Should Casey Anthony Get The Death Penalty?

Sorry, I don't support the death penalty. They should however, if convicted, lock her away till the day she dies.

I don't want to pay for her stay in prison. Let's just lock her away in your guest bedroom and call it a day.

She might suffer more if you lock her in his bathroom.

Howzabout mailing her to the Taliban as a "comfort" girlie.

Hmmmmmm.......belay that. The slut may enjoy that.
her behavior has nothing to do with her being found i think she did it....o hell i think there is enough to convict? i think it is shakey.....we have only hear one side...the defense is coming thing that will be revealing...does she take the stand? that is her lawyer's worst nightmare.....a compulsive liar on the stand?

even lawyers shun liars

I think you're wrong. We'll just have to see

I agree, I think the prosecution has this. That opening came out of nowhere with the defense accusing George of molesting Casey and also having him discovering the baby's body then attempting to cover it up. Of course it's possible but I'm not seeing that in him.

The prosecution presented the evidence in a way that was clear and believable. I somehow don't see this defense team going into their cocamamie story and getting the jury to believe them.

I'd just love to see her testimony..
I agree, I think the prosecution has this. That opening came out of nowhere with the defense accusing George of molesting Casey and also having him discovering the baby's body then attempting to cover it up. Of course it's possible but I'm not seeing that in him.

The prosecution presented the evidence in a way that was clear and believable. I somehow don't see this defense team going into their cocamamie story and getting the jury to believe them.

I'd just love to see her testimony..

And as to her behavior in those 31 days. Her lies were meant to cover for her guilt and throw her parents off until she could put a plan in place. No remorse, not because she was dead and she was in denial but because she was pretending she was alive.

The only smart thing the defense has done is to admit she is a liar extrardianre. Oh, but then we must beleive her about the drowning :lol:

This morning :

Baez: "Can the jurors raise their hands?"

Judge Perry: "um no" :lol::lol::lol:

Is this your first trial?
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I say she hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

If OJ can walk, anyone can walk.

Two COMPLETELY different instances.

Let's say that OJ actually committed the crime, which he didn't, it would have been a crime of passion.

What Casey did was planned, she searched on Google for ways on how to kill and dispose of her daughter.

The evidence is crystal clear to see.

Furthermore, she's a MOTHER...who killed her CHILD.

Get it? A MOTHER. Killing her CHILD!

I guess you support child-abuse and child-killings...yes?

Either OJ did it, or his son did, because it definitely was a crime of passion, not a drug deal gone wrong. I know some facts about the body and trust me, no drug dealer would have done that. (My brother in law used to work for the justice department)
well i have not watched it all....but my son has.....oddly enough it seems to just suck people in..but it again only takes one juror to buy into the feel compassion for a young woman ...blah blah blah
well i have not watched it all....but my son has.....oddly enough it seems to just suck people in..but it again only takes one juror to buy into the feel compassion for a young woman ...blah blah blah

If we're only working with compassion here, I would hope to God all of the jurors would have more compassion for the dead, murdered little girl, than they would for the one who is accused of said murder.
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I wish for this trial to be over with and hear the verdict. It's nauseating seeing Casey Anthony sit there like she's all miss innocent and shit. She's a real piece of work is she not?? Try and act like she is the victim here. I don't care what anyone says, I'd like to bitch slap her fucking face into next week.
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well i have not watched it all....but my son has.....oddly enough it seems to just suck people in..but it again only takes one juror to buy into the feel compassion for a young woman ...blah blah blah

Which lies?

This bothers me. The jury is supposed to rule on evidence presented not what they think may be hidden in btwn the lines. For example, if you believe she drowned you let her off. But if you believe she was murdered you convict. The defense has not offered any defence other than no murder took place.

On the CA thread all her defenders are basing their judgments on what they "figure" not what they are being fed by the defense. Judge Alex on HLN said that happens all too often.
her behavior has nothing to do with her being found i think she did it....o hell i think there is enough to convict? i think it is shakey.....we have only hear one side...the defense is coming thing that will be revealing...does she take the stand? that is her lawyer's worst nightmare.....a compulsive liar on the stand?

even lawyers shun liars

I think at this point, she has to take the stand, I think she will.
If she does, it will be interesting, will she shed the croc tears playing sad scared Mommy??
The bitch wasn't so scared when she was out on the dance floor and entering the hod bod contests, all of which she did during the 31 days her little girl was missing.
What Mother does that?????
I would be frantic....not only would the police have been called, but I would be out searching for my daughter.....and losing sleep.
Casey Anthony was searching for boyfriends, because she KNEW exactly where her little girl was.

So do you think she should get the death penalty for her heinous crime or no?
Sorry, I don't support the death penalty. They should however, if convicted, lock her away till the day she dies.

It cost at least 50,000 per year to keep a prisoner locked up.

She could easily live another 50 or 60 years.

Costing the taxpayer several million dollars to warehouse this slut.

Do you really feel like paying that kind of money?

I say put her out of her misery.

And give the tax players some relief.

