Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?

Define American culture.

My shot at it: Culture is “the behaviors, values and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.” In America we seem to have so many different groups with their own culture that at times conflicts with others and at times gets pretty vitriolic and even violent. There's nothing that I can think of that we can say every American shares, not even liberty and freedom. Some would sacrifice those things in exchange for what they think is the greater good, while others see that as totally foolhardy. Some believe in individual liberty and freedom and self-reliance, which others see as leading to inequities. We have these deep divisions in every aspect of life, and it's also growing and changing all the time. How many times have we heard they were for it before they were against it? There are so many different aspects to a culture, some we share with diffferent factions and others we don't.

So, should the president try to preserve, protect, defend, encourage, and champion his version of what the American culture should be? My answer is that he should be doing so in concert with those with differing ideas and solutions, to push us forward. Maybe not in the direction he wants or others want, but at least not backward and hopefully not stationary either. These days, stagnation is the way it is, there ain't a lot of collaboration and bipartisanship; there's some just but not enough IMHO. It's all about political calculation, how do we beat the other side, with too many special interest groups vying for influence.
Define American culture.
Fools must first know the definition of “culture”.
Essential Meaning of culture


cul·ture | \ ˈkəl-chər \
1: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or timea study of Greek language and culturetoday's youth cultureHer art shows the influence of pop/popular culture.
2: a particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, ancient cultureIt's important to learn about other cultures.
3: a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)The company's corporate/business culture is focused on increasing profits.There was a culture of success at the school. [=the school's policies and environment encouraged its students' success]

Full Definition of culture​

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social groupalso : the characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time popular cultureSouthern culture
b: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organizationa corporate culture focused on the bottom line
c: the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristicstudying the effect of computers on print cultureChanging the culture of materialism will take time …— Peggy O'Mara
d: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations
2a: enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic training
b: acquaintance with and taste in fine arts, humanities, and broad aspects of science as distinguished from vocational and technical skills
Why is their so much talk from you Democrats about African culture / African communities, Latino culture / Latino communities, LGBT culture / LGBT communities and why is it so justified?
Probably because those things are American culture. The culture of Americans.
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)

Yes, American culture is predominantly white. It was founded by whites. It’s ideas and principles are based off Western culture, aka “white culture”.

If you don’t like it, why not move to a majority brown or black country?
I've worked with a lot of mexicans and they're constantly going back to mexico,they have no desire to become American citizens.
They refuse to conform because they have no plans of becoming Americans.
Isn't that what you want?
It’s ideas and principles are based off Western culture, aka “white culture”.
I'm not sure enslaving blacks is the basis of European culture. If it is, you seem to have gone away from your roots.
I'm always amazed at the open racism I see on this message bored. I think I'm used to it then bam, smack in the face again.
Do you recall that democrats literally did just that when obama was in office? They also forced school kids to do the same. Talk about "indoctrination."

Was that after Obama told them to go back to the shitholes they came from and fix them before daring to criticize America?

Just saying. Nor was the snide remark meant as and endorsement of indoctrination of school children in subjects other than the 3Rs'
I'm always amazed at the open racism I see on this message bored. I think I'm used to it then bam, smack in the face again.
Well folks, you knew it was coming and there it is….it is “RACIST” for one to speak of American Culture because at its roots it is just too white.
I'm not sure enslaving blacks is the basis of European culture. If it is, you seem to have gone away from your roots.
I never said it was the basis of our culture.
It’s something that Democrats did, and fought to preserve. Republicans, fought against it.
I'm always amazed at the open racism I see on this message bored. I think I'm used to it then bam, smack in the face again.
Nothing is more racist than Democrats and their policies. They fought and killed for slavery, they are the party of Jim Crow, and terrible policies that have destroyed black communities.

Can you answer the question Tucker poses to Psaki in this segment?

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