Should Bernie Sanders run as Third Party?

Should Bernie Sanders run as a Third Party candidate

  • Yes, the democrat Party is far too moderate

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No, he's just holding out until Bloomberg sweetens his offer to drop out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AOC VP! Yes we can!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

I'm not a Bernie fan, but I have to admit, his rights and the rights of his supporters are being violated. On the flip side, he has that in common with Trump. He should sue the DNC.

For what?

A political party is its own entity. It's not beholden to candidates, voters, or anybody else. It's going to nominate whoever it wants, regardless of how much support that candidate has in the public. "Primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a democratic process. IT ISN'T. Never has been.

For a perfect example look no further than the aforementioned Teddy Roosevelt who walked into the Republican convention carrying a majority of primary support. The party showed him the door.

Meh. I still say Bernie bro's have a case for being pissed off. And honestly, I think Bernie is the DNC's best chance to beat Trump. No one expected trump to win. I thought Cruze easy. Same can happen for Bernie.

You're probably right. Sleepy Joe is a real sleepy fellow who doesn't even know what state he's in. His record of corruption is unparalleled but he doesn't remember it himself

Pocahontas is a daffy broad who tells tall tales, and I agree with Bernie that she is not electable.

Mini Mike is modern day Raymond Cocteau, a petty tyrant of the worst kind, trying to buy the presidency.

Crazy Bernie is the most authentic candidate in the Democrat field.
AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?

85-90% of Perot voters were disappointed conservatives.

Perot didn't run as a lib.
I'm not a Bernie supporter but it's not right that the Democrats are trying to screw him again. We, as Trump supporters, know what it's like for the dirty,do-nothing Democrats to illegally interfere with our candidate and I, for one, will stand with any Bernie supporter to support THEIR CHOICE, NOT THE DNC DENYING THEIR CHOICE!!! More illegal bullshit from the dirty, do-nothing Democrats!!!!
I'm not a Bernie supporter but it's not right that the Democrats are trying to screw him again. We, as Trump supporters, know what it's like for the dirty,do-nothing Democrats to illegally interfere with our candidate and I, for one, will stand with any Bernie supporter to support THEIR CHOICE, NOT THE DNC DENYING THEIR CHOICE!!! More illegal bullshit from the dirty, do-nothing Democrats!!!!
Bernie the communist should be bounced out as soon as possible.
Ever notice that only crazy trump supporters seem to be concerned about this?

Concerned? Heck no!

I think it would be great if Sen. Bernie Sanders ran as a third-party candidate. Even better, have the other Socialist, Elizabeth Warren run as his running mate. Even better, have them both campaign on using all the AOC Squad on their cabinet!

Life is grand!
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear.

Why are you opposed to a great economy, more jobs than workers, great trade agreements replacing faulty agreements, the elimination of the Obama created ISIS Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, the killing the leading radical terrorist in the world, peace in the world, no additional wars.

What do you want?
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Yeah, and the sun is rising in the West the next morning!
AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?

85-90% of Perot voters were disappointed conservatives.

Perot didn't run as a lib.


Hey, I'm sure it's out there with the "three million illegals", right?
I'm not a Bernie supporter but it's not right that the Democrats are trying to screw him again. We, as Trump supporters, know what it's like for the dirty,do-nothing Democrats to illegally interfere with our candidate and I, for one, will stand with any Bernie supporter to support THEIR CHOICE, NOT THE DNC DENYING THEIR CHOICE!!! More illegal bullshit from the dirty, do-nothing Democrats!!!!

Oh Bull Shit. You've changed your so-called "position" 35 times since you wrote this post.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it.

Sluggo, you never did have any brains.

{Perot earned 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election, running against incumbent George H.W. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. It was by far the most successful performance by a third-party candidate in modern American history. Perot was blamed for Bush losing his bid for reelection,}

What was Ross Perot's impact on politics?

AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?

You're a dumb one sluggo. Perot moved dozens of EC votes from Bush to Clinton, handing Clinton the win. Splitting the vote in states where Bush had a slight lead ensured Clinton took the EC. If you Stalinists had your beloved "popular vote" Bill would have lost.
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Of CPUSA or the new democrat Socialists for Progress, maybe

The CPUSA has endorsed the Democrat tickets in recent year, they were huge supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as B. Hussein O

So the odds of supporting Bernie isn't good.

Comrade, Little Mike bought the Communist party nomination. All the Iowa caucus circus, New Hampshire, etc. all means absolutely nothing. Little Mike will be your nominee, not a damned thing you can do about it.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it.

Sluggo, you never did have any brains.

{Perot earned 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election, running against incumbent George H.W. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. It was by far the most successful performance by a third-party candidate in modern American history. Perot was blamed for Bush losing his bid for reelection,}

What was Ross Perot's impact on politics?

AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?

You're a dumb one sluggo. Perot moved dozens of EC votes from Bush to Clinton, handing Clinton the win. Splitting the vote in states where Bush had a slight lead ensured Clinton took the EC. If you Stalinists had your beloved "popular vote" Bill would have lost.

As I said days ago Pothead -------

--------------------- Link?

Clinton won a plurality of the pop vote, not a majority but way more than Bush or Perot. By the way I think it might be inaccurate to characterize a popular vote system as "Stalinist". Check me on that when you get out of rehab.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it.

Sluggo, you never did have any brains.

{Perot earned 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election, running against incumbent George H.W. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. It was by far the most successful performance by a third-party candidate in modern American history. Perot was blamed for Bush losing his bid for reelection,}

What was Ross Perot's impact on politics?

AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?

You're a dumb one sluggo. Perot moved dozens of EC votes from Bush to Clinton, handing Clinton the win. Splitting the vote in states where Bush had a slight lead ensured Clinton took the EC. If you Stalinists had your beloved "popular vote" Bill would have lost.

As I said days ago Pothead -------

--------------------- Link?

Clinton won a plurality of the pop vote, not a majority but way more than Bush or Perot. By the way I think it might be inaccurate to characterize a popular vote system as "Stalinist". Check me on that when you get out of rehab.

Less than Bush plus Perot.

Perot split the vote.

THE 1992 ELECTIONS: DISAPPOINTMENT -- NEWS ANALYSIS An Eccentric but No Joke; Perot's Strong Showing Raises Questions On What Might Have Been, and Might Be

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