Should abstinence 101 be taught in public education

Should abstinence 101 be taught in public education

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
Girl raped in high school hallway as class goes on

Students at Wicomico County schools are required to follow a code of conduct, which lays out certain things students cannot do so that a safe and positive learning environment is maintained.

One behavior not allowed –– that also is a crime –– is sexual assault, described as a "physical sexual attack on another person during school hours or during any school-supported activity."

The superintendent called the case gut-wrenching and wants to make sure any problem students are stopped before they commit a crime.

"Their behavior flies in the face of our community," Fredericksen said.
My...that sounds completely opposite of what Votto claimed the teacher's stated philosophy was.
Oh yeah....Sure they are...My bet is that the day for condom application is more intense than teaching that 13 year old that spreading her legs will result in a pregnancy....But hey, not to worry right? I mean we have a last ditch method of contraception, we can just kill it, and suck it right on out of there....Sad.
Did you come to this topic to teach us how utterly ignorant you are of what goes on at school?

Okay, we get it.

Nah, I raised two kids through the public system, I am well aware of "what goes on at school".... I am just saying, why teach anything if we are going to tell kids that they can just kill the resulting baby with no conscience repercussions....Hell, we won't even call it what it is....And I think that is sad.

There was a girl who got raped in a study hall at a local school. The father got wind of it and demanded that the teacher explain herself as to how she could have let that happen. The teachers comment was inexplicable, she said that it was not her job to teach the children morality.

And that is pretty much where we are as a society. We send children to school for 8 hours out of the day in a moral vacuum and hope they get moral teaching at home for a few hours out of the day in the evening.

Make not mistake, not teaching morality is still taking a position on morality. It teaches the children that there is no real morality, only relative morality that they can make up as they please.

Something happened with this post...I don't understand why the site has to string all conversations that came before this entry...Surely when the 'reply with quote' button is hit, then just the person you are quoting shows up....otherwise we get stuff like this...I'll address what I think was your response to me....

The girl in the library is a sad story, and had I been the parent of that girl, the school would have been firing that teacher for failing to keep my child safe. But that double standards abound from liberals that have taken over our education system is an understatement...

The teacher was eventually fired, although that is rare because it is very costly.

The story simply had too much media attention, otherwise it probably would not have happened.
You, of course, have some kind of evidence that said teacher was fired..........(I thought it was impossible to fire teachers these days with those pesky unions).
Wrong again. We have a morality problem in this country
Especially among our Christian missionaries. :lol:

If you think that is bad, try Catholic priests

The church surrendered the role of example setter long ago.

Now we have a Pope that goes around preaching about the virtues of government welfare and the evils of building walls and climate change instead of the gospel.
Thank you so much for demonstrating the superiority of abstinence teaching by bringing up the teacher humping a teen under the watchful eyes of his parents while on a Christian missionary tour, Votto!

Oh my God, this is going to have me laughing all week. :lol:

"Do as I say..."

The point is, society sends mixed messages.

On the one hand, a 17 year old can legally have sex with an adult but not in school.

Or we tell children under the age of consent, depending on the state, that having sex is not legal, but then give them condoms.

I'm glad you think it so funny.
Human nature and teenage sexual drive......good luck nipping it completely in the bud.
All true Christian know that abstinence does not prevent pregnancy. Case in point:

The Virgin Mary got knocked up without ever playing 'hide the weenie'.

So it's a fundamental Christian belief that abstinence doesn't work.
Straight from a liberals mouth. Liberals love to be immoral, just look at all the pervs out there who watch child porn. Big market and even Bill Clinton wants it.

Will The Jeffrey Epstein Pedophile Case Snare Clinton?
Former President Bill Clinton visited the hedonistic private island of a billionaire pedophile who police found was engaging girls as young as 12, multiple times. Now a new lawsuit may compel the former president to testify under oath about what he was doing there. The New York Post reported that Hillary is furious that Bill is mired in the scandal.
At one time, sex was between 2 people who were in love and to bring children into the world. Today it is all about what ever feels good, and if you get pregnant then abort it, don't be punished with a baby. I am sick of you liberals, for you immoral values. Done with this topic..

