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Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Here's the thing. Churches follow public opinion.

When I was growing up in the 1970's, my cousin moved in with her boyfriend without getting married after she got knocked up. Mostly, I think she wanted to get the hell away from my Aunt. (This would be the Aunt we all suspect today was a Lesbian who pretended to be straight because the Church Said so.)

Well, back in the 1970's, the Church was really, really upset about this kind of thing.

Now, flash foward to the 1990's. One of my Army buddies was about to get married, and during the planning stages someone said to the Priest, "But they're already living together!" The Priest just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'd be more surprised if they weren't."

I don't think I've been at a wedding since where the couples weren't already cohabiting. And you know what, I think this is ACTUALLY a good thing. People find out if they are compatible before they put their parents thousands of dollars into hock.

Societal norms change, and the churches change with them.

I don't believe the pastor shrugged his shoulders because the church moved more in "favor" of the public acceptance of cohabitation, I believe he was acknowledging a society that has moved further an further away from the values of the bible. If, however, the couple getting married were virgins choosing to wait, as well as living apart from each other, I'm sure that would shock him because many just listen to the teachings of the Bible .... very few actually live their lives according to what it says. The priest would then conclude (of those who were living apart) that maybe he wasn't actually wasting a Sunday simply reading words off a page.

A God that drowns babies isn't worthy of anyone's worship?????? THINK!!! HAD THOSE BABIES LIVED THEY WOULD BE IN HELL TODAY. BUT BECAUSE OF GOD'S MERCY THOSE BABIES ARE IN HEAVEN TODAY!!! GOD IS OUTSIDE TIME AND sees all our lives from beginning to end today!!

That's nice and all, but it raises questions.

If GOd is outside time, you know, kind of like Doctor Who, then he already knows what I'm going to do before I do. If he lets me do something horrible, anyway, doesn't that make him more at fault than me, eh?

If a nation already rescinded His invitation to be a part of their lives and included in public venues, why would God go out of His way to intervene and force change to those who don't want it? That is the consequence of man's "free will" to choose to accept or reject. If you refuse a doctor to play a role in looking after your health and offer assistance, don't turn to him after your child has been found with an open artery from an accident and has bled to death.

I don't believe the pastor shrugged his shoulders because the church moved more in "favor" of the public acceptance of cohabitation, I believe he was acknowledging a society that has moved further an further away from the values of the bible. If, however, the couple getting married were virgins choosing to wait, as well as living apart from each other, I'm sure that would shock him because many just listen to the teachings of the Bible .... very few actually live their lives according to what it says. The priest would then conclude (of those who were living apart) that maybe he wasn't actually wasting a Sunday simply reading words off a page.

No, you see, here's the problem.

There are no "values" in the bible. there's a bunch of superstition, misogyny, ignorance, barbarism and stupidity. and the way that Churches survive into the present day is that they don't talk about that shit because someone would throw a net over them like they are crazy people.

People are wisely figuring out that some folks are gay and there's nothing really wrong with that. I know, it's just horrible.
On 2nd thought since I am forced to hear that gay folk are second class citizens and the new ******* it might be keen to force religious kooks to sit through a gay wedding.
Values in the Bible:
Love thy neighbor
Do not Judge
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Crazy shit in the Bible:
Stone homosexuals to death
Too many other things to list
Values in the Bible:
Love thy neighbor
Do not Judge
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Crazy shit in the Bible:
Stone homosexuals to death
Too many other things to list

There is no mention of stoning homosexuals, I believe that was the woman caught in the act of adultery brought before Jesus you are thinking of.

Some more values:

Don't steal
Don't murder
Don't commit adultery
Honor your mother and father
Don't covet what belongs to your neighbor
Love your enemies
Pray for those who despitefully use you
... to name but a few
2300 posts and no evidence whatsoever that gay folks want to force government to mandate a law to force churches to marry gay folk.

Because the premise is pure folly to begin with.
Values in the Bible:
Love thy neighbor
Do not Judge
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Crazy shit in the Bible:
Stone homosexuals to death
Too many other things to list

There is no mention of stoning homosexuals, I believe that was the woman caught in the act of adultery brought before Jesus you are thinking of.

Some more values:

Don't steal
Don't murder
Don't commit adultery
Honor your mother and father
Don't covet what belongs to your neighbor
Love your enemies
Pray for those who despitefully use you
... to name but a few

Leviticus 20:13 says they should be put to death.
Sorry if I said stoning but dead is dead be it however they do it.
The Bible says male gay sex is a capital offense.
Values in the Bible:
Love thy neighbor
Do not Judge
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Crazy shit in the Bible:
Stone homosexuals to death
Too many other things to list

There is no mention of stoning homosexuals, I believe that was the woman caught in the act of adultery brought before Jesus you are thinking of.

Some more values:

Don't steal
Don't murder
Don't commit adultery
Honor your mother and father
Don't covet what belongs to your neighbor
Love your enemies
Pray for those who despitefully use you
... to name but a few

Leviticus 20:13 says they should be put to death.
Sorry if I said stoning but dead is dead be it however they do it.
The Bible says male gay sex is a capital offense.

But the New Testament/Christianity doesn't. Instead, in Jude 1, it says you will burn in hell for eternity for aiding the spread of a homosexual culture; not individual homosexual compulsives. The NT demands the faithful not allow the spread of homosexuality as an approved social value system.
There is no mention of stoning homosexuals, I believe that was the woman caught in the act of adultery brought before Jesus you are thinking of.

Some more values:

Don't steal
Don't murder
Don't commit adultery
Honor your mother and father
Don't covet what belongs to your neighbor
Love your enemies
Pray for those who despitefully use you
... to name but a few

Leviticus 20:13 says they should be put to death.
Sorry if I said stoning but dead is dead be it however they do it.
The Bible says male gay sex is a capital offense.

