Should businesses be taxed at all?

I'm a business. Please, let me get away with paying no taxes.

You would still pay taxes on your personal expenditures such as home property taxes, sales taxes, vechicle license tax, etc, etc, etc. You would not be paying zero taxes. Only your business will.

I just kind of thought that this might be effective on the local or state level as a way to drive investment into a state because I don't know any business owner who likes paying taxes at all. The average person doesn't seem to mind as much as someone who goes into business for themselves. I guess if you are out there risking everything the burden of government seems to add to the anxiety of that risk. It is just my opinion and I acknowledge that this might be unfair to non-business owners but it may have a lot of advantages to the overall economy.
I want to throw this question out there because it just seems that any tax a business pays gets passed onto the consumer. It is just a part of the cost of doing business that the consumer ends up paying for in higher cost to them so why even tax businesses at all if this is true? This wouldn't be to practical on the federal level but on the state or city level it might since it might attract a lot of businesses into that state. The lure of paying absolutely no taxes must be appealing to any business whatsoever so why even tax a business if the outcome can be positive for the local area?

Business should not pay taxes if they hire, pay well, and give good benefits in the US. Our corporate tax deductions should be based on those things. This is how we bring jobs back. If a company wants to pay 0 taxes they need to hire here and take care of their workers, not just the execs.

Generally those things come naturally in a free market.

Not working out so well right now. They need some incentive.
I'm a business. Please, let me get away with paying no taxes.

It's a bear to be an honest business owner. Tell me, do you shop and pay for your own Toilet Paper? Many don't. They take the toilet paper from the business and let's the business take the loss. Some are worse than others. We had a person run for Governor the last time. He showed that he and his wife only took in 18K for the last year. Meanwhile he had 4 houses, rental properties and a whole stable of cars. No, the public didn't buy his income and went with someone else that was either a better liar or a more honest person.
Anyone who believes that business is the friend of consumer or worker can be fooled on anything nine of ten times.

Yes, business should be taxed at a fair rate while given no subsidies or exemptions. None.

Any business in America should have its overseas operations taxed at the same level as here in America, with an offset for the amount the business is taxed by other countries.
I want to throw this question out there because it just seems that any tax a business pays gets passed onto the consumer. It is just a part of the cost of doing business that the consumer ends up paying for in higher cost to them so why even tax businesses at all if this is true? This wouldn't be to practical on the federal level but on the state or city level it might since it might attract a lot of businesses into that state. The lure of paying absolutely no taxes must be appealing to any business whatsoever so why even tax a business if the outcome can be positive for the local area?

Of course businesses should be taxed. But at the rate they are? No way. People wonder why companies have deserted this country as fast as they could - massive regulations (Barack Obama) and un-godly high taxes (Barack Obama).

Lower the tax rate to a reasonable amount, drop 95% of these 214,000 regulations against business in the is country and you will see them begin to return (hopefully).

I agree that the tax rate needs to be changed. While we are at it, we need to close the loopholes where they actually do pay what is needed.

Corporations and the Rich keep finding new ways to get around paying any kind of fair share. Here are some examples.

1. INVERSION. A company decides that it wants to pay ZERO taxes, it sells itself to a business that they purchased in Canada. That doesn't get them off the hook for taxes in either Canada or the US. Next, they open a financial office in the Caymens. The Caymen office loans millions to the US branch of the Company where they have to pay it back. Since the company in the US is now operating at even or a slight loss, they can't be taxed. The money never really changes hands. It finds it's way into a Caymen account. This legal in both the US and Canada.

2. MY ENTIRE LIFE IS TAX DEDUCTABLE. The top level managers spend very little themselves. Almost their entire life is written off by the corporation. This includes any improvements to their homes, their cars, their kids cars, their kids college education, food, even toilet paper. Ever wonder how Romney only paid 12% taxes? Some pay Zero.That new Yaht is paid for by the Company, owned by the Company as an advertising plan. Meanwhile, the CEO enjoys the hell out of it while putting parties for the Politicians that allow them to get away with this.

I think a 15% tax on businesses would be in order and don't allow anything else to get in it's way. You are right, we need to simplify it Anything past the first sentence will be misused.

