Should Alex Vindman's Twin Brother Also Be Criminally Charged?? For Something..

Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!

You have to hold a high security clearance for a position like that, and yes having family members that are known foreign spies and traitors effects your own clearance. That’s just the way it goes, no one is entitled to have a high security clearance.
Why is Trump so powerless and weak to where he can't have "KNOWN FOREIGN SPIES AND TRAITORS" charged with a crime??

But his own personal lawyer can see his own clients get charged with crimes at the drop of a MAGA hat....why is he so weak??
Vindman was charged?
Not yet....but he will be soon...…

As soon as the Michael Flynn case gets finished falling apart -- that will open the doors to the whole Vindman family being charged with treason....

Sure. It will happen by July 4, right?

I’ll be happy to bring up your despair on July 5
I'll be happy to bring up your lack of understanding satire much sooner than July 5th...
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!

You have to hold a high security clearance for a position like that, and yes having family members that are known foreign spies and traitors effects your own clearance. That’s just the way it goes, no one is entitled to have a high security clearance.
Why is Trump so powerless and weak to where he can't have "KNOWN FOREIGN SPIES AND TRAITORS" charged with a crime??

But his own personal lawyer can see his own clients get charged with crimes at the drop of a MAGA hat....why is he so weak??
Maybe he will, but that’s entirely different process. Security clearance can be dropped instantly for whatever reason, require no convictions of anything to lose. I know you’ve never held one, I have.
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!

You have to hold a high security clearance for a position like that, and yes having family members that are known foreign spies and traitors effects your own clearance. That’s just the way it goes, no one is entitled to have a high security clearance.
Why is Trump so powerless and weak to where he can't have "KNOWN FOREIGN SPIES AND TRAITORS" charged with a crime??

But his own personal lawyer can see his own clients get charged with crimes at the drop of a MAGA hat....why is he so weak??
Maybe he will, but that’s entirely different process. Security clearance can be dropped instantly for whatever reason, require no convictions of anything to lose. I know you’ve never held one, I have.
He won't and you know it...why do you Trumpers play this make believe game??

You know all of the shit Trump and his ilk does is basically WWF put on a show for grown children like yourself.....
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!

You have to hold a high security clearance for a position like that, and yes having family members that are known foreign spies and traitors effects your own clearance. That’s just the way it goes, no one is entitled to have a high security clearance.
Why is Trump so powerless and weak to where he can't have "KNOWN FOREIGN SPIES AND TRAITORS" charged with a crime??

But his own personal lawyer can see his own clients get charged with crimes at the drop of a MAGA hat....why is he so weak??
Maybe he will, but that’s entirely different process. Security clearance can be dropped instantly for whatever reason, require no convictions of anything to lose. I know you’ve never held one, I have.
by the way, I never mentioned security clearance....

What you dic suckers say is that they committed crimes....and what I asked yo stupid ass is....why is Trump so much of a cuck that he can't charge one single person for any crime?? Since all of these people committed crimes....

But yo sissy ass is talking about "but but but, Trump can pull their security clearance!!" -- so the fuck what?

Even your stupid ass admitted that a clearance can be pulled for any reason -- as in, a bitch ass president getting in his fees-fees like a teen age girl who got stood up for prom...
Vindman was charged?
Not yet....but he will be soon...…

As soon as the Michael Flynn case gets finished falling apart -- that will open the doors to the whole Vindman family being charged with treason....

Sure. It will happen by July 4, right?

I’ll be happy to bring up your despair on July 5
I'll be happy to bring up your lack of understanding satire much sooner than July 5th...

So it’s all a joke... cool.

Was the FISA investigation a joke too?
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!
If I owned a business and one of my employees was leaking information to my competitor and he was exposed...I would can his ass, and I'm sure you would too.
Now, if said employee had a bother who was also employed by my company, I would have to can his ass too, even if he hadn't done anything. Being that I owned
the business and I was smart enough to be proactive and not just's a no brainer.
And Biff, if I owned a company and you were my employee, I'd can your ass too....just for "general principal". :auiqs.jpg:
Yet there is good news for the Vindishits,

The Ukrainian military hires foreign soldiers to serve as ground soldiers in their ongoing Donbass War with Russia.

Apply today!
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!

No one is being "fired" at all, that's fake new, Biff.

The Vindmans are just being redeployed elsewhere, out of the WH, not "fired" in the least.

They are useless in the WH, and the reason why is that they can't be trusted with sensitive information because of their suspected leaking. "Advisors" can't have the perception of loose lips to the commander, if they do, their advice will never be sought or given much weight.

I understand they are being sent to the Pentagon,
Trump: Well he looks like the guy I hate and I don’t want them trading places
He is tied to Bobby Saxon, a Democrat. That is enough for me, for him to be reassigned.
Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony

So the long knives were out immediately after Trump's which he had someone (because Trump is too much of a cuck to fire anyone personally) fire all of the traitors who stabbed Trump in the back and tried to destroy America.....

"The twin brother of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from the White House on Friday in an apparent act of retaliation by President Donald Trump. Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman worked as a senior lawyer and ethics official. He was also part of the National Security Council, which his brother served on. Unlike his brother, he did not take part in the impeachment process. He was escorted off White House grounds "suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country," Alexander's lawyer David Pressman said in a statement to Insider's Sonam Sheth."

That's right buddy, get the hell outta here -- you and your brother cooked this plot up together and Trump stopped you....I believe there is also a 3rd brother who is currently in the military as well as their children possibly in the military -- they should also be court martialed or at least kicked out of the military for their involvement with this corrupt Vindman family...The president should strip all of those combat medals from Vindman because we all know, combat service doesn't count if you run afoul of the current leader -- and his twin brother who is allegedly a lawyer -- he should be disbarred for the crimes he committed...

We already know that Alex Vindman was behind the whole Ukrainian scam, he is also linked to the company Crowdstrike and framing Russia for hacking the DNC -- he is also tied to Burisma and the Bidens -- and his twin brother is believed to be linked to the Seth Rich murder as well as operating the Pizza Gate child sex trafficking ring on behalf of Hillary....If Trump's DOJ don't charge these people with something, it will send a message to his opponents that he is powerless to stop them....he must act now!!
This is satire, right? Or are you actually so batty psycho that you believe this and think it's even linked to pizza gate of all ridiculous things?

I know people hate anyone that criticizes the messiah trump, but l listened to vindmans testimony and this guy sounds luke he did what he thought was right. He testified under oath by order of subpoena. That's all we can ask of any american. Do what you think is right. Not what is best to protect trump at all costs. Duty to country and constitution and way more important than loyalty to a person.

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