Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

Under serious attack?


How many Christians in the U.S. have been assaulted just for being Christians?
How many Christians have been fired for being Christian?
How many Christians have been denied marriage because they are Christian?
When was the last campaign to make it illegal for Christians to be teachers in public schools?

Those would be 'serious attacks'- those are all attacks that homosexuals have experienced.

Excuse me if I don't take the crocodile tears of a Christian who feels threatened to seriously just because a baker who happens to be Christian is told that he has to obey the law just like a Jew or a Muslim or an African American or yes- just like a homosexual has to obey the law.

You show me how American Christians are under serious attacks like American homosexuals have actually suffered- then we can talk.
The Christians only want others to respect them, and to accept them in peace while they practice their beliefs just as any other does the same also in the nation. Now where it is that they (the Christians) have acquired land, property, buildings, businesses, homes and etc. it is to them a part of the Gospel or message of what Christ can do, and that all things are possible with him having our backs always Amen.

All they want is for these places in which they dwell, to always represent them or to accept them as a people, and as a peaceful people who mean no harm to anyone. The Christians just want to be respected as to who they are, and as to what they believe in life, that's all.

And you're more than welcome to your beliefs and your free worship. But a religious conviction doesn't exempt you from our laws. We're not a theocracy. Religious belief doesn't trump civil law. Laws aren't being made to single Christians out. These are the same laws that apply to everyone else. You're simply not being given a special exemption.

And in business, many states require that you treat your customers fairly and equally. You can't refuse to serve someone because they're black, for example. No matter what your religious says. Or because they're a woman. Or because they're a Christian. Or because they're your gay. There are minimum codes of conduct for business.

Live in peace. Practice your beliefs. And in business, treat everyone fairly and equally. And you'll get along great here.

However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

What attacks have you been subject to? And have you been following these 'homosexual dillema threads'.....where your fellow Christians have been lauding Putin for his crack down on the free speech of gays. Where gays are called despised, abhorred, abominable, and evil?

Where your fellow Christians are calling for legal prohibition for any gay or lesbian to ever be allowed to have children? Where gays will be subject to a 'war' that will make 'hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch' if they don't 'sit down and shut the fuck up'? With your fellow Christians justifying such violence with the little rhetorical turd that 'Even Jesus went on a rampage'?

Is that the kind of persecution that you're facing? Because I haven't seen it.
No they should not be required to hold any wedding. But they will lose monetary income for the church. But why would a gay couple want to be married At a place that is against them? Kind of defeats the purpose to give money to people who despise you. If the church wants to be retarded then that is their right. They lose money and possibly good people at the church and they lose. It's not like churches are doing good anyway. For all the comments on here you would think all the conservatives go to church but they don't, they talk a big game but churches are drifting off to obscurity. I saw it in the uk all those beautiful
Cathedrals Tiffany glad windows vaulted ceilings and over 300 years old pretty much empty except for tourists and old people.
.. why would a gay couple want to be married At a place that is against them?

Why would a gay couple want to force a christian baker that finds their "union" repugnant and forbidden to his faith to make them a "gay wedding cake"? Why would a gay couple want to force a christian photographer to film a gay wedding that he is forbidden to promote?

Why indeed? I'll offer an answer: to force society to participate in their cult until the cult values replace all religious ones.
.. why would a gay couple want to be married At a place that is against them?

Why would a gay couple want to force a christian baker that finds their "union" repugnant and forbidden to his faith to make them a "gay wedding cake"? Why would a gay couple want to force a christian photographer to film a gay wedding that he is forbidden to promote?

Why indeed? I'll offer an answer: to force society to participate in their cult until the cult values replace all religious ones.
oh give it rest hater! You need a license to get married issued by the state. So your saying only straight people can get a license for marriage? It's in the states hands therefore out of the realm of religious affinity! If they don't want to make them a cake, I will and take their money meanwhile that baker will lose business. Who cares dude live your life to your own damn values and leave everyone to what they hold dear. Hell even pagan people before Christ were married it is not just a Christian entity. So get off your high horse. I don't think your Jesus would want people to hold to such stupid beliefs. He hung out with whores crooks and thieves, you should invite those kind of people into your church it's what Christianity is about...
.. why would a gay couple want to be married At a place that is against them?

Why would a gay couple want to force a christian baker that finds their "union" repugnant and forbidden to his faith to make them a "gay wedding cake"? Why would a gay couple want to force a christian photographer to film a gay wedding that he is forbidden to promote?

Why indeed? I'll offer an answer: to force society to participate in their cult until the cult values replace all religious ones.

