they are in fear of losing their assets (which they will ultimately lose anyway)
Fact of the way life was created.

And so it is. Humans do not exist by fairness or righteousness......but rather by the blade of the sword and the spilled blood of others.
HUMAN NATURE. ALL HUMANS. ALL HUMAN HISTORY. Don't give a shit if you can't understand it. It's that simple.
You fight or you lose. Period.
Welcome to the crazy house where picking a political side no mater what kind of insanity it puts out is preferable to crossing party lines... The better interest of all is When we hold both party's responsible for better governance, THEN maybe things could start working a little better.

All the fools believe their side is the only correct side.
Democrat or Republican. BOTH are being played like a well oiled fiddle and have no clue.
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)
Well he sure as hell didn't include Latinos or Africans in American Culture.

Trumpybear told American Citizens of African decent to go back to the shitholes that they were from so it's likely he doesn't consider them as part of American Culture.
The nasty HATE TRUMP CULT rears it's ugly head yet again
When the obsession extends into the realm of's a Cult

Well he sure as hell didn't include Latinos or Africans in American Culture.

Trumpybear told American Citizens of African decent to go back to the shitholes that they were from so it's likely he doesn't consider them as part of American Culture.
Unless you are a native American, you are descended from immigrants..which means your "culture" is derived from the population you came from.
Which negates an "American" culture.

Again, when you say "American culture", what you are really telegraphing is white culture.
I just find it amusing that you won't just say the quiet part out loud. :)

Why is it that everyone is allowed to be proud of their race/culture except white people? Why are you such a racist?
Why is it that everyone is allowed to be proud of their race/culture except white people? Why are you such a racist?


Let's let BrokeLoser perfectly explain it to you.........

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Yeah, we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."



Thanks for confirming what I have said many times before. Virtually all of the European immigrant groups were treated harshly, the only groups not treated this way are the non white European folks post 1965. So much for unified white supremacy that never existed.
To be clear; you’re saying the President of America shouldn’t talk up American culture? He shouldn’t put American culture above all other cultures?
That really makes sense to you?

I am not a big fan of putting American culture ahead of all others, all I want is our president doing what is in our best interest ahead of his own, his party, and his party's benefactors. I don't give a fuck what some other country does, I don't care if they are better than us in some way. To coin a phrase, I want America to be the best it can be.

That said, I was wondering what you are specifically referring to as American culture. What do you mean?
Yeah, we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."




"They aren't sending their best. They're rapists. They bring crime."



"They want to impose their evil religion on us!"



"The floodgates are open. The bars are down. The sally-ports are unguarded. The dam is washed away. The sewer is unchoked. Europe is vomiting! In other words, the scum of immigration is viscerating upon our shores.” - Newspaper editor, 1890

Same bullshit, different century.
Hahaha…different times Globalist Puke….welfare, free healthcare, free education all covered by good real Americans. They should have the say in who joins them in the endeavor of continuing to build America…they decide.
Thanks for confirming what I have said many times before. Virtually all of the European immigrant groups were treated harshly, the only groups not treated this way are the non white European folks post 1965. So much for unified white supremacy that never existed.
The anti-immigrant bigots of the past wanted only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to be allowed into the US.

Now the descendants of the non-WASP immigrants want to keep out other immigrants.

This editorial cartoon was entitled, "The Last Yankee". A man is surrounded by non-Anglo Saxon, non-Protestant immigrants. This cartoon was probably created by one of Broke Loser's ancestors. :lol:


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