Even when a person is sentenced to death, they do not automatically pass GO and hit the gas chamber or the electric chair or lethal injection. They have appeals and their lawyers will use them. Someone on death row can live 20 or 30 years or longer, and the tax payers are paying all those costs still.
Prisoners on death row have died from natural causes before they were put to death, so the death penalty doesn't mean squat to me...besides, I'm not really for the death penalty, unless it's a really really horrible situation.
And granted, this Casey case is a horrible one, but I would personally like to see her sit and rot in a prison cell for the rest of her life, that will make her suffer, I would think so.
A young girl her age, will have memories of her party days and her sex friends and her dancing, and maybe a time or two, she'll think of her little girl.
She will have no freedom, nothing.....maybe one hour of daylight time??
That would be punishment to me..that sounds like hell to me....BUT, if they give her the death penalty, I will be Ok with that too.
Bottom line, I hope her ass goes to prison.

Never mind my previous question...didn't get to this as yet.
I say she hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

If OJ can walk, anyone can walk.

Two COMPLETELY different instances.

Let's say that OJ actually committed the crime, which he didn't, it would have been a crime of passion.

What Casey did was planned, she searched on Google for ways on how to kill and dispose of her daughter.

The evidence is crystal clear to see.

Furthermore, she's a MOTHER...who killed her CHILD.

Get it? A MOTHER. Killing her CHILD!

I guess you support child-abuse and child-killings...yes?

Either OJ did it, or his son did, because it definitely was a crime of passion, not a drug deal gone wrong. I know some facts about the body and trust me, no drug dealer would have done that. (My brother in law used to work for the justice department)

Sounds anecdotal to me, but whatever you say.

Not being facetious either, he already was acquitted of the crime, which is just fine by me.

I wish for this trial to be over with and hear the verdict. It's nauseating seeing Casey Anthony sit there like she's all miss innocent and shit. She's a real piece of work is she not?? Try and act like she is the victim here. I don't care what anyone says, I'd like to bitch slap her fucking face into next week.

So why are you watching it?

The only information I'm getting on this case is the snippets from the regular programming I already watch and/or listen to.

Why focus in on such evil?
I wish for this trial to be over with and hear the verdict. It's nauseating seeing Casey Anthony sit there like she's all miss innocent and shit. She's a real piece of work is she not?? Try and act like she is the victim here. I don't care what anyone says, I'd like to bitch slap her fucking face into next week.

Dabs please tell us how you really feel and quit mincing words. :cool:
Maybe we can transfer her trial over to Saudi Arabia? this whole matter would be sorted out in a few days and she would be hung.
It's cases like this where sharia law would work out great!!

btw Men are hung. Criminals are hanged. :eusa_angel:

In Muslim countries putting someone to death isn't expensive because they don't let the inmate sit in prison and file appeals for the next 20-30 years, this whole trial would have been over by now in an Islamic court.
well i have not watched it all....but my son has.....oddly enough it seems to just suck people in..but it again only takes one juror to buy into the feel compassion for a young woman ...blah blah blah

If we're only working with compassion here, I would hope to God all of the jurors would have more compassion for the dead, murdered little girl, than they would for the one who is accused of said murder.

True compassion shouldn't be reserved only for certain deserving individuals.

I believe in the justice system and have a deep conviction that people should be held accountable for their crimes...whatever that means in the system in which they answer to. I do believe some people are no redeemable, and I do believe we aren't necessarily beholden to those people to TRY to redeem them or rehab them.

On the other hand, compassion still isn't compassion if you only have compassion for those who have no black marks against them....people who are EASY to have compassion for. We should all hold children dear and support and protect them...but a person who only has pity for child victims is not necessarily a COMPASSIONATE person.

I think Casey Anthony is a narcissist and has issues. I don't think she's sympathetic, and I think she's going to answer on earth and before God for her behavior. But I have no desire to see her tortured. I can handle the death penalty if it is applied..if she gets the death penalty, that is the law and she will have to answer to it. But it doesn't make me happy. Torturing a 30 year old girl with obvious issues really isn't that much better than torture of a 3 year old girl, in the big picture...
It's cases like this where sharia law would work out great!!

btw Men are hung. Criminals are hanged. :eusa_angel:

In Muslim countries putting someone to death isn't expensive because they don't let the inmate sit in prison and file appeals for the next 20-30 years, this whole trial would have been over by now in an Islamic court.

Well, the difference is that in Islamic countries men are allowed to kill their women, particularly their female the courts aren't even burdened by that particular dilemma very often.
Sorry, I don't support the death penalty. They should however, if convicted, lock her away till the day she dies.

It cost at least 50,000 per year to keep a prisoner locked up.

She could easily live another 50 or 60 years.

Costing the taxpayer several million dollars to warehouse this slut.

Do you really feel like paying that kind of money?

I say put her out of her misery.

And give the tax players some relief.

Abolishing the death penalty - the price we pay for a civilized society.


You're a certified LIEberrhoidal Stooge, therefore your opinion has zero credibility.

Death sentences for sociopaths of the Casey or Saddams, etc., should not only be NOT abolished.....but made with a helluva lot less legal restrictions ..............THAT would be civilized.

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