If you believe that sex and babies were all about people in love in the past and only all about people in love.......I have a bridge for you.
Did you come to this topic to teach us how utterly ignorant you are of what goes on at school?

Okay, we get it.

Nah, I raised two kids through the public system, I am well aware of "what goes on at school".... I am just saying, why teach anything if we are going to tell kids that they can just kill the resulting baby with no conscience repercussions....Hell, we won't even call it what it is....And I think that is sad.

There was a girl who got raped in a study hall at a local school. The father got wind of it and demanded that the teacher explain herself as to how she could have let that happen. The teachers comment was inexplicable, she said that it was not her job to teach the children morality.

And that is pretty much where we are as a society. We send children to school for 8 hours out of the day in a moral vacuum and hope they get moral teaching at home for a few hours out of the day in the evening.

Make not mistake, not teaching morality is still taking a position on morality. It teaches the children that there is no real morality, only relative morality that they can make up as they please.

Something happened with this post...I don't understand why the site has to string all conversations that came before this entry...Surely when the 'reply with quote' button is hit, then just the person you are quoting shows up....otherwise we get stuff like this...I'll address what I think was your response to me....

The girl in the library is a sad story, and had I been the parent of that girl, the school would have been firing that teacher for failing to keep my child safe. But that double standards abound from liberals that have taken over our education system is an understatement...

The teacher was eventually fired, although that is rare because it is very costly.

The story simply had too much media attention, otherwise it probably would not have happened.
You, of course, have some kind of evidence that said teacher was fired..........(I thought it was impossible to fire teachers these days with those pesky unions).

Never said the teacher was fired....I said had i been the parent I would have worked toward that outcome.
Girl raped in high school hallway as class goes on

Students at Wicomico County schools are required to follow a code of conduct, which lays out certain things students cannot do so that a safe and positive learning environment is maintained.

One behavior not allowed –– that also is a crime –– is sexual assault, described as a "physical sexual attack on another person during school hours or during any school-supported activity."

The superintendent called the case gut-wrenching and wants to make sure any problem students are stopped before they commit a crime.

"Their behavior flies in the face of our community," Fredericksen said.
My...that sounds completely opposite of what Votto claimed the teacher's stated philosophy was.

That is because that is a different story dingleberry

It does not surprise me you found another school rape story.

....but I do believe schools are sure pushing the envelope by introducing various subjects at too early an age.

Kids can see stuff on network television today that wasn't seen in 18+ restricted movies when I was growing up. It is extremely difficult to keep children from learning about sex and violence, if there is a TV or a computer in your home.

Schools aren't pushing the envelope, they're reacting to the reality that kids need the information at a younger and younger age.
Thank you so much for demonstrating the superiority of abstinence teaching by bringing up the teacher humping a teen under the watchful eyes of his parents while on a Christian missionary tour, Votto!

Oh my God, this is going to have me laughing all week. :lol:

"Do as I say..."

The point is, society sends mixed messages.

On the one hand, a 17 year old can legally have sex with an adult but not in school.

Or we tell children under the age of consent, depending on the state, that having sex is not legal, but then give them condoms.

I'm glad you think it so funny.
Human nature and teenage sexual drive......good luck nipping it completely in the bud.

So should it be criminalized or made legal?

On the one hand, your attitude is that the teenage sex drive will make them have sex, so why punish them?

I think lowering the age of consent is the liberal agenda here.
Abstinence turns young ladies into ticking sex time bombs. They very quickly turn non-abstinent without forethought.
I love the OP! He apparently wants to create a mass conveyor belt beginning at the womb and ending at a Planned Parenthood clinic!

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Do you think so, check one, Yes or No.

I agree with the intent of my friend's political cartoon that makes fun of anti sex-ed freeks.

Okay Jake, here is a question that you can answer?

What contraception technique is 100% fool proof? Without killing unborn or born children?
a. Condom
b. Pill
c. RU486
d. Vaginal Mesh
e. Abstinence
f. put an aspirin between a girls knees and tell her not to let it fall.

Now focus Jake, which one is will prevent a birth 100% of the time?

View attachment 110978
Which one is the least practiced out here in the real world?

