Should Casey Anthony Get The Death Penalty?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I think if anyone should get the death should be her.

Her crime was malicious, viscous and unthinkable.

She purposefully set out to kill her only child, a daughter to continue her carefree lifestyle.

They should throw the book at her.

Something tells me they won't.

What say you?
I agree and still holdout the jury will see it right and sentence her to death
I say she hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

If OJ can walk, anyone can walk.

Two COMPLETELY different instances.

Let's say that OJ actually committed the crime, which he didn't, it would have been a crime of passion.

What Casey did was planned, she searched on Google for ways on how to kill and dispose of her daughter.

The evidence is crystal clear to see.

Furthermore, she's a MOTHER...who killed her CHILD.

Get it? A MOTHER. Killing her CHILD!

I guess you support child-abuse and child-killings...yes?
I continue to be disturbed by the fact that men kill babies every single day, and generally get about 2 years for it.

Otherwise, I'm not a proponent of the death penalty.
Sorry, I don't support the death penalty. They should however, if convicted, lock her away till the day she dies.

It cost at least 50,000 per year to keep a prisoner locked up.

She could easily live another 50 or 60 years.

Costing the taxpayer several million dollars to warehouse this slut.

Do you really feel like paying that kind of money?

I say put her out of her misery.

And give the tax players some relief.
The medical examiners testimony was the nails in the coffin. The only thing the defense can hope for is to avoid the DP.


If being in prison sucked, I'd want her to suffer in it until she died.

But since it doesn't


And send her ass to hell for some real justice.
The medical examiners testimony was the nails in the coffin. The only thing the defense can hope for is to avoid the DP.


If being in prison sucked, I'd want her to suffer in it until she died.

But since it doesn't


And send her ass to hell for some real justice.

Prison isn't that bad apparently, I was in the barber shop last week and there was a guy in there who just did a couple years and he said it really wasn't all that bad, you get work detail, you get to use the computer, watch movies, you can buy pretty much anything from the commissary new Air Jordans, magazines, books etc I'm guessing its different if you are only doing a few years but still, it didn't sound like the guy was suffering in there or is scared of going back either.
If the best argument is the cost, it costs more to exhaust appeals in death penalty cases than it does to house death row inmates for life.
The only way the death penalty would be a deterrent, in my opinion, would be that if convicted, they took you right out back and put a bullet in your head.

And that ain't gonna happen.

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