Should Black People Tolerate Racists In A Retirement Home?

At the home my mom was at, the old ladies all fought for the nice MALE attendant. :)

I don't know why A is asking this question. Shouldn't it be obvious that the attendant's race doesn't matter and that kind of nonsense can't be catered to, no matter how old you are. If there are homes that hire only white employees (good luck with that, folks) sure, go there if you're a bigot. I just see the administration getting in trouble for that.

Because A is one of the worst racists out there. According to A every white person is the devil and should be exterminated.
I don't get that from him. I get facts and also his opinions about what has gone on in this country. I sometimes get a sense of anger and frustration, which I often share, but I don't think he sees every white person as a devil or that they should be exterminated. I believe he sees evil where it is, calls it out, and thinks it should be examined and repented for. I, for one, agree.

Then you haven't read too many of his threads. Just keep reading them and you'll see.
At the home my mom was at, the old ladies all fought for the nice MALE attendant. :)

I don't know why A is asking this question. Shouldn't it be obvious that the attendant's race doesn't matter and that kind of nonsense can't be catered to, no matter how old you are. If there are homes that hire only white employees (good luck with that, folks) sure, go there if you're a bigot. I just see the administration getting in trouble for that.

Because A is one of the worst racists out there. According to A every white person is the devil and should be exterminated.
I don't get that from him. I get facts and also his opinions about what has gone on in this country. I sometimes get a sense of anger and frustration, which I often share, but I don't think he sees every white person as a devil or that they should be exterminated. I believe he sees evil where it is, calls it out, and thinks it should be examined and repented for. I, for one, agree.

Then you haven't read too many of his threads. Just keep reading them and you'll see.
I've read many. I think I just interpret them differently than some others do. I like to listen with my heart, not just my mind.
How about, when your parents get old, you, the family, takes care of them, then you don't have to worry about a nursing home.
Tried that before my mom died.
It would have cost me $30,000 a month.
I mean stay home and take care of them. You can get meals on wheels & home health care visits once a week. I know; I did it.

Depends on the situation. My mom needed medical care 24/7.
That's what they tell you; it isn't always necessarily true.
Oh, so people should go ahead and take a chance with their parents.

I understand.
Yeah, Let's just institutionalize them all and not even bother to try to keep them at home. It would be an absolute disaster if the family couldn't afford a 3rd car because of taking care of the grandparents.
I say absolutely not. There is no reason to tolerate these assholes. If they cannot conform to equality they should find an all white facility manned by all white care givers. Looks like the EEOC agrees.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an Indiana nursing home for subjecting its black employees to harassment and honoring the racist preferences of its residents.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the claim was filed Tuesday.

The EEOC charges that Hamilton Pointe nursing home in Evansville, Ind., blocked its black employees from entering the rooms of residents who had expressed a “preference for non-black caregivers.”

Hamilton Pointe is also alleged to have exposed its black workers to harassment based on their race. The EEOC suit says that employees were “called and/or referred to by terms such as ‘******,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘nappy.’” This behavior was apparently condoned by the nursing home."

Here's an idea....
Open an all black nursing home.

Why should he have to open an all black nursing home?
He's implying you should move to Apefreaka if you think whitey is so mean to you. Seriously, why stay? If I lived in an Apefreaka shithole, I'd build a raft to try to escape to a white country. If I lived in a negrohood, I'd move.

I don't give a fuck what he's implying. I was born in America.
Did I claim that you weren't?
I am an American. I don't have to go any damn where. So if you don't like that move to whitey land. I'm sure there's a nation of trailer parks somewhere.
Relax, shitskin. I didn't say you HAD to move anywhere or that you weren't born in the US. I said you SHOULD move to apefreaka if you think whitey is so mean to you. So, why don't you move? And don't answer "because I don't have to," you fucking heboon. I'm asking why you choose to stay when whitey apparently discriminates against you and oppresses you. There are plenty of negroes that were born in apefreaka and leave, even risking drowning, because they don't like it there. And there's often no whitey oppressing them there. So why don't you, when you presumably have the ability to travel in something better than a raft, move to apefreaka, especially with whitey oppressing you?

It would solve all of your problems.
I mean blacks have all colored dorms for college why not extend that into their golden years?
You're the ones calling for segregation these days so put your money where your mouth is.

This is stupid. I don't see anyone black calling for segregation but the NOI. And where are these "colored" dorms? What university are they in?

Apparently you're the stupid one.....
Maybe you should broaden your horizons and stop getting all your news from "The Root".

Harvard students plan graduation ceremony for blacks only, claim it’s ‘not about segregation’

Harvard students plan graduation ceremony for blacks only, claim it’s ‘not about segregation’

CSU Defends 'Segregated' Housing Offer After Conservative Backlash | HuffPost

No you are the stupid one here. We are taking about retirement homes and you talk about college dorms. And even at that you declare how blacks want to be segregated without stating that they feel unsafe in dorms with white people. You don't mention the racial slurs or the micro aggressions they face yet your stupid ass hollers about segregation. You are a dumb ass.