Why are you calling Christianity a cult?
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual, putting words in other people's mouths to prove your strawman..

Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". One has clear legal leverage (so they think) over the other currently. One does not. The more aggressive group is the cult. The more passive one is the religion.

Cults have as their hallmark above all other things that differentiate themselves from religion: aggression.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

Under serious attack?


How many Christians in the U.S. have been assaulted just for being Christians?
How many Christians have been fired for being Christian?
How many Christians have been denied marriage because they are Christian?
When was the last campaign to make it illegal for Christians to be teachers in public schools?

Those would be 'serious attacks'- those are all attacks that homosexuals have experienced.

Excuse me if I don't take the crocodile tears of a Christian who feels threatened to seriously just because a baker who happens to be Christian is told that he has to obey the law just like a Jew or a Muslim or an African American or yes- just like a homosexual has to obey the law.

You show me how American Christians are under serious attacks like American homosexuals have actually suffered- then we can talk.
Their under serious or a series of attacks these days and/or right now is what I meant to say. It is proven, and no they haven't been attacked much as you stated above in the past when looking back now in America, but do you know why that is ? It was because there was and is no need to attack them right ? However when they were attacked in those instances when they were attacked, it always amounted to a very small percentage of the population doing so against them, and then they were doing so in very clever ways of course, by petitioning the government for it's help to soon disperse their so called enemy. This is when they lost ground in those attacks each time, and therefore it has set the stage for the battles that we all are seeing happening right now in America.

Everything is changing super fast now, and you know what, I think you know it to be true don't you ? The attacks will increase, and especially when you have an administration like you have now, whom one of them has claimed himself to be a Christian, but yet he has done everything that a Christian wouldn't do when calling themselves a Christian.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual, putting words in other people's mouths to prove your strawman..

Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". One has clear legal leverage (so they think) over the other currently. One does not. The more aggressive group is the cult. The more passive one is the religion.

Cults have as their hallmark above all other things that differentiate themselves from religion: aggression.
boo hoo if a "gay"wedding is held in your church.....your church gets money which your church can use to pay the electric bills buy food for the homeless and help with all the functions your church does....or money to spread more hate about gays....I know terrible isn't it.
However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

Under serious attack?


How many Christians in the U.S. have been assaulted just for being Christians?
How many Christians have been fired for being Christian?
How many Christians have been denied marriage because they are Christian?
When was the last campaign to make it illegal for Christians to be teachers in public schools?

Those would be 'serious attacks'- those are all attacks that homosexuals have experienced.

Excuse me if I don't take the crocodile tears of a Christian who feels threatened to seriously just because a baker who happens to be Christian is told that he has to obey the law just like a Jew or a Muslim or an African American or yes- just like a homosexual has to obey the law.

You show me how American Christians are under serious attacks like American homosexuals have actually suffered- then we can talk.
Their under serious or a series of attacks these days and/or right now is what I meant to say. It is proven,

Then prove it. Should be simple for you if 'it is proven'.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?
Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". .

Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.
.. why would a gay couple want to be married At a place that is against them?

Why would a gay couple want to force a christian baker that finds their "union" repugnant and forbidden to his faith to make them a "gay wedding cake"? Why would a gay couple want to force a christian photographer to film a gay wedding that he is forbidden to promote?

Why indeed? I'll offer an answer: to force society to participate in their cult until the cult values replace all religious ones.

Religion is exclusive by nature. Business isn't. And if you're going to conduct business with the public, its reasonable that you meet minimum codes of conduct with your customers: namely, treating them fairly and equally.
However, this hasn't been happening for them as of late, and it is getting more and more one sided everyday, The Chrstians have been under some serious attacks for quite along time now in the world, and also within this nation. It needs to stop is what I say about it all, but it won't until certain groups render them faithless and helpless if they have anything to say or do about it anymore.

Under serious attack?


How many Christians in the U.S. have been assaulted just for being Christians?
How many Christians have been fired for being Christian?
How many Christians have been denied marriage because they are Christian?
When was the last campaign to make it illegal for Christians to be teachers in public schools?

Those would be 'serious attacks'- those are all attacks that homosexuals have experienced.

Excuse me if I don't take the crocodile tears of a Christian who feels threatened to seriously just because a baker who happens to be Christian is told that he has to obey the law just like a Jew or a Muslim or an African American or yes- just like a homosexual has to obey the law.

