Should Bernie Sanders run as Third Party?

Should Bernie Sanders run as a Third Party candidate

  • Yes, the democrat Party is far too moderate

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No, he's just holding out until Bloomberg sweetens his offer to drop out

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AOC VP! Yes we can!

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it. That's exactly why Sanders, a man who's never had a party, is running with the Democrat horse. There ARE ONLY two horses available. For that matter it's the same reason Rump ran with the Republican one. Neither of them can accurately be described as a Democrat or a Republican.

You may not like Yugos but if it's the only car available and you have to get there.........

In 1992, Perot siphoned off enough GOP votes to give the nation Clinton. And in 1968, George C. Wallace split the Democrat vote with Humphrey to pave the way for Nixon.

Bullshit. Perot siphoned from both sides. Prove me wrong.

And in 1968 Wallace ran with a far-right fringe party, not the Democrats. Humphrey was the guy who incited the "Dixiecrats" to walk out of the convention and run their own party twenty years prior, with his talk about civil rights.

Interestingly Perot pulled just under 19% of the national vote, yet was awarded 0% of the electoral college. Yet another demonstration of the racketeer EC system.

Side note two: Wallace's American Independent Party strategy, as has been every other "third party" campaign, was not to win the election outrigh, knowing they couldn't do it against the Duopoly. Rather their strategy was to siphon off enough Electoral Votes to deny any R or D candidate the majority, thus tossing the election into the House of Reps where they would at least have a shot. That too is yet another demonstration of how the system is rigged --- in order to prevail, a candidate outside the Duopoly has to literally negate the election itself.

Side note three: in the last election before 1968, Wallace offered to Goldwater to be his running mate, offering to switch parties to do it. Goldwater declined, since he didn't need Wallace's votes --- he got all his EVs from the Confederacy and his own state. Matter of fact with the exception of Arkansas Goldwater and Wallace won exactly the same Southern states.
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The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

I'm not a Bernie fan, but I have to admit, his rights and the rights of his supporters are being violated. On the flip side, he has that in common with Trump. He should sue the DNC.

For what?

A political party is its own entity. It's not beholden to candidates, voters, or anybody else. It's going to nominate whoever it wants, regardless of how much support that candidate has in the public. "Primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a democratic process. IT ISN'T. Never has been.

For a perfect example look no further than the aforementioned Teddy Roosevelt who walked into the Republican convention carrying a majority of primary support. The party showed him the door.
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

Sounds like it makes sense on paper ----- until you factor in the fact that the Duopoly LONG ago set up a barrier to any competition. It even controls the debates, literally.

The last time any third party made a significant showing at all was over a hundred years ago and all Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party did was siphon off enough Republican votes to send Woodrow Wilson to the White House with like 42% of the vote.

So in practical terms, there is no such thing as a 'third party'. The Duopoly will not allow it.

Sluggo, you never did have any brains.

{Perot earned 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election, running against incumbent George H.W. Bush and then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. It was by far the most successful performance by a third-party candidate in modern American history. Perot was blamed for Bush losing his bid for reelection,}

What was Ross Perot's impact on politics?

AGAIN, Pothead, Perot pulled ZERO electoral votes from Bush, or from Clinton. Even if you take Perot's entire ballot total and split it between Bush and Clinton, the latter still comes out with SIX MILLION MORE VOTES.

Math much?
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Of CPUSA or the new democrat Socialists for Progress, maybe

The CPUSA has endorsed the Democrat tickets in recent year, they were huge supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as B. Hussein O

And the Klan endorsed Rump, Reagan, Nixon, Goldwater, and for that matter Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge.

Your point?

Actually, the Triple K endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016. Will Quigg, the Grand Dragon of the California Chapter gave his unqualified endorsement to the D's, clinching the state for the Democrats.
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Of CPUSA or the new democrat Socialists for Progress, maybe

The CPUSA has endorsed the Democrat tickets in recent year, they were huge supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as B. Hussein O

So the odds of supporting Bernie isn't good.

Not unless Sanders gets the D nomination.

The CPUSA marches lockstep with the Democrat party machinery.
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Of CPUSA or the new democrat Socialists for Progress, maybe

The CPUSA has endorsed the Democrat tickets in recent year, they were huge supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as B. Hussein O

And the Klan endorsed Rump, Reagan, Nixon, Goldwater, and for that matter Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge.

Your point?

Actually, the Triple K endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016. Will Quigg, the Grand Dragon of the California Chapter gave his unqualified endorsement to the D's, clinching the state for the Democrats.

Nope, "Will Quigg" is not "the KKK".

Here ya go.

(link in the image)

Again ----------------------------------------------- your point?
There is no reason to run third party. He is going to win the nomination.

Of CPUSA or the new democrat Socialists for Progress, maybe

The CPUSA has endorsed the Democrat tickets in recent year, they were huge supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as B. Hussein O

So the odds of supporting Bernie isn't good.

Not unless Sanders gets the D nomination.

The CPUSA marches lockstep with the Democrat party machinery.

I thought the argument here is that the (D) machinery isn't going to back Sanders?
Bernie the communist also doesn't exist.
Bernie the communist doesn't have a chance.

Bernie the communist also doesn't exist.

Senator Sanders actually honeymooned in the USSR, back in the day when it was a communist utopia. If he gets the nomination, Trump won't let the people forget that fact. Remember that 2/3 of Trump's wives came from behind the Iron Curtain.

All of which means ------------- what?

My little brother's high school class took their class trip to the USSR too. AND??
I mean I was all kinds of jealous. My class trip was to Washington DC, which was a who-cares, already been.

What, you think travel is EEBIL and shit?
The dems will never accept him, he should build a Party around him

I'm not a Bernie fan, but I have to admit, his rights and the rights of his supporters are being violated. On the flip side, he has that in common with Trump. He should sue the DNC.

For what?

A political party is its own entity. It's not beholden to candidates, voters, or anybody else. It's going to nominate whoever it wants, regardless of how much support that candidate has in the public. "Primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a democratic process. IT ISN'T. Never has been.

For a perfect example look no further than the aforementioned Teddy Roosevelt who walked into the Republican convention carrying a majority of primary support. The party showed him the door.

Meh. I still say Bernie bro's have a case for being pissed off. And honestly, I think Bernie is the DNC's best chance to beat Trump. No one expected trump to win. I thought Cruze easy. Same can happen for Bernie.

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