So, if the car is headed on one direction but you have to go another, to you just give up and go straight because you're afraid to turn?

Why is it always all or nothing with you conservative fools?

"Just say no" didn't work with drugs, and it has never worked with sex. When I was growing up we had abstinence training and nothing else. Half the girls in my class ended up leaving school to get married before graduation, because if you were pregnant, in those days, you were expelled.

As I was growing up, the only sex education we ever received was to say "No" to boys because they were incapable of stopping once they started. There was no birth control pill, so we had to rely on condoms, the Rhythm Method (the only method approved by the Catholic Church), or old fashioned "luck". Girls would suddenly leave town for 6 months and return sadder but wiser. That is the effect of abstinence education.

On the other hand, teach teenagers how their bodies function and how and why to protect themselves, not just from pregnancy but also disease, is giving them the information they will need to cope with the real world where people do have sex, and have to be prepared for that. One of those things which keeps it all sane is reproductive choice.

If society is NOT prepared to allow women reproductive choice when, not if, but when her birth control fails, then that society is obligated to going to find itself overwhelmed with women giving up their children for adoption, as it was in the 1930's through to the 1950's. Ever wonder whatever happened to all of those orphanages which were a fixture of every city and town in the US and which pretty much ended when abortion became legal.

....but I do believe schools are sure pushing the envelope by introducing various subjects at too early an age.

Kids can see stuff on network television today that wasn't seen in 18+ restricted movies when I was growing up. It is extremely difficult to keep children from learning about sex and violence, if there is a TV or a computer in your home.

Schools aren't pushing the envelope, they're reacting to the reality that kids need the information at a younger and younger age.

....but what about responsible parents such as myself, who understand child development well enough to have allowed them that important time to be children? My children did not watch violent t.v. or movies and they didn't watch sex until their development warranted it.
Do you think so, check one, Yes or No.

I agree with the intent of my friend's political cartoon that makes fun of anti sex-ed freeks.

Okay Jake, here is a question that you can answer?

What contraception technique is 100% fool proof? Without killing unborn or born children?
a. Condom
b. Pill
c. RU486
d. Vaginal Mesh
e. Abstinence
f. put an aspirin between a girls knees and tell her not to let it fall.

Now focus Jake, which one is will prevent a birth 100% of the time?

View attachment 110978
Which one is the least practiced out here in the real world?

So, if the car is headed on one direction but you have to go another, to you just give up and go straight because you're afraid to turn?

Why is it always all or nothing with you conservative fools?

"Just say no" didn't work with drugs, and it has never worked with sex. When I was growing up we had abstinence training and nothing else. Half the girls in my class ended up leaving school to get married before graduation, because if you were pregnant, in those days, you were expelled.

As I was growing up, the only sex education we ever received was to say "No" to boys because they were incapable of stopping once they started. There was no birth control pill, so we had to rely on condoms, the Rhythm Method (the only method approved by the Catholic Church), or old fashioned "luck". Girls would suddenly leave town for 6 months and return sadder but wiser. That is the effect of abstinence education.

On the other hand, teach teenagers how their bodies function and how and why to protect themselves, not just from pregnancy but also disease, is giving them the information they will need to cope with the real world where people do have sex, and have to be prepared for that. One of those things which keeps it all sane is reproductive choice.

If society is NOT prepared to allow women reproductive choice when, not if, but when her birth control fails, then that society is obligated to going to find itself overwhelmed with women giving up their children for adoption, as it was in the 1930's through to the 1950's. Ever wonder whatever happened to all of those orphanages which were a fixture of every city and town in the US and which pretty much ended when abortion became legal.

that's a nice emotional story you have there....Here is a fact...54 million babies have been destroyed since Roe. 54 million lives..That "choice", that blood is on the hands of those defending such a disgusting stat all in the name of selfishness, and convenience...

....but I do believe schools are sure pushing the envelope by introducing various subjects at too early an age.

Kids can see stuff on network television today that wasn't seen in 18+ restricted movies when I was growing up. It is extremely difficult to keep children from learning about sex and violence, if there is a TV or a computer in your home.

Schools aren't pushing the envelope, they're reacting to the reality that kids need the information at a younger and younger age.

