Should Bernie Sanders run as Third Party?

Should Bernie Sanders run as a Third Party candidate

  • Yes, the democrat Party is far too moderate

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No, he's just holding out until Bloomberg sweetens his offer to drop out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AOC VP! Yes we can!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Lol, this is going to be a teaching moment for everyone who pays attention closely to politics, on how the DNC is going to try and kick Bernie to the curb, while keeping his supporters in the DNC fold. You know the long knives at the DNC are out, when even the MSM is willing to report that the upcoming moves by the DNC are happening just to lower the Berns chances.

Maybe Bern supporters are really that dumb to fall for the DNC propaganda they are going to be inundated with, but then again, maybe not!

If it concerns you so much, then i suggest you join the DNC and change things. Otherwise, you are just some idiot spouting about something that is none of your business, and you don't understand.
Like you do every single day about republicans?

Pathetic hypocrite.

Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.
If it concerns you so much, then i suggest you join the DNC and change things. Otherwise, you are just some idiot spouting about something that is none of your business, and you don't understand.
Like you do every single day about republicans?

Pathetic hypocrite.

Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.

Who says I'm making a point? I think I decided to use that picture for the same reason she decided to flop it out in public. "Nice titty. Lets show it to everybody."
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

I'm not a Bernie fan, but I have to admit, his rights and the rights of his supporters are being violated. On the flip side, he has that in common with Trump. He should sue the DNC.
Like you do every single day about republicans?

Pathetic hypocrite.

Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.

Who says I'm making a point? I think I decided to use that picture for the same reason she decided to flop it out in public. "Nice titty. Lets show it to everybody."

Like you do every single day about republicans?

Pathetic hypocrite.

Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.

Who says I'm making a point? I think I decided to use that picture for the same reason she decided to flop it out in public. "Nice titty. Lets show it to everybody."
The fact that you endlessly have said that hundreds of times, it still doesn't dawn on you that literally no one cares but you.

New posters think you are a woman.
So, own it...Titty Girl.
Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.

Who says I'm making a point? I think I decided to use that picture for the same reason she decided to flop it out in public. "Nice titty. Lets show it to everybody."

Link to where I try to advise the RNC?
Your entire posting history,
Tittie girl.
You spout nonsense about republicans daily.

Join the RNC so you can do something about it.

Nope. Trump's lap dancing daughter is the titty girl. I just have a picture of it.
I oppose almost everything the Trump party stands for, and I don't mind making that clear. Let me know if you ever find evidence of me commenting on RNC internal decisions.
You are the Titty Girl.
You will always be the Titty Girl.
No one gives a shit about the lap dance whatever point you think you are making for the last three years.

You project daily about shit you know nothing about. The mirror is your link.

Who says I'm making a point? I think I decided to use that picture for the same reason she decided to flop it out in public. "Nice titty. Lets show it to everybody."
The fact that you endlessly have said that hundreds of times, it still doesn't dawn on you that literally no one cares but you.

New posters think you are a woman.
So, own it...Titty Girl.

Oh well. Seems that my opinion is the only one that counts. I'll get back with you if that changes.
De facto leader AOC said that the modern democrat Party is too moderate accepting, it's time for them to get behind a candidate and Party more in line with their beliefs right
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Maybe. The Democrat Party establishment will do everything short of burning down the Fiserv Center to prevent Crazy Bernie from being nominated
I think third party is the only way Crazy Bernie is going to get on the ballot in November. The Dems are already trying to screw him out of the nomination again.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Lol, this is going to be a teaching moment for everyone who pays attention closely to politics, on how the DNC is going to try and kick Bernie to the curb, while keeping his supporters in the DNC fold. You know the long knives at the DNC are out, when even the MSM is willing to report that the upcoming moves by the DNC are happening just to lower the Berns chances.

Maybe Bern supporters are really that dumb to fall for the DNC propaganda they are going to be inundated with, but then again, maybe not!
When Bernie is declared winner, will you please start a thread admitting that you said dumb things in February?

Little Mike bought the nomination of your filthy and shameful party. Be a good drone and goosestep behind Bloomberg. You're a democrat, do what you're told and NEVER question.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it. That's exactly why Sanders, a man who's never had a party, is running with the Democrat horse. There ARE ONLY two horses available. For that matter it's the same reason Rump ran with the Republican one. Neither of them can accurately be described as a Democrat or a Republican.

You may not like Yugos but if it's the only car available and you have to get there.........
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it.

Sluggo, you never did have any brains.

{Perot earned 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election, running against incumbent George H.W. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. It was by far the most successful performance by a third-party candidate in modern American history. Perot was blamed for Bush losing his bid for reelection,}

What was Ross Perot's impact on politics?
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it. That's exactly why Sanders, a man who's never had a party, is running with the Democrat horse. There ARE ONLY two horses available. For that matter it's the same reason Rump ran with the Republican one. Neither of them can accurately be described as a Democrat or a Republican.

You may not like Yugos but if it's the only car available and you have to get there.........

In 1992, Perot siphoned off enough GOP votes to give the nation Clinton. And in 1968, George C. Wallace split the Democrat vote with Humphrey to pave the way for Nixon.
Ever notice that only crazy trump supporters seem to be concerned about this?

Little Mike bought the democrat nomination. The only way you Stalinists get your choice of Bernie is if he goes third party.

He bought a third term as Mayor of NY, he bought his way into the debates, polling lower that Kamala, not a doubt he'll buy the nomination
That is not such a bad idea. There is already a Socialist Party, but he could form one of his own. That way, we could end this senseless bickering about who was whom and have a clear presentation of things. Debate could be more civil as well.
Oops! Guess that is too much to hope for.

AGAIN -- debates are under the control of the Duopoly, under the guise of "Commission on Presidential Debates". They wrested that control out of the hands of the nonpartisan League of Women Voters decades ago.

That means a coalition of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party literally controls the debates. That means it dick-tates what questions can be asked and who shows up to BE asked.

And that is electoral racketeering. And it's what we live in.
Ever notice that only crazy trump supporters seem to be concerned about this?

Little Mike bought the democrat nomination. The only way you Stalinists get your choice of Bernie is if he goes third party.

He bought a third term as Mayor of NY, he bought his way into the debates, polling lower that Kamala, not a doubt he'll buy the nomination

I can't turn the TV on for more than 10 minutes without seeing a Mini Mike campaign.

But I saw a lot of ads for JEB! in 2016 too, and it was a 24/7 barrage by Hillary Clinton of Trump-Hate commercials beginning on Labor Day that year.

So money isn't everything .

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