Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?

The loser cockroach keeps talking about feelings, while his entire pointless life is ruled by one emotion: fear. It certainly seems to be the root cause of his OCD.
The loser cockroach keeps talking about feelings, while his entire pointless life is ruled by one emotion: fear. It certainly seems to be the root cause of his OCD.
All sane, wise people should FEAR what caused southern Mexifornia to become what it has. Those who don’t are emotional pussies with a severe case of HeadInAssItus…they are just plain fucking stupid.

American culture:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
What a hoot. US hypocrisy is best hypocrisy.
You’re sitting here bitching about Western culture and how it’s “built on slavery”,
No, I said European culture isn't built on slavery. The Americas occupy the west, as an interesting matter of fact.
Everybody sane and not afraid of the truth knows that American Culture is rooted in WHITE Europe
Lol. After it quite pointedly broke away from Europe because it didn't like Europe's values. What a hoot.
So you are still too much a coward to watch a short clip.
If you can't put his question in a sentence or paragraph I'm not going to waste my time trawling through his bullshit to find it.
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)
There are parts of American culture that have nothing to do with being white, you short-sighted hack.

Freedom, for example, is not unique to white people. It is a stated goal of America as a nation.
Lol. After it quite pointedly broke away from Europe because it didn't like Europe's values. What a hoot.

Says someone who more than likely opposes freedom of religion just like the corrupt Church of England did back then.
If you can't put his question in a sentence or paragraph I'm not going to waste my time trawling through his bullshit to find it.

How have Democrat policies helped cities like Baltimore? They have murder rates worse than El Salvador. They refuse to arrest students for crimes like assault, they refuse to fail students who can’t read. How is this helping the black community?

Democrats ruin these cities and they spend all their time in the Hamptons and other all white places, but lecture us on how racist America is.
How have Democrat policies helped cities like Baltimore?
You're going to have to be more specific about 'cities like Baltimore' as well as providing links to your claims about them.
You're going to have to be more specific about 'cities like Baltimore' as well as providing links to your claims about them.

Nope, it’s in the clip. You know damned well Baltimore is a shit hole, and it has been run by blacks and Dems for decades. So why is it that Dem run cities like that just get worse? Why aren’t those lovely progressive policies making their kids smarter and making crime disappear?
Nope, it’s in the clip. You know damned well Baltimore is a shit hole, and it has been run by blacks and Dems for decades. So why is it that Dem run cities like that just get worse? Why aren’t those lovely progressive policies making their kids smarter and making crime disappear?
Oh, you know, the legacies of white flight, redlining, lack of mortgage guarantees, Jim Crow, all that stuff. And yes, Democrats contributed to that. But the Republican Senate is now resisting fixing the results of those conditions as they believe it would rebound to assist Biden's popularity. What large Republican run metropolises are there with which to compare Baltimore? No one trusts Republicans enough to allow them to run major cities as far as I can see, their Senate behaviour being a lesson to all.
Oh, you know, the legacies of white flight, redlining, lack of mortgage guarantees, Jim Crow, all that stuff. And yes, Democrats contributed to that. But the Republican Senate is now resisting fixing the results of those conditions as they believe it would rebound to assist Biden's popularity. What large Republican run metropolises are there with which to compare Baltimore? No one trusts Republicans enough to allow them to run major cities as far as I can see, their Senate behaviour being a lesson to all.
LOL, there you go, just blame Republicans for the shit state of big cities run by Democrats for decades. Gawd you people are irredeemable. Yea, I’m sure whatever Biden’s idiotic idea of “fixing the results of those conditions” wouldn’t just be the same shit, so go ahead and articulate what that grand plan is to save shit holes like Baltimore. I’m sure Biden has finally solved it, he’s so smart.

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