Seems that Harvard will also have a regular graduation. But you don't mention hat either.

Nice try dunce cap.
He answered your question, idiot. If you don't like it, don't ask.

He answered it but the answer was wrong.
He mentioned colored dorms and you asked for proof. What did he post that was wrong?
Tried that before my mom died.
It would have cost me $30,000 a month.
I mean stay home and take care of them. You can get meals on wheels & home health care visits once a week. I know; I did it.

Depends on the situation. My mom needed medical care 24/7.
That's what they tell you; it isn't always necessarily true.
Oh, so people should go ahead and take a chance with their parents.

I understand.
Yeah, Let's just institutionalize them all and not even bother to try to keep them at home. It would be an absolute disaster if the family couldn't afford a 3rd car because of taking care of the grandparents.
It doesn't need to be all or nothing.
If your situation permits you could take care of your parents. If it doesn't permit, you can either pay a ton of money to have a live in nurse or a nursing home.
Jesus. Now people cant pick who they want washing their 90 year old asses
you bedwetters are quit pathetic
Of course they can. They just need to find a place with all white workers. if I make it that long I am going to an all Black one.

I didn't know that they had all black homes..
but even in those homes there will be mean people

I took care of old people for a while... there are good people who fight for and bad people who abuse an old person in a home in every color humans come in.
Elder Abuse

People steal from them, hit them, and gross sexually abuse them.

Yes they have all Black homes. Its true there is good and bad in all homes. My point was should Black people be subject to the demands of racist whites? I see no reason to cater to old racists.
So the black people can't quit? Is this home on a plantation or something? :dunno:
Racial discrimination is illegal in the workplace.

According to the letter of the law, racial discrimination is illegal. But, the Jewish-influenced courts allow discrimination against white individuals with the excuse of achieving equal outcomes.

Without racial discrimination, 90% of black nurses would be without jobs.

Not so.
Like what your ignorant ass says matters.

I gave you links spooky....I expect the same.

Who is spooky?

Incapable of following a thread?

Wrong. I just don't see anyone named spooky here.

You're free to reject whatever you want. But the stigma still remains.

What stigma? The stigma of white trash using the internet to say things they'd never say to a black person face?
I say absolutely not. There is no reason to tolerate these assholes. If they cannot conform to equality they should find an all white facility manned by all white care givers. Looks like the EEOC agrees.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an Indiana nursing home for subjecting its black employees to harassment and honoring the racist preferences of its residents.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the claim was filed Tuesday.

The EEOC charges that Hamilton Pointe nursing home in Evansville, Ind., blocked its black employees from entering the rooms of residents who had expressed a “preference for non-black caregivers.”

Hamilton Pointe is also alleged to have exposed its black workers to harassment based on their race. The EEOC suit says that employees were “called and/or referred to by terms such as ‘******,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘nappy.’” This behavior was apparently condoned by the nursing home."

No, they should close the door if they don’t like the conversation going on in the hall.
I say absolutely not. There is no reason to tolerate these assholes. If they cannot conform to equality they should find an all white facility manned by all white care givers. Looks like the EEOC agrees.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an Indiana nursing home for subjecting its black employees to harassment and honoring the racist preferences of its residents.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the claim was filed Tuesday.

The EEOC charges that Hamilton Pointe nursing home in Evansville, Ind., blocked its black employees from entering the rooms of residents who had expressed a “preference for non-black caregivers.”

Hamilton Pointe is also alleged to have exposed its black workers to harassment based on their race. The EEOC suit says that employees were “called and/or referred to by terms such as ‘******,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘nappy.’” This behavior was apparently condoned by the nursing home."

No, they should close the door if they don’t like the conversation going on in the hall.

No, this type of thing simply should not be allowed.
I say absolutely not. There is no reason to tolerate these assholes. If they cannot conform to equality they should find an all white facility manned by all white care givers. Looks like the EEOC agrees.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an Indiana nursing home for subjecting its black employees to harassment and honoring the racist preferences of its residents.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the claim was filed Tuesday.

The EEOC charges that Hamilton Pointe nursing home in Evansville, Ind., blocked its black employees from entering the rooms of residents who had expressed a “preference for non-black caregivers.”

Hamilton Pointe is also alleged to have exposed its black workers to harassment based on their race. The EEOC suit says that employees were “called and/or referred to by terms such as ‘******,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘nappy.’” This behavior was apparently condoned by the nursing home."

No, they should close the door if they don’t like the conversation going on in the hall.

No, this type of thing simply should not be allowed.