You show me how American Christians are under serious attacks like American homosexuals have actually suffered- then we can talk.
Their under serious or a series of attacks these days and/or right now is what I meant to say. It is proven, and no they haven't been attacked much as you stated above in the past when looking back now in America, but do you know why that is ? It was because there was and is no need to attack them right ? However when they were attacked in those instances when they were attacked, it always amounted to a very small percentage of the population doing so against them, and then they were doing so in very clever ways of course, by petitioning the government for it's help to soon disperse their so called enemy. This is when they lost ground in those attacks each time, and therefore it has set the stage for the battles that we all are seeing happening right now in America.

Everything is changing super fast now, and you know what, I think you know it to be true don't you ? The attacks will increase, and especially when you have an administration like you have now, whom one of them has claimed himself to be a Christian, but yet he has done everything that a Christian wouldn't do when calling themselves a Christian.

Look I have my issues with obama but this is just wrong. Obama has done everything a good Christian should do. Offer the olive branch to historic enemies, try to stop wars, anger Israel, turn the other cheek. Try to help the uninsured... What is your definition of a good Christian?
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

A religion is within the heart of a man, not a building or some abstract concept as "a church". A congregation within a religion is simply an aggregate of religious men/women. The religion is within the individual.

And since you and your pals bled off another page I'll repeat what I answered to you before:

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual, putting words in other people's mouths to prove your strawman..
Christians are not forcing gays to attend church. But gays are forcing christians legally to "attend gay" when they force christians to participate in "gay weddings". One has clear legal leverage (so they think) over the other currently. One does not. The more aggressive group is the cult. The more passive one is the religion.
Cults have as their hallmark above all other things that differentiate themselves from religion: aggression.
, whom one of them has claimed himself to be a Christian, but yet he has done everything that a Christian wouldn't do when calling themselves a Christian.

Well this is entirely off topic- but feel free to explain that one also. This often comes up with the wingnuts who claim Obama is a Sekrit Mooslim so I have discussed before.

What do we know that President Obama has done?
Well his daughters are baptized.
He was married in a Christian Church.
He speaks openly of his Christian faith.

What wouldn't a Christian do?

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely.19 Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’h

Which of those do you think that Obama has done? The only one I can see an argument for is lying- but then again he is a politician- and I challenge you to find any politician- Christian or otherwise- who it can't be argued that they have lied.
Not one Christian is being forced to participate in a gay wedding.

Not one.

Now business's are obligated to follow the law- but if they have religious objections to complying with the law- then they can change their business- by for instance- no longer making wedding cakes.

YOU are calling christianity a cult n.

I never called Christianity a cult- I asked why you were calling Christianity a cult. Since you now claim that Christianity is a cult, we are left with your delusional claims that homosexuals are a cult.

But like I said- you are delusional- I was just trying to figure out what you were delusional about this time.
Religion is exclusive by nature. Business isn't. And if you're going to conduct business with the public, its reasonable that you meet minimum codes of conduct with your customers: namely, treating them fairly and equally.
Freedom of religion trumps freedom of cult. See my last post for the differences. #6195

Since gay lifestyles are not a racial issue and people like Anne Heche prove they are transitory, a lifestyle may not dictate over the 1st Amendment.
Why are you calling Christianity a cult?

YOU are calling christianity a cult and as usual,.

You were the one mentioning a cult- and the only group that you could be referring to would be Christianity, since in your post it was the only religious group.

: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous
Where did you get that definition ? It is a wrong definition in my opinion, where as it should only say group and not say religious at all. A cult can exist amongst any group as a splinter off of a group when it formed, otherwise it would be the extremist part of a group sometimes, and would have cult like powers to persuade others to join that part of it or to create a whole new group all together. It usually is a wing of a group that has also organized itself into a group, and it then elects a new leader either in secret or openly in which leads the people ultimately in the group in a cult like manor.

The followers and their leaders by their own cult like actions, should always alert us of such a group that is new and forming into a cult or has formed into a cult , where as before it may not have been that way at all. A cult is many times a splintered group who has decided to go off on it's own way of thinking and organizing into something either new or recreated into something it wants from the crumbs of another.

It's actions are always never represented nor are they anywhere near to the actions and beliefs that are held by the original ideals of the parent group in which it may have spawned from, but people will still try and tie them somehow to the parent group if they can form one or make a connection somehow to it, and especially so if they have their own agenda in which is to try and destroy all the groups as one or as being together by way of the actions committed by a possible splinter group or even because of one group being similar to another in order for them to somehow make the leap. They do this even when there is no way that they can be connected, but they will try and connect them anyway. The group usually is an outcast or has been ousted by the parent group once found out everything it needed to know about the situation, The newly formed alliance and group who is operating as a cult will be called a cult, and this is because of the influence it has on it's members or believers who have joined or transferred over.
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