....but what about responsible parents such as myself, who understand child development well enough to have allowed them that important time to be children? My children did not watch violent t.v. or movies and they didn't watch sex until their development warranted it.

Mine didn't either, but I know multiple families where 7 years olds were watching The X-Files and XXX films because their parents had porn videos. Even after-school soap operas are pretty steamy these days.

Bill Maher made a crude joke that this fixation of fundamentalists having "purity" ceremonies where girls promise their fathers to remain virgins until marriage. He said that it's produced a generation of apple-cheeked Christian girls willing to engage in high-risk anal sex which used to be illegal in most states (and still is in some), and which men used to have to pay kinky call girls to engage in, but they will not have normal vaginal sex with their boyfriends because of this stupid pledge. As laughable as it sounds, this is quite, quite true. Beware of unintended consequences.
Do you think so, check one, Yes or No.

I agree with the intent of my friend's political cartoon that makes fun of anti sex-ed freeks.

Okay Jake, here is a question that you can answer?

What contraception technique is 100% fool proof? Without killing unborn or born children?
a. Condom
b. Pill
c. RU486
d. Vaginal Mesh
e. Abstinence
f. put an aspirin between a girls knees and tell her not to let it fall.

Now focus Jake, which one is will prevent a birth 100% of the time?

View attachment 110978
Which one is the least practiced out here in the real world?

So, if the car is headed on one direction but you have to go another, to you just give up and go straight because you're afraid to turn?

Why is it always all or nothing with you conservative fools?

"Just say no" didn't work with drugs, and it has never worked with sex. When I was growing up we had abstinence training and nothing else. Half the girls in my class ended up leaving school to get married before graduation, because if you were pregnant, in those days, you were expelled.

As I was growing up, the only sex education we ever received was to say "No" to boys because they were incapable of stopping once they started. There was no birth control pill, so we had to rely on condoms, the Rhythm Method (the only method approved by the Catholic Church), or old fashioned "luck". Girls would suddenly leave town for 6 months and return sadder but wiser. That is the effect of abstinence education.

On the other hand, teach teenagers how their bodies function and how and why to protect themselves, not just from pregnancy but also disease, is giving them the information they will need to cope with the real world where people do have sex, and have to be prepared for that. One of those things which keeps it all sane is reproductive choice.

If society is NOT prepared to allow women reproductive choice when, not if, but when her birth control fails, then that society is obligated to going to find itself overwhelmed with women giving up their children for adoption, as it was in the 1930's through to the 1950's. Ever wonder whatever happened to all of those orphanages which were a fixture of every city and town in the US and which pretty much ended when abortion became legal.

Ok then, just continue to give out free needles and condoms and I'm sure everything will be OK.
Abortion is a fact. We have always had it with us, legal or not. Getting rid of Roe will not get rid of abortion.
Do you think so, check one, Yes or No.

I agree with the intent of my friend's political cartoon that makes fun of anti sex-ed freeks.

Okay Jake, here is a question that you can answer?

What contraception technique is 100% fool proof? Without killing unborn or born children?
a. Condom
b. Pill
c. RU486
d. Vaginal Mesh
e. Abstinence
f. put an aspirin between a girls knees and tell her not to let it fall.

Now focus Jake, which one is will prevent a birth 100% of the time?

View attachment 110978
Which one is the least practiced out here in the real world?

So, if the car is headed on one direction but you have to go another, to you just give up and go straight because you're afraid to turn?

Why is it always all or nothing with you conservative fools?

"Just say no" didn't work with drugs, and it has never worked with sex. When I was growing up we had abstinence training and nothing else. Half the girls in my class ended up leaving school to get married before graduation, because if you were pregnant, in those days, you were expelled.

As I was growing up, the only sex education we ever received was to say "No" to boys because they were incapable of stopping once they started. There was no birth control pill, so we had to rely on condoms, the Rhythm Method (the only method approved by the Catholic Church), or old fashioned "luck". Girls would suddenly leave town for 6 months and return sadder but wiser. That is the effect of abstinence education.

