Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?

Hahaha…different times Globalist Puke….welfare, free healthcare, free education all covered by good real Americans. They should have the say in who joins them in the endeavor of continuing to build America…they decide.
America's immigrants are more than paying their way, dipshit.

The anti-immigrant bigots of the past wanted only White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to be allowed into the US.

Now the descendants of the non-WASP immigrants want to keep out other immigrants.

This editorial cartoon was entitled, "The Last Yankee". A man is surrounded by non-Anglo Saxon, non-Protestant immigrants. This cartoon was probably created by one of Broke Loser's ancestors. :lol:

Nope on my bolded part. You have to come legally. Fill out visa applications. No more flooding the border. Never has there been any massive rhetoric against the post 1965 people. And prior to that Chinese and Japs got the same bad treatment as various Euro groups. Do you why? People are tribal that is normal, not evil. Never in the history of the world has anything resembling the USA and mass immigration to it ever been attempted. Brazil and Mexico might be next on the list.
Nope on my bolded part. You have to come legally. Fill out visa applications. No more flooding the border. Never has there been any massive rhetoric against the post 1965 people. And prior to that Chinese and Japs got the same bad treatment as various Euro groups. Do you why? People are tribal that is normal, not evil. Never in the history of the world has anything resembling the USA and mass immigration to it ever been attempted. Brazil and Mexico might be next on the list.
The guy who started this topic wants NO immigrants. Except white people.
Culture doesn't even rank in the bottom two foundation levels in Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs!!
It sorta becomes a luxury after the Basic Needs and Safety an' Security needs.
The nasty HATE TRUMP CULT rears it's ugly head yet again
When the obsession extends into the realm of's a Cult

Here's your Cultist.

"So interesting to see 'progressive' Democrat congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run.

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.

"These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

Now, sing praise unto your Exalted Leader.

Now, sing praise unto your Exalted Leader.

Do you recall that democrats literally did just that when obama was in office? They also forced school kids to do the same. Talk about "indoctrination."
Why is it that everyone is allowed to be proud of their race/culture except white people? Why are you such a racist?
The problem is what are you bragging about? being proud of something you did not chose & had no part in . Just like everyone else here in America. That is the reason we try and start out treating people equal. That way you earn your proud by your actions.
The problem is what are you bragging about? being proud of something you did not chose & had no part in . Just like everyone else here in America. That is the reason we try and start out treating people equal. That way you earn your proud by your actions.
Like 7’ tall athletes playing in the NBA?
Why should they be proud of themselves, their height got them there…right?
One could say that about everything they achieve in life…I shouldn’t be proud of my accomplishments because I was genetically blessed with intelligence, with height, with muscularity etc etc. Do you really want to live in a society with no pride?
Why is their so much talk from you Democrats about African culture / African communities, Latino culture / Latino communities, LGBT culture / LGBT communities and why is it so justified?
The guy who started this topic wants NO immigrants. Except white people.
The guy who started this topic ONLY wants LEGAL immigrants that are sure to improve and advance America for Americans.
This shit is so damn simple for any legit core American.
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
That IS the Question.
To be or not to Be as American as one can
while Potus.
Trump made it seem almost automatic.
Biden did not even try to act American.
Biden has more in common with Klaus Schwab
than with His Parish Priest.Even he even had one.
One thing is certain ... Americans are a forgiving lot
but also quick to spot a ringer or faker.
It would not be a piece of cake for one to think
they could pull off what Trump pulled off.Because
Trump was not pulling off anything.As Original as they
come,was he.And still is.
Name for be any Great American and I'll show you
someone who if there was a course on Faking would
get a Big Fat :
Maybe even an F-
American Culture:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That was added later in a contest to raise money for refurbishing the base of the statue of liberty.
I see you posted out of context.
Trump is right that there are some seriously shady people coming from south of the border.
Are you really trying to deny that?
There have always been shady people among our immigrants. Did you notice the guy wearing a hat that said "MAFIA" on it in the cartoon?

The problem with tards like Trump and the person who started this topic is that they commit a classic generalization fallacy and paint all immigrants with the same criminal brush.

Just like the editorial cartoon did.
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
Sure, why not.

Now please explain in detail EXACT:Y what "American Culture" is.

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