Maybe in whatever state their in. In most of the civilized world or this country anyway. I was a maintenance guy in an old folks home. Their rooms are pretty much considered apartments with medical shit In there. The CNA’s would get pissed about guys watching porn and saying they diddnt want *******, chinks or wet backs touching them, nore any blood from the same given to them. In the end they (the CNA’s) were told to deal with it or quit. Senior citizens rights don’t end at the door. Y’all need to deal with that or whatever.
Tried that before my mom died.
It would have cost me $30,000 a month.
I mean stay home and take care of them. You can get meals on wheels & home health care visits once a week. I know; I did it.

Depends on the situation. My mom needed medical care 24/7.
That's what they tell you; it isn't always necessarily true.
Oh, so people should go ahead and take a chance with their parents.

I understand.
Yeah, Let's just institutionalize them all and not even bother to try to keep them at home. It would be an absolute disaster if the family couldn't afford a 3rd car because of taking care of the grandparents.
You're clearly talking out your ass.
Racial discrimination is illegal in the workplace.

According to the letter of the law, racial discrimination is illegal. But, the Jewish-influenced courts allow discrimination against white individuals with the excuse of achieving equal outcomes.

Without racial discrimination, 90% of black nurses would be without jobs.

Not so.

Racist, lying libtards claim AA isn't a big deal, but you'd have to shoot them in the head to get them to stop supporting discrimination. If it's not a big deal, then end it so I can't say preferences, rather than qualifications, is why most black nurses have jobs.
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Last edited:
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Blacks are the evil ones?
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Blacks are the evil ones?
well the OP is trying to show how whites are evil
I would say laughing at a dying man who is begging for help is evil--maybe you wouldn't
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Blacks are the evil ones?
well the OP is trying to show how whites are evil
I would say laughing at a dying man who is begging for help is evil--maybe you wouldn't

That is 1 incident and does not warrant a comment such as yours. you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Blacks are the evil ones?
well the OP is trying to show how whites are evil
I would say laughing at a dying man who is begging for help is evil--maybe you wouldn't

That is 1 incident and does not warrant a comment such as yours. you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
considering all the BS protests where thousands of blacks show their tremendous hate for whites/etc, I don't want anything to do with blacks
and not just the protests, but there are always blacks in the news just always pissed off at everything white--everything whitey does:
all the PROVEN times blacks have been caught lying about racism or they call racism when a cop says "HI''
cops JUSTIFIABLY shooting a blackman
Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson
threads on this forum
class action suits
whitey keeping the blackman down [ but they graduate at lower levels !!! ] --keeping themselves down
everything is racist---they must dream racism....obsessed with racism
etc etc
black nursing home workers laugh at dying white veteran needing help
Chilling moment nurses LAUGH as WWII vet lies dying and begging for help in his care home bed
so black workers are laughing at a dying old white person BEGGING for help--insead of doing their job ....
but they don't have any humanity it looks like

no wonder they don't want blacks

“In 43 years in nursing, I have never seen such disregard for human life in a healthcare setting, is what I witnessed," she said.

I see threads like this a lot where they portray whites as evil--but the reality is the opposite you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
these threads turn 180 and kick the OP in the a$$
Blacks are the evil ones?
well the OP is trying to show how whites are evil
I would say laughing at a dying man who is begging for help is evil--maybe you wouldn't

That is 1 incident and does not warrant a comment such as yours. you can CLEARLY see in the link--the blacks are the evil ones
blacks want to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
[QUOTEShe also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”][/QUOTE]
‘We Need To Start Killing People
“Burn it!”
“Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, its your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change,” she said.
and the crowd CHEERS
F this F that...tremendous hate

don't try to deny it
a lot of blacks hate whites
I say absolutely not. There is no reason to tolerate these assholes. If they cannot conform to equality they should find an all white facility manned by all white care givers. Looks like the EEOC agrees.

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is suing an Indiana nursing home for subjecting its black employees to harassment and honoring the racist preferences of its residents.

The Indianapolis Star reports that the claim was filed Tuesday.

The EEOC charges that Hamilton Pointe nursing home in Evansville, Ind., blocked its black employees from entering the rooms of residents who had expressed a “preference for non-black caregivers.”

Hamilton Pointe is also alleged to have exposed its black workers to harassment based on their race. The EEOC suit says that employees were “called and/or referred to by terms such as ‘******,’ ‘boy,’ and ‘nappy.’” This behavior was apparently condoned by the nursing home."

No, they should close the door if they don’t like the conversation going on in the hall.

No, this type of thing simply should not be allowed.

Maybe in whatever state their in. In most of the civilized world or this country anyway. I was a maintenance guy in an old folks home. Their rooms are pretty much considered apartments with medical shit In there. The CNA’s would get pissed about guys watching porn and saying they diddnt want *******, chinks or wet backs touching them, nore any blood from the same given to them. In the end they (the CNA’s) were told to deal with it or quit. Senior citizens rights don’t end at the door. Y’all need to deal with that or whatever.

Yeah sure, until you get a black person who says similar things about whites then the whining begins. No, blacks don't have to tolerate that. And if the black workers there consider it a hostile work environment, that facility faces severe problems.

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