On the other hand, teach teenagers how their bodies function and how and why to protect themselves, not just from pregnancy but also disease, is giving them the information they will need to cope with the real world where people do have sex, and have to be prepared for that. One of those things which keeps it all sane is reproductive choice.

If society is NOT prepared to allow women reproductive choice when, not if, but when her birth control fails, then that society is obligated to going to find itself overwhelmed with women giving up their children for adoption, as it was in the 1930's through to the 1950's. Ever wonder whatever happened to all of those orphanages which were a fixture of every city and town in the US and which pretty much ended when abortion became legal.

that's a nice emotional story you have there....Here is a fact...54 million babies have been destroyed since Roe. 54 million lives..That "choice", that blood is on the hands of those defending such a disgusting stat all in the name of selfishness, and convenience...

Its more about parental responsibility and only having the number of children you can responsibly support

....but I do believe schools are sure pushing the envelope by introducing various subjects at too early an age.

Kids can see stuff on network television today that wasn't seen in 18+ restricted movies when I was growing up. It is extremely difficult to keep children from learning about sex and violence, if there is a TV or a computer in your home.

Schools aren't pushing the envelope, they're reacting to the reality that kids need the information at a younger and younger age.

....but what about responsible parents such as myself, who understand child development well enough to have allowed them that important time to be children? My children did not watch violent t.v. or movies and they didn't watch sex until their development warranted it.

Mine didn't either, but I know multiple families where 7 years olds were watching The X-Files and XXX films because their parents had porn videos. Even after-school soap operas are pretty steamy these days.

Bill Maher made a crude joke that this fixation of fundamentalists having "purity" ceremonies where girls promise their fathers to remain virgins until marriage. He said that it's produced a generation of apple-cheeked Christian girls willing to engage in high-risk anal sex which used to be illegal in most states (and still is in some), and which men used to have to pay kinky call girls to engage in, but they will not have normal vaginal sex with their boyfriends because of this stupid pledge. As laughable as it sounds, this is quite, quite true. Beware of unintended consequences.
The next thing you know, they'll be running off to Africa to have sex!
Okay Jake, here is a question that you can answer?

What contraception technique is 100% fool proof? Without killing unborn or born children?
a. Condom
b. Pill
c. RU486
d. Vaginal Mesh
e. Abstinence
f. put an aspirin between a girls knees and tell her not to let it fall.

Now focus Jake, which one is will prevent a birth 100% of the time?

View attachment 110978
Which one is the least practiced out here in the real world?

So, if the car is headed on one direction but you have to go another, to you just give up and go straight because you're afraid to turn?

Why is it always all or nothing with you conservative fools?

"Just say no" didn't work with drugs, and it has never worked with sex. When I was growing up we had abstinence training and nothing else. Half the girls in my class ended up leaving school to get married before graduation, because if you were pregnant, in those days, you were expelled.

As I was growing up, the only sex education we ever received was to say "No" to boys because they were incapable of stopping once they started. There was no birth control pill, so we had to rely on condoms, the Rhythm Method (the only method approved by the Catholic Church), or old fashioned "luck". Girls would suddenly leave town for 6 months and return sadder but wiser. That is the effect of abstinence education.

On the other hand, teach teenagers how their bodies function and how and why to protect themselves, not just from pregnancy but also disease, is giving them the information they will need to cope with the real world where people do have sex, and have to be prepared for that. One of those things which keeps it all sane is reproductive choice.

If society is NOT prepared to allow women reproductive choice when, not if, but when her birth control fails, then that society is obligated to going to find itself overwhelmed with women giving up their children for adoption, as it was in the 1930's through to the 1950's. Ever wonder whatever happened to all of those orphanages which were a fixture of every city and town in the US and which pretty much ended when abortion became legal.

that's a nice emotional story you have there....Here is a fact...54 million babies have been destroyed since Roe. 54 million lives..That "choice", that blood is on the hands of those defending such a disgusting stat all in the name of selfishness, and convenience...

Its more about parental responsibility and only having the number of children you can responsibly support

In the 1950s our 'fertility rate' was about 4 children per family. Today it is around 1.8 or lower...So now we are even having enough kids to replace ourselves...That is NOT good. Not if we want to continue to carry forward.

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