But the New Testament/Christianity doesn't. Instead, in Jude 1, it says you will burn in hell for eternity for aiding the spread of a homosexual culture; not individual homosexual compulsives. The NT demands the faithful not allow the spread of homosexuality as an approved social value system.

I a straight male with grandkids, married for 39 years.
How am I "aiding the homosexual culture" when I believe gay folks deserve equal rights?
Tell me how homosexuality "spreads".
Homosexuality is same sex attraction and love. People are born with who they are attracted to.
It does not spread like a disease and those that believe that are ignorant.
Leviticus 20:13 says they should be put to death.
Sorry if I said stoning but dead is dead be it however they do it.
The Bible says male gay sex is a capital offense.

But the New Testament/Christianity doesn't. Instead, in Jude 1, it says you will burn in hell for eternity for aiding the spread of a homosexual culture; not individual homosexual compulsives. The NT demands the faithful not allow the spread of homosexuality as an approved social value system.

I a straight male with grandkids, married for 39 years.
How am I "aiding the homosexual culture" when I believe gay folks deserve equal rights?
Tell me how homosexuality "spreads".
Homosexuality is same sex attraction and love. People are born with who they are attracted to.
It does not spread like a disease and those that believe that are ignorant.

No, people are not born attracted to anyone. That is a choice they make later in life.

'Immoral people committing disgusting acts,' that sums up a lot of people, not just those who commit homosexual acts, but also heterosexuals who have sex with different people, and a lot of others.
But the New Testament/Christianity doesn't. Instead, in Jude 1, it says you will burn in hell for eternity for aiding the spread of a homosexual culture; not individual homosexual compulsives. The NT demands the faithful not allow the spread of homosexuality as an approved social value system.

I a straight male with grandkids, married for 39 years.
How am I "aiding the homosexual culture" when I believe gay folks deserve equal rights?
Tell me how homosexuality "spreads".
Homosexuality is same sex attraction and love. People are born with who they are attracted to.
It does not spread like a disease and those that believe that are ignorant.

No, people are not born attracted to anyone. That is a choice they make later in life.

'Immoral people committing disgusting acts,' that sums up a lot of people, not just those who commit homosexual acts, but also heterosexuals who have sex with different people, and a lot of others.
So only the missionary position for you?
Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

We all agree such won't happen.

We agree almost completely that sexuality is not a choice.

Please close the thread. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.
2300 posts and no evidence whatsoever that gay folks want to force government to mandate a law to force churches to marry gay folk.

Because the premise is pure folly to begin with.

Ideas aren't bounded within national borders. What happens elsewhere lends legitimacy to reforms in other places. We saw that with the crazy notion that marriage could be redefined to include two people of the same sex. It started somewhere, scored a success and so was launched elsewhere.

The first legal challenge to the Church of England's ban on same-sex marriage was launched today - months before the first gay wedding can take place.

Gay father Barrie Drewitt-Barlow declared: 'I want to go into my church and marry my husband.' He added: 'The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the Church.'​

FFS, who would have thought that homosexuals would be crazy enough to sue photographers to force them to photograph homosexual "weddings" or crazy enough to sue bakers to force them to bake cakes for homosexual "weddings."

Give it time. There's some crazy homosexual out there and this suing of a church will also come to pass here in the US.
Rikurzhen, the USA is not the UK.

And yet the insane notion of homosexuals marrying others homosexuals took root first in Scandinavia, but somehow found its way over to North America.

Funny huh, how ideas aren't bounded by national borders.

Look at what American liberals are trying to do with their attacks on religion in the employment health insurance debate.

Look at how liberals continually attack human rights by gutting freedom of association rights in employment law.

Homosexuals are suing bakers and photographers who don't want to do business with them and trying to use the force of law to compel these people into associations that they want no part of.

Look, liberals might be evil but they're not completely stupid. They understand that their totalitarian vision has to be implemented in a scaffolded fashion, they have to gnaw away at liberties, piece by piece. In other words, they have to prepare the groundwork so that when they sue to force churches to perform weddings the action becomes the next logical step rather than being seen as a leap too far.

The action kicked off in the UK and it'll be launched here in the US in due course.
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Funny, none of that matter, Rik.

Liberals and cons are not evil, per se,a though both groups have so real turds.

No one is going to make your church, since it does not receive state money, marry gays.

It's OK, son: really.
Liberals and cons are not evil, per se,a though both groups have so real turds.

No, liberals are evil. This can be derived from base principles. Imagine two societies.

In a conservative, meaning non-collectivist, society individuals can do as they please. The liberals within this society can join with other liberals and collectivize. There is nothing stopping them from associating as they please.

In the liberal, meaning collectivist, society, the conservatives who don't want to collectivize are not able to escape from the coercion of forced collectivization. This is an assault on human rights on many levels.

This entire ObamaCare debate is illustrative. There has never been anything which has prevented liberals in America from all banding together and collectivizing their health insurance into one big pool and inviting all poor people to join them but they don't want to exercise voluntary association they want instead to compel everyone, even against their will, to join into a mandatory collective.

That's the face of evil.

No one is going to make your church, since it does not receive state money, marry gays.

And no one is going to sue a baker nor a photographer to service a homosexual "wedding" because bakers and photographers don't receive state money. Oh wait, homosexuals did just that.

You're blowing sunshine up people's skirts with the fairytale that everyone should avoid noticing precedent and simply rely on your assurances. I've seen how homosexuals and liberals advance their totalitarianism and I see no reason which prevents them from continuing their assault on liberty.

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