Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?

There have always been shady people among our immigrants. Did you notice the guy wearing a hat that said "MAFIA" on it in the cartoon?

The problem with tards like Trump and the person who started this topic is that they commit a classic generalization fallacy and paint all immigrants with the same criminal brush.

Just like the editorial cartoon did.

Thats a pretty broad brush you're using.
Back in the day immigrants came here and knew they didnt have the option to run back to the homeland whenever they wanted.
They became Americans because where they left really sucked. They wanted to become Americans unlike todays immigrants.
I've worked with a lot of mexicans and they're constantly going back to mexico,they have no desire to become American citizens.
They refuse to conform because they have no plans of becoming Americans.
Like millions and millions of today's immigrants.

Not the mexicans and south Americans these days.
My ex fiance's father came to the US and immediately signed up for the Navy and fought in WW2.
That Is a committed immigrant who I had nothing but respect for.
Total bullshit.
They couldnt afford the price of the ticket nore the time off work.
They were here for the duration.

"Within five years, between 30 and 50 percent of this generation of immigrants would return home to Italy, where they were known as ritornati."
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Yes, I do. I work with immigrant communities all day, every day, ALL THE TIME. You are talking bullshit and you don't get a pass.

And I did the same.
I watched mesicans go from about 2% to 70% in machine shops.
And they all head back to mesico every chance they get.
There have always been shady people among our immigrants. Did you notice the guy wearing a hat that said "MAFIA" on it in the cartoon?

The problem with tards like Trump and the person who started this topic is that they commit a classic generalization fallacy and paint all immigrants with the same criminal brush.

Just like the editorial cartoon did.

Like millions and millions of today's immigrants.
“The problem with tards like Trump and the person who started this topic is that they commit a classic generalization fallacy and paint all immigrants with the same criminal brush.”

This Tard likes to play his odds…he likes data and truth and he doesn’t let emotion manipulate it.
The problem with Tards like you and Unkotare is that you honestly believe the American public OWES trespassing illegals an opportunity…you believe the American public should accept them all to gain that one needle in the haystack.
You are globalists with no American pride and no respect for America’s sovereignty….we’ve always had whackos like you, this is nothing new.
He should do what we need him to do. Then we can approve of him and everyone is happy.
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
Define American culture.

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