And go after the CEOs that cheat the system. Start treating them exactly like Al Capone with the same vigour.

Romney's income is all capital gains so the rate was 15% but here's where the numbers get manipulated
There is gross income and adjusted gross income the tax is levied on the AGI not the gross so he paid 15% on the AGI which worked out to be 12% of gross income

Now what percentage of your gross income did you pay in income taxes? I'll bet it was a hell of a lot lower
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

So there is no such thing as a corporate tax? lol, good one.
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

So there is no such thing as a corporate tax? lol, good one.

Just like I thought you don't understand

My corporation does not pay corporate tax
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

I'll go slower, toddler.


11% of federal tax revenue comes from the corporate income tax. If you cut that to zero, you've reduced your revenue by 11%.

Whose taxes will you raise to make up that 11%?
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

So there is no such thing as a corporate tax? lol, good one.

Just like I thought you don't understand

My corporation does not pay corporate tax

Your posts have nothing to do with my posts.
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

I'll go slower, toddler.


11% of federal tax revenue comes from the corporate income tax. If you cut that to zero, you've reduced your revenue by 11%.

Whose taxes will you raise to make up that 11%?

No one's. By the way please show me where I said business shouldn't pay taxes. I am merely pointing to you people who whine that corps don't pay taxes that there are reasons for it that they and you probably don't understand

I would institute a flat tax where everyone including business pay the same rate
I'm a business. Please, let me get away with paying no taxes.

It's a bear to be an honest business owner. Tell me, do you shop and pay for your own Toilet Paper? Many don't. They take the toilet paper from the business and let's the business take the loss. Some are worse than others. We had a person run for Governor the last time. He showed that he and his wife only took in 18K for the last year. Meanwhile he had 4 houses, rental properties and a whole stable of cars. No, the public didn't buy his income and went with someone else that was either a better liar or a more honest person.

We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

I'll go slower, toddler.


11% of federal tax revenue comes from the corporate income tax. If you cut that to zero, you've reduced your revenue by 11%.

Whose taxes will you raise to make up that 11%?

No one's. By the way please show me where I said business shouldn't pay taxes. I am merely pointing to you people who whine that corps don't pay taxes that there are reasons for it that they and you probably don't understand

I would institute a flat tax where everyone including business pay the same rate

So you were trolling with off topic blather. Gee, what a talent.
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

Too bad you people don't understand that the most prevalent business organizations are S corps and LLCs which pay no taxes as all the profit is reported on the shareholders' or members' personal tax returns via the K1

I'll go slower, toddler.


11% of federal tax revenue comes from the corporate income tax. If you cut that to zero, you've reduced your revenue by 11%.

Whose taxes will you raise to make up that 11%?

No one's. By the way please show me where I said business shouldn't pay taxes. I am merely pointing to you people who whine that corps don't pay taxes that there are reasons for it that they and you probably don't understand

I would institute a flat tax where everyone including business pay the same rate

So you were trolling with off topic blather. Gee, what a talent.
It's not off topic

Business should pay income taxes but they should be no different than individual income taxes
And individual income taxes should all be the same rate
Every business in the world calculates the taxes they pay and includes them in the cost of doing business. Do you think they figure that after paying the rent, employees, and others expenses that they don't include their combined taxes in that? They then calculate the price they charge you based on that and it just makes sense that we should remove those expenditures in order to lower the cost of doing business which leads to lower prices they charge everyone else which leads to a lower cost of living for the everyone. It just makes sense to me.
We could cut the business tax to zero,

right after you tell us whose taxes should be raised to make up for the lost revenue resulting from a zero tax on business.

The amount of revenue the government never changes...PERIOD. It is always about 18% of the GDP. That number never changes so I suspect after a temporary drop off it will recuperate so you don't have to worry about your government lord running out of money.
Anyone who believes that business is the friend of consumer or worker can be fooled on anything nine of ten times.

Yes, business should be taxed at a fair rate while given no subsidies or exemptions. None.

Any business in America should have its overseas operations taxed at the same level as here in America, with an offset for the amount the business is taxed by other countries.

Crush the bourgeoisie!

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